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Video Flashback: iPad Gets Early Reference in Felicity Episode

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, WB, Video,

Maybe there’s a reason why was destined to direct sci-fi features like Star Trek.

Back in 1999, one of Abrams’ television programs, Felicity, referenced an object that was still 10+ years in the making: the .

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iPhone OS 3.2 beta 3 SDK released

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

iPhone OS 3.2 Beta 3

Hey, all you and potential developers out there, you may want to hit up that Apple Developer Portal, seeing as they’ve just released beta 3 of the iPhone 3.2 OS SDK. We are hearing that one key addition is an easy way to update current iPhone apps to “include the necessary files to support” iPad right out of the gate. Fancy.

Apple over-the-air 3G download cap increased to 20MB

Just a quick update as it pertains to downloading iTunes and App Store content on your iPhone. If you are connected via cell connection (meaning, you aren’t connected to Wi-Fi,) you can now download content that’s up to 20MB in size over the air. Previously, the downloads were capped to apps that were 10MB or less, and iTunes content 12MB or less. With the looming on the horizon, it looks like Apple is pre-emptively preparing for apps that are larger in file size that users would want to download to their tablets while connected to 3G. The changes have taken effect so far in in the US, Germany, and Canada.

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Hulu coming to the iPad?

Hulu iPadWhen Apple introduced the world to the original iPhone, YouTube wasn’t part of the equation, but in the weeks leading up to launch, Steve Jobs revealed that YouTube would in fact have a dedicated app built right in to the iPhone and that the company had started the task of re-encoding their videos to H.264 format, which plays nice with the device. Fast-forward to today, and we are hearing similar rumblings as it pertains to Hulu and the .

The biggest complaint we are hearing about the iPad is that it lacks Flash support, which means that a device that seems to be perfect for watching videos on Hulu, has no way to actually accomplish that task. However, it seems that Hulu is already hard at work on an iPad-compatable version of the site. Now, we don’t know if this is actually going to be a Hulu app, similar to what YouTube has on the iPhone, or if Hulu is simply switching up it’s Flash player and adding support for HTML5. The nice thing here is that Hulu has been using H.264 compression in their videos since the beginning, so the only real change that needs to be made to be iPad-compatable is to allow videos to be played outside of the Flash player, and HTML5 solves that perfectly.

At this point, we wouldn’t be surprised if a week or two prior to the launch of the iPad, Apple let’s us know that USA-based iPads will ship with Hulu supported from day one.

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iPad bezel has spot for a camera

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Cameras, Handhelds, Rumors,

iPad Camera

Looks like those of you who were sure that the would have a camera were almost right. If the iPad internal bezel component is anything to go buy, it looks like Apple decided late in the game to not include a camera in their soon-to-be-released tablet - that, or they were keeping their options open. In the image above, you see the iPad bezel at the top, and a bezel for a unibody MacBook at the bottom. In the middle is the camera that slips into the MacBook frame, and as you can see, it fits perfectly into the iPad frame as well. I guess this means we can hold out hope for a camera in iPad version 2?

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How awesome is the iPad?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Videos,

In case you didn’t watch that introduction keynote, someone’s gone through the trouble of condensing the entire 93-minute event event into 180 seconds. It does a great job at explaining what Steve Jobs and company think of their latest creation. Check out the iPad announcement video above to see what me mean.

A little excessive?

Weekend Reading: Plastic Man, iPads, Clowns, Jack Kirby & Top Cat

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

Steve JobsIs everyone ready to read Bluewater’s J.D. Salinger comic book on the iPad? Now that’s a game-changer I can believe in! Let’s see what I’ve got on my desktop this week:

Apple’s iPad: Apparently Apple changed the game with some kind of game changer that’s supposed to be the Jesus of print that’ll save newspapers from their own stupidity and ineptitude and also change the way we read comics and make a BLT just the way I like it and find me a room at Comic Con International. Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter coalesces his thoughts on the matter. Me? I’m waiting for the iPad with wings.

Plastic Man: There are other places that are dropping it, but my favorite is over at John Kricfalusi’s blog. He’s imbedded the 10-minute Plastic Man pilot that was created by Tom Kenny (the voice of Spongebob) and Stephen DeStefano (simply one of the great modern cartoonists, and co-creator/artist of the much-beloved ‘Mazing Man). Says John: “It’s a real cartoon and you can tell the creators like the audience. It sure stands out from most of what’s out there.” Go check it out.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Plastic Man, iPads, Clowns, Jack Kirby & Top Cat

iPad: What it means for Apple and gaming

iPad AsphaltYesterday, many rumors were put to rest with the release of the Apple iPad. People were excited, joyful, angry, disappointed, or just plain indifferent. Whatever you stance, you had some kind of reaction to Apple’s announcement of the iPad. Is it a giant iPhone? A female hygiene product? A cool netbook replacement? That’s for you to decide.

Whatever iPad really is, and regardless of what it’s competing against, one thing is clear–Apple wants to make a dent in the gaming industry.  Developers and publishers were present at yesterday’s conference, including Gameloft and Electronic Arts (EA,) to show off their games running on the iPad, including a full-screen version of Need for Speed. EA made its presence clear, by announcing during the presentation they are to support the iPad platform with future titles built specifically for the device. This should come as no surprise to most, as EA has been a huge supporter of the and iPod touch as a gaming platform.

Click to continue reading iPad: What it means for Apple and gaming

AT&T providing iPad 3G service without contracts

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Wireless / WiFi,

iPad AT&T pricing

If you’re considering picking up an Apple when they launch a couple of months from now and you plan on taking it on the go, you’ll want to know about the extra fees you’ll incur if you choose to go the with AT&T-provided 3G access plans. First, though, your 3G iPad will cost $130 more than the Wi-Fi-only version. Once you get it, you’ve got two options with AT&T:

  • $29.99 per month unlimited data plan
  • $14.99 per month for 250MB of monthly data

It’s a good deal for monthly 3G access, especially when you consider the fact that both plans are pre-paid month-to-month plans that don’t require any sort of contract. The other benefit that you get from picking up a 3G iPad model is assisted GPS, which the Wi-Fi-only iPad lacks.

VIDEO: MADtv’s Early Version of the iPad

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Late Night, FOX, Video,

Although Apple’s iPad was formally introduced today, the technological gadget has actually been around for a while.

Check out this old sketch from .

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