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Facebook version 2 for iPhone hits App Store

Facebook for iPhone version 2If you’re into Facebook, and you own an , you’ll be pleased to know that Facebook version 2 for iPhone is now available on the App Store. The original Facebook app had been referred to as “Facebook Lite” by many a user, specifically because there were very few interactions with the service that you could do on the phone, when compared to the full web experience. Not one to sit on their laurels, the Facebook team got to work on this new version, and has packed in a plethora of new features:

  • Address book lookup
  • Facebook Chat
  • People Search
  • Message Search
  • Message Attachments
  • Notifications
  • Photo Tags
  • Faster photo uploads
  • Friend Requests

Those are the ones that caught our eye, but there are even a few more than what we listed, including a new UI, and a bunch of bug fixes. Definitely some good stuff, other App Store developers might wanna take notice of a full-blown app done right by studying this release, seriously. Go hit the App Store to grab Facebook version 2, it’s free. Oh, and feel free to hit me up on Facebook.

Read More | Facebook iTunes Link


Gnomedex 8.0: Using social media for good causes with Beth Kanter

Beth Kanter is a technology trainer for non-profit organizations. Online, she blogs at Beth’s Blog. She experiments with all types of social media tools. Things like Facebook, FriendFeed, Flickr, Qik, etc.

Today Beth is going to talk about how she has raised money to support disadvantaged children in Cambodia.

  1. Make it Personal - When you talk about your cause, you make it very personal. Beth has adopted two children from Cambodia. However, there are kids in Cambodia who don’t have adoptive parents, and some are even considered the head of their household, due to not having parents.
  2. Stories - Tell stories about the kids and the impact that the foundation she was working with was having on the children. Also share stories about what she learned doing the work, as it was unfolding.
  3. Three Rs of Network Weaving- Relationship building, Rewards, and Reciprocity. Putting that into action, Beth told stories about the t-shirts that she was able to get as part of her fundraising efforts. She blogged about the issues, and she continued interweaving those relationships that she was building.
  4. Fun, Humor, Easy, Passion
  5. - Beth’s birthday was during the campaign, and she used Facebook to ask her friends to donate $10 to the cause. She also made a series of videos with her kids to attempt to solicit her network. That got others to solicit their networks.
  6. In the middle of the campaign, Beth just continued blogging and sharing about the campaign using the different networks and tools at her disposal. She tried to focus on people that had larger networks, counting on the compounding effect.

Beth than put out a challenge - can we get 250 people to donate $10 to send someone to college? I have sent the link out to my Twitter network, and I am putting it here now. If you have $10 (or $5, or even $1) to help someone less fortunate than you, please go here: Beth Kanter’s call to action

Gnomedex 8.0: Meet Generation Y with Mark Bao

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging, Features, Planning,

We are ready to chat with Mark Bao, the 16-year old entrepreneur, and the youngest person to ever speak at Gnomedex. Mark runs Avecora, which does web apps. In the future they hope to do social consumer electronics. He also won me over by introducing himself as an avid Gear Live reader, as we got into a conversation about the BlackBerry Thunder.

Generation Y.5, how will they affect the future of technology? FIrst, they have more exposure to new technology. Companies are making it easier for technology to be used, but also this generation is more used to having it around and therefore more comfortable with it. Next, tech innovators and entrepreneurs will be brought out of this generation, and as such, there is a change in career paths, jobs, and influence. There is an expectation in more social features. Also, this generation is used to the age of data. This also spurs shorter attention spans. If something isn’t interesting, they know they can just got find something else due to the vast wealth of data.

Francine talks about things she grew up without. No Facebook, Fax, Computer, Fax, Intel, McDonald’s, Computers, etc. What she did have was privacy, security, clean air, healthcare, two parent household, and an extra-marital affair that no one found out about.

Francine wonders how much “in the way” the older Gen X generation is, as it pertains to Gen Y moving ahead and doing what they need to do. School in its present form isn’t teaching what is needed for upcoming jobs. Sure, it teaches history, sciences that are valid, etc., but is missing the technologies that are necessary for those that are entering into the new industries. For Gen Y.5, school, college, jobs are becoming meaningless as it pertains to business, finance, and tech.

The big change came when mobile came to the forefront, having a communication system that allows you to socially interact in a multitude of ways from wherever you are. Voice, text, social networks, etc. As it pertains to privacy, most Gen Y.5ers don’t really care about privacy, nor do they use the privacy features offered by networks like Facebook.

The one thing I think might have been missed, is that Mark is a very, very special case. However, most 16-year olds are not like Mark. They will mostly have regular jobs. Sure, they will use more tech, but right now most of them are using text messaging, MySpace, and Facebook - not selling companies, and creating new startups.

Facebook To Allow Profile Sharing

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Internet,

Facebook logoFacebook will be allowing users to transfer their info to other Web sites. The announcement came one day after MySpace had agreed to the same plan in a limited capacity. The site says it will allow the personal profiles on any site that will accept them. Facebook is undoubtedly hoping that the move, with its unique mini-applications, will attract others that are not yet subscribed. It may be several weeks before the ability on both social networking sites becomes available.

Read More | Examiner

Tame Leaves a Message

TameThis concept could be the answer to our complaining about cell phone users in cars. Tame syncs your phone, IM, text messaging, Facebook application, etc. to auto-respond when you cannot. You store a message on each face and rotate it for the appropriate response with no button pushing needed. There is also a color coding system (green, yellow, and red) for contact information. With online software, you can customize the messages anywhere there is Internet access with Bluetooth updates. We like the prototype but once again figure the best way to curb cell phone usage while driving is to simply turn it off.

Read More | the Greener Grass

Market Lodge Opens on Facebook

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Internet,

Market Lodge logo

Are you a budding entrepreneur who is also addicted to Facebook? Market Lodge, which opened last week, feels that people are more likely to purchase goods or services that have been referred to by friends. The startup company bSocial Networks will pay site members a 10% commission on sales that come from recommendations. Members who want to utilize the application can now customize stores and select over 1,200 different products by about 50 distributors.

Facebook itself tried a marketing system last year but many were not pleased by Beacon, which tracked and shared their personal info. They now allow Beacon to be turned off. It remains to be seen if the site will ask for a percentage of sales from Market Lodge.


Read More | Post-Bulletin

Sims Online Becomes EA-Land

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet, Video Games,

EA-Land logoThe Sims Online has become the new and improved EA-Land. Electronic Arts launched the site in 2002 but it seems to have gotten lost in the Second Life shuffle. Learning from their mistakes, you can now upload content, add a widget to Facebook, utilize their virtual real estate market, and blog to your hearts content. Considering Electronic Arts’ recent troubles with Take-Two Interactive Software, we suspect that EA has decided that they do not want to count all their eggs in the same basket.

Read More | gigaom

Protest Originates on Facebook

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, Internet,

Colombian ProtestHundreds of thousands of citizens protested against the Marxist Farcs in Colombia yesterday. What is most remarkable about this is the fact that it was started on Facebook by 33 year-old Oscar Morales Guevara from his home in Barranquilla, Colombia. Over 250,00 Facebook users joined the application to support the message and soon other media joined in. Protesting also occurred in other countries. Many organizations, such as the Wisconsin-based Columbia Support Network, have been protesting for decades in an effort to reach a negotiated solution and fear that it may backfire on the captives that still remain with them, but we think that the best way to fight injustice is any way you can these days.

(Thanks, Cecilia)

Read More | BBC

TV on DVD: January 29, 2008

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Kids, Cable, FX, HBO, NBC, PBS, TNT-HD,

Here are some of the options available this Tuesday.

Curb Your Enthusiasm

  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Volume 5)
  • Chancer (Season 2)
  • Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season 6)
  • Damages (Season 1)
  • Emergency! (Season 4)
  • JAG (Season 5)
  • Masterpiece Theatre: Mansfield Park
  • Ranma 1/2: Martial Mayhem (Season 5)
  • 60 Minutes: The Face Behind Facebook
  • 60 Minutes: The King of Sushi
  • 60 Minutes: The War Against Women
  • Spongebob SquarePants: To Love A Patty
  • Thomas the Tank Engine: Thomas and the Treasure
  • Witchblade (Volume 4)

(Click here to see the and for this week.)

Presidential Debate Influenced by Internet

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, Internet,

Mike Huckabee

Okay, so we didn’t all get to go to the CES, but somebody had to hold down the fort in case the Gear Live crew has too much fun. I mean, at least we get to see the power of the Internet in other ways. If you caught the debate on ABC last night, you surely noticed the candidates plying their wares outright on National TV.

Fred Thompson was the first to mention that he loves the contributions he is receiving online, and his site posts how much money he has accrued. Mike Huckabee also said that part of his success in Iowa was due to his website which has created quite a following. Both men were quick to give their specific addys. And, by the way, let’s not forget that one of the sponsors was Facebook, where you could follow online the sometime hostile action between Hillary, Barack, and John. The Internet is a glorious place and we should be thankful that so much information is available.
