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Google Launches Co-Op Search Engine Service

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Advertising, Design, Revenue,

Google Co-OpNow this is good news for those of you who run websites - Google has just launched Google Co-Op. The goal of Google Co-Op is to allow a user to create and integrate a customized version of the Google search engine into their website. You are able to specify which sites you want your Co-Op site to search, which means results will be displayed only for those sites you choose.

Aside from choosing which site(s) you want to include, you also have the choice of customizing the look and feel of the results page, how content in the results should be prioritized, and even if others can contribute as well.

It appears, however, that the home run here is that Google Co-Op gives the options of displaying your AdSense ads in the sidebar, providing the possibility of increased revenue. If you make a large portion of your income from Google AdSense, this becomes a no-brainer. Not only can you incorporate your AdSense into search results, but you can also ditch your current site search tool, as Google will likely do a better job.

Read More | Google Co-Op


Google Co-Op Goes Live

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Google, Internet,

Google Co-OpNow this is good news for those of you who run websites - Google has just launched Google Co-Op. The goal of Google Co-Op is to allow a user to create and integrate a customized version of the Google search engine into their website. You are able to specify which sites you want your Co-Op site to search, which means results will be displayed only for those sites you choose.

Aside from choosing which site(s) you want to include, you also have the choice of customizing the look and feel of the results page, how content in the results should be prioritized, and even if others can contribute as well.

It appears, however, that the home run here is that Google Co-Op gives the options of displaying your AdSense ads in the sidebar, providing the possibility of increased revenue. We don’t know about you, but extra money in our pockets during this time of year is more than acceptable to us.

Read More | Google Co-Op via Venturus

Mind Camp 3.0 Diamond Sponsor: Google

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Sponsors, Announcements,


We are happy to announce that Google has stepped in as a Mind Camp 3.0


Diamond Sponsor, taking care of dinner for the event. We know that you already know - but it needs to be said:

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

As a first step to fulfilling that mission, Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new approach to online search that took root in a Stanford University dorm room and quickly spread to information seekers around the globe. Google is now widely recognized as the world’s largest search engine—an easy-to-use free service that usually returns relevant results in a fraction of a second.

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Last Chance to Enter Google Code Jam 2006

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Google, Internet, PC / Laptop,


Can you beat 16,000 other competitors with your programming skills? Today is your last chance to enter the global Google Code Jam 2006 (registration closes 9:00 am tomorrow morning). The top 100 finalists get an all expense paid trip to the NYC engineering office and will compete in the October finals. Win that and you get $10,000 and “bragging rights”. So why are you still reading this?

Read More | Google Code Jam via GoogleBlog

Google Book Search Allows You To Download Novels

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Google, Internet,

Google Book SearchIs there no end to Googlemania? Google Book Search service allows free downloading and printing of classic novels, as well as many obscure books that are in public domain. You can download them to PDF for reading at your leisure, or print them for instantaneous gratification. Formerly, this service only allowed access to out-of copy books online.

Book Search is part of Google’s Books Library Project, which digitizes books from major libraries and is partnered with the University of Michigan, Harvard University, Stanford University, Oxford University, the University of California and the New York Public Library. Way to go Google! Even we will use this service and think that the keyword generated text ads we have to put up with are worth the price (or in this case, “non-price”).

Read More | Google Book Search

Google Image Labeler

googlelogo“Welcome to Google Image Labeler, a new feature of Google Image Search that allows you to label random images to help improve the quality of Google’s image search results.”

This is Google’s latest feeble attempt at making all of life googlable. It’s a rather silly game where you and an Internet bud are shown the same set of images at the same time and are asked to come up with as many labels as you can in 90”. When your label matches his/her label you move on to the next one until time runs out. If that isn’t foolish enough for you, you can collect brownie points for each session that you play and even visit the original sources of the images.

Read More | Google Image Labeler

Google and eBay to Connect Users, Merchants, and Advertisers Globally

ebay google Google Inc. and eBay Inc. announced today that they have reached an agreement to benefit users, merchants, and advertisers over our entire planet. Google will begin to place ads on eBay and will become the exclusive provider of text ads outside of the US.
They will also launch “click-to-call” advertising, a feature that makes it easier for businesses to connect with customers. As of today, “click-to-call” works this way: you provide your phone number, Google calls you, and connects you with the company. In the near future, Google and eBay will use their VoIP clients (Google Talk and Skype) for click-to-call. They will begin to test the two components at the beginning of next year for several months.

Meg Whitman, eBay Inc. President and CEO, claims, “By combining the power of eBay in e-commerce and Skype in communications with Google’s leadership in search and advertising, we can increase the usefulness of the Internet for shoppers, merchants and advertisers around the world.” Okay, but couldn’t you just become “Googlebay” and spend a smidge of the profits on feeding the planet?

Read More | Google

Google Desktop 4 Comes Out of Beta

Posted by Nino Marchetti Categories: Google, Internet,

Google DesktopGoogle Desktop 4 looks to be coming out of beta today and will be available in 26 languages, including Romanian. A few of the new features include an easier interface for finding gadgets in other languages, a configurable taskbar gadgets button and the ability to change the sidebar font size. Also announced by Google was the availability of the Desktop Gadget Designer in several new languages.

Read More | Google Desktop Blog

The French Maids Show How To Video Podcast

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging, Software,

Video is starting to take off in a big way on the Internet, what with services like , , , and others. If you have access to a camera and a Mac, the video lesson from the French Maid Podcast (above) should serve you well to beginning your way to creating video for the Internet. Wanna make money? Upload your videos to for a revenue share.

Anyone out there doing video for the Internet? Feel free to share the tools you use, or other general tips.
