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Cyber Acoustics IC-1000BK iPad case stand review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Apple, Handhelds, Product Reviews,

The interesting thing about the iPad is that so many people use it in so many different ways, that there are a myriad of different case designs available. For us, we like a case that doubles as both a low stand for typing, and an upright stand for viewing video content. That’s why we generally liked the Apple iPad Case (see our Apple iPad Case video review) that the company released alongside their tablet. The folks over at Cyber Acoustics thought they could improve upon Apple’s take on the case stand with their iCover Leather iPad Cover/Case (IC-1000BK) accessory. It’s leather for starters, which is a nice touch, but is it worth it? Our thoughts after the break.
Click to continue reading Cyber Acoustics IC-1000BK iPad case stand review
iPhone hacker comex publishes JailbreakMe exploit code

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Mods / Hacks, Software,

So you know that JailbreakMe site that let’s you jailbreak your iOS device? Well, Apple published an iPhone and iPad update today to plug that hole, and right after, iPhone hacker “comex” published the source code of the JailbreakMe site. Why is this relevant? Well, now any would-be evildoer has access to that exploit and can thusly infect any pre-iOS 4.0.2 device using the same exploit. So you have two options here if you want to stay safe. You can update to 4.0.2, or if you want to stay jailbroken, download the PDF Warning tool. One interesting thing in all this is that if you are running the original iPhone or iPod touch, Apple doesn’t have a fix for you. So you are essentially stuck with a vulnerable device unless you jailbreak it. How’s that for backwards?
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Apple releases iOS 4.0.2, fixes PDF exploit

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Mods / Hacks, Software,

Following up on their promise to quickly plug the gaping hole in MobileSafari that allowed a PDF exploit to jailbreak your iPhone using the JailbreakMe website, Apple has just released iOS 4.0.2 for the iPhone, and 3.2.2 for the iPad. There don’t seem to be any other changes other than plugging that hole, and remember, if you are already jailbroken and want to stay that way, hold off on updating. To anyone else, go for it—the update awaits.
Win a copy of Bartleby’s Book of Buttons for iPad

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Apple, Features, Handhelds, Software,

We’ve covered Bartleby’s Book of Buttons a few times here on the site, mostly because we think it’s a great app that has a lot of potential to set the stage for some truly interactive storytelling on the iPad and other gesture-based devices. Okay, enough of all that future talk, let’s talk about what we’ve got going on today. We will be giving away two copies of Bartleby’s Book of Buttons Vol. 1: The Far Away Land for iPad at the end of the day to two randomly chosen entrants.
Here’s how to enter:
- Follow the Gear Live Twitter account
- On Twitter, post this tweet about our contest: “Hey @gearlive hook me up with Bartleby for iPad!” (Click here to tweet this now)
That’s it! We’ll announce two winners later on, and get them download codes that’ll score you Bartleby from iTunes at no cost. You can check out our Bartleby photo gallery and our Bartleby video interview with Monster Costume for more - and you can also check it out on the App Store.
Bleeding Edge TV 359: Bartleby’s Book of Buttons Vol. 1

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Apple, Features, Handhelds, Podcasts, Software, Videocasts, Videos,
We visit the Monster Costume offices to get a look at their awesome new iPad app, Bartleby’s Book of Buttons Vol. 1: The Far Away Land. Aimed at children and parents, Bartleby is a new take on what a book can be when you have the power of the iPad and its multitouch screen at your disposal. Rather than focusing on pages, the book focuses on interaction with the story, character, and elements.
We also chat about the potential future of interactive books in general, and where Monster Costume sees that they can take their publishing platform in the future.
Weekend Reading: Comic Con International, iPads, and Zeroids

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Movies, Television,
Welcome to the first post-San Diego version of Weekend Reading. I’m not linking to any convention reports because, well, other people do a much better job of tracking them all down. However, I will link to this. Mark Evanier does a much better job than I ever could of explaining how the Hollywood invasion of Comic Con International is not only necessary but welcome.
Spurgeon V. Field: There are many reasons why Tom Spurgeon won the Eisner this year at San Diego. This is one of the reasons why he should win it next year, too.
iPad: If you’re thinking of getting one, Beau Smith can make that decision easier for you.
Up, Up, And Away He Goes: James Bond and Superman screenwriter Tom Mankiewicz has passed away. Says The Guardian‘s classy obit: “In 1977 the director Richard Donner recruited Mankiewicz to work on the script of Superman, for which he received the credit of creative consultant, a fancy name for script doctor.”
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Comic Con International, iPads, and Zeroids
Apple readying Facetime-capable iPad mini?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Rumors,

Our pals over at iLounge have gotten a few iPad-related tibdits from one of their sources, and we thought it was interesting enough to pass on. They are hearing that, in conjunction with the regular September ipod event that Apple conducts each year, that the company may announce a smaller version of the iPad. They say it’ll have a 7-inch display, making the screen closer to that of the Amazon Kindle (Amazon released a new Kindle last week.) We’ve also been hearing that a smaller iPad was on the horizon, but we didn’t hear anything about a date. Other sources are claiming that the next iPad will definitely ship with a front-facing camera as well, turning them into Facetime devices (the next iPod touch will likely include similar functionality.) Even if it doesn’t happen in September, we fully expect to see a smaller iPad by January.
If Apple wants Facetime to catch on, they definitely need to get it into more devices than just the iPhone 4, and this would be a good way to accomplish that. A smaller iPad with increased functionality launching so soon after the original could result in buyers remorse for some, but it’s not like Apple hasn’t made similar moves in the past, especially with the iPod a few years ago.
Read More | iLounge
How to jailbreak your iOS 4 devices

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Mods / Hacks,

We know that ever since iOS 4 hit the scene, many users have been clamoring for a jailbreak release so they can install hacks and apps that Apple won’t approve, or frowns upon. Well, that time has come, as an iOS 4 jailbreak has arrived—and it’s super-simple. To do the deed, just head on over to You’ll see the image above. All you need to do is swipe, and the jailbreak process will begin, directly on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. After a couple of minutes, the process will be complete. Couldn’t be easier!
Ballmer unhappy with iPad sales figures, says Windows slates are job one

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Handhelds, Microsoft,
Microsoft is frustrated by the success of Apple’s iPad. Well, who wouldn’t be if you were once the greatest thing to ever happen to computer technology? Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer let the world know that he is quite jealous of the iPad’s success in the market, quoted as saying that the iPad sold “certainly more [units] than I’d like them to have sold.”
This open admission of envy doesn’t come without a back up plan however, as Ballmer unseals his lips just enough to mention a future Microsoft tablet in the works. The only other tidbit of info he let slip was that “the operating system is called Windows.” That’s a no brainer.
Whether or not Microsoft’s Windows 7 tablet will be able to capitalize on the iPad’s success and beat it at it’s own game is unclear at this point, but Ballmer has high hopes. “It is job one urgency. No one is sleeping at the switch,” states Ballmer in reference to the Microsoft tablet. Expect this Windows 7 based tablet to hit the market in time for the holiday sales rush.
Read More | Cnet via The Next Web
Bleeding Edge TV 357: Sonos Controller for iPad at GDGT Seattle event

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Accessories, Apple, Features, Handhelds, Podcasts, Software, Videocasts, Videos,
The crew from GDGT rolled into town a couple of days ago, and our pals from Sonos were there to show off their upcoming Sonos Controller for iPad remote control app. We talk with Sonos rep Thomas Meyer about what makes their iPad app special and unique, and show the differences between it and the smaller Sonos Controller for iPhone. We definitely can’t wait to see this one hit the App Store, which they say will happen before the end of the year.
To use the Sonos Controller for iPad, you’ll need at least one Sonos zone. We love the product, and if you wanna get started enjoying the world of Sonos, might we recommend the Sonos S5?