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Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy Break Up

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Break-ups,

Although most royal watchers believe Prince William is heading down the road to marriage, his younger brother has just taken one large step back. After 5 years with Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry is once again a single man.
The break-up comes just weeks after the two vacationed together in Mauritius. Friends were reportedly made aware of the split when Chelsy, of all things, changed her relationship status in Facebook. (That’s the quick way to go about it.
Click to continue reading Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy Break Up
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Millions Watch Inauguration Online

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet,

We heard that over 5 billion global viewers watched the Presidential inauguration yesterday, but if you were one of those that kept track and participated in CNN and Facebook’s streaming partnership, you weren’t the only one. According to statistics, the pairing resulted in 600,000 status updates posted with 4,000 updates per minute. With millions logged on during the broadcast, about 8,500 status updates were posted in the first minute of President Obama’s speech. CNN itself got more than 136 million page views.
Read More | Mashable
twtapps Twitter Applications

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Hot Deals, Internet, Mods / Hacks,
We know how much you like to Twitter. Now there is even more reason with these three new applications. twtcard allows you to make a greeting card with square heads and your allotted 140 characters. With twtpoll, you type in a question and multiple choice answers. And twtvite is an event manager app. Create your event and enter specifics including room for an RSVP. All three are free (donations gladly accepted) and can also be used on Facebook, MySpace and other social network sites.
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iLife ‘09 announced at MacWorld 2009

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Google, PC / Laptop, Software,
During his first (and only) MacWorld keynote speech, Phil Schiller announced the latest update to the iLife suite of software, iLife ‘09. Let’s take each app, one by one, and look at the changes and additions:
iPhoto ‘09: New to iPhoto is Faces. Faces uses facial recognition to organize and tag photos of people. iPhoto will find a face in a photo, and you tell it who it is. It will then find other photos that it thinks are of the same person. Easy way to grab snapshots that feature the same person. Another new organization feature is called Places. This uses the geotagging feature available on a lot of modern cameraa, and puts pins on a map showing the different places that the images were taken. If you have photos that aren’t geotagged, you simply tell iPhoto where the image (or event images) was taken, and it fills in the rest. The map feature is based on Google Maps, so you can zoom in on a location, look at satellite or street view, etc.
Apple has also added in built-in support for Facebook and Flickr to iPhoto - that means no more fumbling around with clunky plugins to get your pictures out of iPhoto and onto those services. A very welcome addition. Facebook users can add the names of people in their images, and iPhoto will retain that info as well (presumedly for the Faces feature.)
iPhoto also gets new slideshow themes. You choose a theme and photos, and iPhoto puts it all together. It uses the Faces to find the faces in images so that those are centered and zoomed. You can save slideshows to iTunes, and they can be synced to an iPhone or iPod touch. Something new for the Books too, you can now automatically get maps included, with pins that show your location. Great for making travel books.
iMovie ‘09: Apple has admitted that, since it was new, iMovie ‘08 didn’t have all the features that older customer wanted. This year, they aim to change that. iMovie ‘09 gets a new Precision Editor, Advanced drag & drop (that give you context-sensitive menus,) dynamic themes, and even animated travel maps. So, again, you can use your location data to insert 2D and 3D maps of those locations into your movies.
GarageBand ‘09: GarageBand ‘09 is being updated with a new feature called “Learn to Play,” which brings up an instructor which plays video lessons. If that’s not enough to get you excited, there are even Artist Lessons. You get people like John Fogerty, Colbie Caillat, Sting, Sarah McLachlan, Norah Jones, and Patrick Stump, who will teach you how to play instruments like the guitar or piano.
iLife ‘09 also includes updated versions of iWeb and iDVD, and ships free on new Macs. You can purchase an upgrade for $79, or buy a family pack (good on up to five Macs) for $99, and it will be available in “late January.”
For those wondering, Apple has also released a new version of iWork - iWork ‘09.
Twilight’s Taylor Lautner Talks About Possible New Moon Replacement

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Adaptation, Drama, Romance, Sequels, Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Rumors, Upcoming Releases,
UPDATE: Taylor will be keeping his job after all.
If Taylor Lautner’s really at risk of losing his job, the Twilight actor is not going to go down without a fight. Or at least an extra push-up.
In an interview last week with MTV, the 16-year-old addressed rumors that he may be left out of the upcoming sequel. According to a recent report in Entertainment Weekly, the studio was looking to find someone else to tackle Jacob Black’s beefier role in New Moon. Since that time, Michael Copon (Scorpion King 2) and Ben Barnes’ (Prince Caspian) names have been thrown out as possible replacements. (Copon has even gone so far as to imply on his own Facebook page that he was already given the role.)
Click to continue reading Twilight’s Taylor Lautner Talks About Possible New Moon Replacement
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Poken Links Social Networking

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, USB, Internet,

Social networking freaks may already be aware of Poken. This interesting concept combines that with a unique cutesy animal device that will keep all your Facebook, MySpace and other sites’ information. Your Poken pokes another one in real time and you can exchange info so that you can find them next time you go virtual. In actual fact, the Poken is a USB connector with basic personal data. The site is fairly new, but they are planning on adding more features like message sending. That is a good thing, because it’s been our experience that we meet most chums online first rather than the opposite.
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Koobface Virus on Facebook

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet, Misc. Tech,
McAfee has announced that a Koobface variant virus is hanging out on Facebook. The subject line message states, “You look just awesome in this new movie.” Open it and it tells you that your flash player is out of date and gives you a download site to update your player. Apparently the worm has been around since August but the variant is new. Next time you are hanging out on Facebook, remember your flash player is just fine.
Read More | Telegraph
Facebook Users Get Busted

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, Internet,
Once again, we are amazed at the apparent idiocy of people who are too casual when on the Internet. Tom Stones, a Tesco store worker in the UK, called in sick, but later posted on Facebook. He now faces disciplinary action. Last month, 13 Virgin Atlantic crew members used the same means to trash their employer and were consequently fired. Australian Kyle Doyle called in sick after a night out. His managers found him updating his Facebook page. Thank goodness that those of us who work/play on the Net a gazillion hours a day know that it’s part of the gig. If that’s not you, save the Facebook updates when that you
can get away with it
are legally off the clock.
Read More | Telegraph
3 Mobile INQ1 Facebook Handset

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Internet,

3 Mobile seems to be enjoying the afterglow of their successful Skypephone S2 as they are now working on a Facebook handset. The INQ1 allows you to view your contacts and text or IM through Facebook chat. The cell phone also has HSDPA connection, Skype integration, an eBay tracker and Windows Live Messenger for non-Facebook users. It also doubles as a mobile broadband modem at speed of up to 7.2Mbps. Look for it sometime this month with a price of £99 (~$157.00.)
Read More | engadget mobile
Pizza Hut Hits Facebook

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Smart Home, Internet,

Clever Pizza Hut. They know when you are writing on walls or hunting fellow zombies in Facebook, you just don’t have the time to cook or get to Taco Bell. Although they already have online ordering, they have designed an application so that you can order pizza, chicken wings and pasta without leaving the site. The Pizza Hut Interface already has over 300,000 fans, in the U.S. and the company claims they have already sold over a million pizzas online.
Read More | Pizza Hut Facebook