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Enter to win our HP HDX Dragon computer package

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories:
Today we have started a contest giving away an HP HDX Dragon computer package, which would be worth over $5,200 if you were to purchase it on your own, and we want to make sure you know about it. This is all part of the 31 Days of the Dragon promotion that we are a part of. We have a couple of videos that you should check out - one shows off the HDX Dragon computer, and the other gives some insight into the contest itself. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about how exactly people enter and rack up points to win, and that post will be coming later today. In the meantime, jump down to check out the videos for the scoop.
HP HDX Giveaway contest announcement:
Bleeding Edge TV 265: A look at our HP HDX Dragon giveaway

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Announcements, Features, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Hot Deals, Movies, PC / Laptop, Podcasts, Software, Videocasts,
You should all know by now that we are going to be giving away a sleek, slick, awesome HP HDX Dragon computer prize package as part of the 31 Days of the Dragon contest. It amounts to just about $5,200 worth of prizes if you were to go out and buy everything on your own. Pretty sick, right?
Well, we wanted to give you a look at exactly what you would be walking away with if you won. In this episode, we show off everything. The HDX Dragon computer, all the software, all the games, and all the Blu-ray movies. We run down the computer specs as well, and we clue you in on what we will be doing to pick a winner.
We will be posting more about the contest and our method for choosing a winner in a bit more detail tomorrow. It’s late, and I’ve been moving all day…but at the very least, we had to get this video up for you guys at midnight, because we know that some of you are hardcores. We couldn’t leave you hanging.
A big thank you goes out to HP for sponsoring this contest, and this episode.
Heads up, we are giving away an HP HDX Dragon notebook - 31 Days of the Dragon

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Features, Movies, PC / Laptop, Software, Video Games,

Hey, remember that HP HDX Dragon PC that we unboxed a few months ago? Well, HP has gone and upgraded the specs on that puppy, and they want us to give one of them to you guys. Not just the computer, but a few Blu-ray movies, a few PC games, and a bunch of software too. All in all, if you were to purchase everything we are giving away on your own, you’d end up spending somewhere around $5,196.00. Yeah, I said it. Go ahead and read that again.
No, here is the real kicker. Now only are we here at Gear Live giving away one of these 1080p beasts, but thirty other sites are also going to be giving away the exact same package, including our friends over at ArsTechnica, Lockergnome, JKOnTheRun, and Jake Ludington’s MediaBlab. That means you have 31 chances to win. Seriously. That’s why we are calling it 31 Days of the Dragon.
Now, each site is going to set their own criteria for how they are going to run things, and we will be announcing what we will be doing soon. Our giveaway date for the HDX Dragon is June 7, 2008. You’d better keep it locked here, peeps. Oh, and anyone in the world is eligible to win.
Hit the break for the full scoop on everything we are giving away, which other sites are also giving these away, and an unboxing video of the HDX Dragon.
Read More | 31 Days of the Dragon
Monster Cable giving away two CES Mary J. Blige concert tickets

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Music,

As just about all of you know, CES is the be-all end-all event of the year for those of us who adore gadgets. That is just how it is. Our friends at Monster Cable just let us know about their big giveaway, and we figured you guys might be interested in what they have going on. They are giving away a pair of premium seating tickets to their Mary J. Blige concert, happening in Vegas during CES. The winner will even get flown out, on Monster Cable’s dime, and put up in a Vegas hotel as well. Not too bad. Hit the link below to enter.
Read More | Monster Cable Mary J. Blige Concert Giveaway
Don’t Forget: We are giving away Skitch invites!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Apple, Software,

We just wanted to throw out a friendly reminder for all of our readers using OS X. We are running a contest where we will be giving away two invitations to the amazingly fantastic Skitch Beta. If you missed it, check out our Skitch review to see what all the fuss is about, and hit our Skitch discussion thread to make your entry. All we want to know is what you’d Skitch. The contest ends on October 10th, so get in quick!
Read More | Skitch Giveaway Contest
Another Game Giveaway At The Xbox Live 10K Club

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Internet, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
A heads-up to those of you out there with any artistic or speaking ability: the Xbox Live 10K Club is celebrating its one year anniversary all this month and this week they’re sporting a contest for a copy of Transformers. All you need to do is design either a wallpaper or Zune background or submit an audio clip about the 10K Club.
There’s a free game at stake here, folks. Get crackin’.
Read More | Xbox Live 10K Club
The Xbox Live 10K Club Turns One, Celebrates With Giveaways

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Internet, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Typically, you expect to receive gifts on an anniversary – especially a birthday. But such is not the way the Internet works. The Xbox Live 10K Club has now turned one-year-old, and to start the celebration, they’re giving away a copy of Civil War: A Nation Divided for the Xbox 360. Throughout August, they’ll also be giving away a new game each week, t-shirts, and the like. But the grand prize is the best part – a Halo 3 Edition Zune and a copy of Civil War. Not too shabby, eh?
Go and show your support for the 10K Club at They’re a great bunch of people and have a very nice community of gamers, and if you qualify (guess what the requirement is?), you’ll even be able to join the 10K Club. Congrats guys – thanks for all the hard work that’s just for the community, and here’s to another year and beyond.
Read More | Xbox Live 10K Club
Prize Sponsor: O’Reilly Radar

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Activities, Sponsors,
Brady Forrest just informed me that we will be getting a handful of books to give away at Seattle Mind Camp 3.0. The books are Mind Performance Hacks and Building Scalable Websites. We will figure out an interesting way on how to determine the winners at the event.
The O’Reilly Radar team, pays attention to what’s new and interesting in the world of technology. Our methodology is simple: we draw from the wisdom of the alpha geeks (like MindCampers) in our midst, paying attention to what’s interesting to them, amplifying these weak signals, and seeing where they fit into the innovation ecology. We share our thoughts via the Radar blog and our conferences such as ETech, Where 2.0, RailsConf, and the brand new Web 2.0 Expo.