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Mouse/Gamepad Helps You Play at Work

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: PC / Laptop, Peripherals, Video Games,
Evergreen has come up with a mouse that also doubles as a gamepad. At the minute size of 50 × 85 × 23mm and a weight 67g, it features 1600 dpi, is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Made by the Taiwanese company Giant for 3,499 Yen (~$32.59,) plug it into your USB port and your boss will never be the wiser. If you get caught, offer to lend it to her/him. That should be worth at least a longer lunch hour.
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Thrustmaster Offers Wii Controller Alternative

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, Video Games, Wireless / WiFi,

Thrustmaster has released its alternative to the Wii Classic controller, the T-Wireless NW. The gamepad interacts through a 2.4GHz dongle attached to the Wii’s controller port. It features a range of about 30 ft. and the Wii’s buttons with slow and turbo added on for an extra treat. The controller can also support vibration feedback. Along with the device, Thrustmaster is offering optional accessories such as a rubber-gripped steering wheel bracket, a set of skins, and a battery recharger organizer. At a decent price of $19.99, look for the NW to hit retail stores this October.
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