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Marvel Comics iPad app video demo

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Books, iPad Apps, Videos, Free Apps,

One of the more exciting apps that shows off what may be the future of literature and reading is the Marvel Comics app. Setting aside the whole problem where you can’t share the comics, and can’t sell or give away the old comics you’ve purchased and build community around it, we must say, it looks pretty slick. If you are a fan of Marvel, this will obviously be an app you’ll want to add to your iPad. The app is essentially a no-cost storefront that let’s you preview and purchase comics to read.


Modern Family Creator Denies iPad Product Placement

If you flipped the channel to last night, you might have momentarily thought you were watching an infomercial for the iPad. But despite what most of us have guessed, Apple did not ask to be on the program—nor did they pay to be included.

Click to continue reading Modern Family Creator Denies iPad Product Placement

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Netflix Streaming iPad app now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Entertainment, iPad Apps, Free Apps,

Netflix iPad

For anyone concerned about a lack of killer apps on the that would differentiate it from the iPhone or oPod touch, we bring you news that the Netflix iPad app is now available for download for free from the App Store, and it includes Instant Streaming. That’s right, if you’ve got your iPad connected to a Wi-Fi network, you can use it to watch the entire catalogue of Netflix Watch Instantly movies and TV shows, right on your iPad. In addition, you can add movies to your queue, rearrange things, and everything else you’d expect to do with your Netflix membership.

Of course, none of this will work unless you are a Netflix member, but if you are, you can start enjoying the 20,000+ titles available on the service right from your iPad on Saturday. Oh, and for the record, the app currently works only on the iPad - there is no Netflix app available yet for the iPhone or iPod touch.

Read More | Netflix iPad app

Wormhole Remote iPad review

We’re getting really excited about the upcoming release of Apple’s this weekend, mainly because of the amazing apps we’ve been seeing. We managed to get our hands on a preview copy of Wormhole Remote, a remote access app by Nate True, friend of Gear Live. Wormhole Remote is designed to let you get up from your Mac desktop (or notebook) and use your iPad to control it remotely while you’re lounging on the couch.  Check out Wormhole Remote’s promo video as well as an exclusive walk-through of the app after the jump.

Click to continue reading Wormhole Remote iPad review


Most annoying iPad unboxing in the world

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds,

Check out the video above if you want a look at the unboxing experience. We hope you can sit through it without hoping to shoot yourself in the face, but muting the video might help in that regard. Seriously, if you are gonna unbox a product, at least try not to get in the way of the whole experience, right?

Apple retail stores selling reserved iPads at 9 am this Saturday

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds,

iPad In-Store Pickup

Hey, are you one of those future owners who decided to do an in-store reservation rather than relying on FedEx to get your new bundle of joy to you on day one? If so, here’s the scoop on how things will go down at your local Apple Store this Saturday, when the iPad will finally be unleashed. On April 3, Apple Stores will open at 9:00 am, at which time anyone standing in line with an iPad reservation will get to walk in and pay for their device. Apple will hold all iPads in stock for reservations until 3:00 pm that same day. After 3:00, all iPads that are left are fair game, and anyone can walk in and buy one, until they are all gone. So if you reserved and hoped to get one right away, make sure your calendar is clear this Saturday morning or afternoon, mmkay?

iTunes 9.1 now available with iPad and iBooks goodness

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

iTunes 9.1

has just unleashed iTunes 9.1 into the wild, and with it comes the ability to sync your , as well as the ability to start managing ebooks. Interestingly enough, it looks like the iBooks store will only be accessible on the iPad itself, and not within iTunes, if we are understanding this correctly:

  • Sync with iPad to enjoy your favorite music, movies, TV shows, books and more on the go
  • Organize and sync books you’ve downloaded from iBooks on iPad or added to your iTunes library
  • Rename, rearrange, or remove Genius Mixes

Remember, iTunes does support DRM-free ePub ebooks also, so if you have any, feel free to add them to your iTunes library after installing 9.1!

Seton Hill University to give iPads to all full-time students

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds,

Seton Hall University iPads

Looks like Apple’s hopes that colleges and universities around the country will adopt the as an educational tool may be coming to fruition. Seton Hill University, based in Greenburg, Pennsylvania, has just made it public knowledge that they will be giving all full-time students an iPad, starting with the next upcoming fall semester. Other schools have tried this with the , but in our opinion, the slowness of the Kindle screen refresh kind of killed that one. We don’t know that the iPad will fare much better, but it certainly has a better shot at success.

Read More | Seton Hill University via TUAW

CNN covers iPad and Kindle book publisher deals

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Handhelds,

A quick clip from CNN as they go over the upcoming launch of the , and the fact that Apple has just made deals with publishers Perseus and Workman to distribute books on the iPad. They also look at the pressure that Amazon is feeling as it pertains to the Kindle, as publishers want Amazon to mimic the Apple agreement method of selling eBooks.

You can pre-order an iPad now.

Amazon Kindle app for iPad

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Books, Free Apps,

Kindle iPad app

Just like the Barnes & Noble iPad app that we talked about previously, an Amazon Kindle app that is specifically made and formatted for the is also on the way. The folks over at the New York Times were able to get a look at it, and it sounds fairly similar to what we saw from Apple with their iBooks app. You can control the speed of a page turn with your finger, and it has a couple of new ways for people to view their entire eBook library. One of those, above, shows books covers with a background of someone reading a book under a tree. The position of the sun in the background changes depending on the time of day, which is fairly cool.

We find the whole things with both B&N and Amazon rushing to get their eBook reader apps ready for the iPad to be very interesting. In a nutshell, the iPad is now the only mobile device that will let you read eBooks purchased from Apple, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble. All the other devices are tied to one store. Between the eBook stores, and apps like Instapaper, the iPad is prepped to be the most feature-rich eBook reader on the planet, and that doesn’t even take any of its other features into account.

Read More | NYT
