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New (and free) Zune HD games now available

Zune HD Games

Following up on the promise of more free games for the , Microsoft has released six new titles that are now available for your downloading pleasure. We’ve got a blurb on each game here, but we’ve gotta just say, after playing with PGR Ferrari Edition, we are thankful for that Tegra processor that the Zune HD is packing. Sure, it’s no App Store equivalent, but hey, it’s free content that is actually more fun than a flashlight or tip calculator:

  • Audiosurf Tilt: Audiosurf creates a rollercoaster ride from any song. Choose any song from your music collection and watch Audiosurf turn it into a unique roller coaster track for you to ride. The song you choose determines the shape, the speed, and the mood of each track. Tilt your Zune like a steering wheel to collect colored blocks and avoid speedbumps. Unlock more than 30 designs, each with its own special theme and color palette.
  • Checkers: Enjoy the classic game of Checkers in a beautiful outdoor park setting.  Play against the computer or against a friend.
  • Lucky Lanes Bowling: Bowl in different game modes: exhibition, blackjack, golf. Play in five different bowling alleys with unique themes, all with the swipe of a finger. Choose from twenty different bowlers and twenty two different ball styles. You can play against the computer or play with up to four friends.
  • Piano: Play your own tune, or play along with your favorite music on this electronic piano.
  • Project Gotham Racing: Ferrari Edition: Tear through the streets of London, Tokyo, and New York in the Ferrari of your choice using multi touch controls and the built in accelerometer.
  • Vans Sk8: Pool Service: From the Admiral to the old abandoned rec center pool, Bucky Lasek and Omar Hassan know a good bowl to skate.  Hit the pools and put these Vans skaters to the test with all the tricks in their bag and achieve hero status once you unlock their pro model skateboards.

According to Microsoft, the Facebook and Twitter apps are still being worked on, but are still on track for Zune HD as well.


Edward Norton Not Big on Social Networking

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Charity,

Edward Norton thinks social networking sites are like “torture.” Unlike many other celebrities, the Leaves of Grass actor has never written an internet blog because he hates the idea of people cyber stalking him.

“I haven’t personally really engaged in a lot of this new kind of social networking stuff like Twitter or Facebook or MySpace,” the 40-year-old star explained. “I mean, the notion of people following what I am doing every day is like torture for me. It’s absolutely the last thing that I’m looking for. It seems to me to be really just about social chatter.”

Despite his web worries, Edward agreed to sign up on Twitter to help raise money for his favorite charity, the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust.

“It’s a good example of a way that you can turn that platform into something where you actually can accomplish something good,” he added to Parade magazine. “It’s my first attempt. We’re putting our running training log on Twitter. You can see can see pictures too on the site there. The trust conserves the wildlife and culture of the Maasai tribe of Kenya, Africa.”

(FYI - You can also follow VIP Breakdown on Twitter.)

Bleeding Edge TV 318: Xbox Live Fall Dashboard Preview: Facebook, Twitter, Last.fm, Zune 1080p

We got our hands on the new Fall 2009 Dashboard update, which features Facebook, Twitter, Last.fm, and Instant-on 1080p movie streaming from Zune. You can get the full scoop in the video, but in a nutshell, here are our thoughts:

  • Facebook: Facebook on Xbox 360 is integrated well into the console. We like that you can see which of your Xbox 360 friends are on Facebook, and which Facebook friends have an Xbox 360 account. The problem is that the Xbox 360’s ridiculous friend limit really stands out here. You have a limit of 100 friends, and if you have a bunch of friends on Facebook that you want to connect with, you will quickly find that you have to pick and choose. You see what I mean in the video. Other than that, being able to view profile data and photo galleries of friends is a nice touch. Updating or commenting sucks if you don’t have a Chatpad.
  • Twitter: Twitter, on the other hand, is way too simple for our liking. It shows you the last 50 tweets from people you following, trending topics, and basic profile info. You can also send tweets out from the Xbox 360, but it’s frustrating to do, unless you have a Chatpad handy.
  • Last.fm: This works as expected. You sign in, and you get access to all your channels, and you can create new channels on the fly. What sucks? You can’t see your Last.fm friends, which is something I miss. Even worse? The music only plays when you are actually in the Last.fm area. If you leave, the music stops. This means you can’t carry it over to the dashboard, or in-game. So really, what’s the point?
  • Zune Instant on 1080p: This was awesome. Definitely blew me away. We streamed a portion of the movie 300. After a bandwidth test, the Xbox 360 confirmed we were good to go for instant 1080p streaming, and it delivered. Fantastic. The best streaming video quality we’ve seen from any service.

There are a few other new details as well, and we give you a detailed look at it all in this video. Sit back and enjoy!

Xbox LIVE Fall Update: We’ll be previewing Facebook, Twitter, Zune 1080p for you on Monday

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Zune 1080p Xbox 360

We just got word from our friends at that we’ll be getting the new Fall 2009 Dashboard Update on Monday, which means we’ll be bringing you a preview and walkthrough of all the upcoming dashboard features, including Twitter, Facebook, Zune instant-on 1080p movies, Last.fm, and more. For a look at everything we’ll be bringing you on Monday, hit the jump. Now go enjoy your weekend!

Click to continue reading Xbox LIVE Fall Update: We’ll be previewing Facebook, Twitter, Zune 1080p for you on Monday

Mia Michaels Quits So You Think You Can Dance

Depending on how you feel about your reality shows, this news may be more upsetting than ‘s exit from American Idol.

What was hinted in a series of tweets last night has now been confirmed: Mia Michaels has left So You Think You Can Dance. The choreographer - who coincidentally used the same method as Abdul to announce her departure - posted the messages on Twitter shortly after appearing on last night’s episode.


Click to continue reading Mia Michaels Quits So You Think You Can Dance

Read More | E! Online

Marilyn Manson Diagnosed with Swine Flu

Marilyn MansonUPDATE: The musician’s concert promoters deny Manson has the virus.

“Tainted Love” singer has just been revealed that he’s been tainted…with the H1N1 virus.

The 40-year-old, who lists former wife and Evan Rachel Wood among his exes, recently announced the news via his Facebook page. “So I have officially been diagnosed, by a real doctor, with THE SWINE FLU,” he wrote. “I know everyone will suggest that f****** a pig is how this disease was obtained. However, the doctor said, my past choices in women have, in ‘no way’ contributed to me acquiring this mysterious sickness. Unfortunately, I am going to survive.”

Although Manson was in the middle of a Canadian tour when the diagnosis was made, he has no intention of canceling his scheduled gigs. In fact, he was recently filmed shooting snot onto attendees at a show in Ottawa.

Marilyn is the not the first celebrity to publicly reveal a swine flu diagnosis. Back in July, it was announced that Harry Potter star Rupert Grint had missed several days of filming after contracting the virus.

Read More | Rolling Stone

AT&T: iPhone MMS launching Friday afternoon

iPhone MMS launch

Just a quick note to those of you who haven’t already enabled MMS on your iPhone yourself already, the official rollout happens this Friday afternoon, according to AT&T’s Facebook page:

MMS Update: We know you’ve been eager for this service so we wanted to offer a quick update on the launch plans for MMS on Friday, Sept. 25. Late morning, Pacific Time, on Friday, the new carrier settings update enabling MMS should be live and ready to download through iTunes. We’ll provide the steps and all of the details you need right here at that time.

So there you have it - we fully expect that Friday to be full of cute kitten pictures, and video files of people mooning their iPhone cameras. Good times.

Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg Sign on to Facebook Film

Justin Timberlake to play Facebook president Sean ParkerIs Justin Timberlake finally receiving a chance to redeem his box office flops?

Columbia Pictures and Fight Club director David Fincher think that the pop star’s got what it takes to play Facebook founder Sean Parker in The Social Network, a drama surrounding the rise of the most-visited networking site on the internet.

Timberlake will be joined by Zombieland‘s

Michael Cera

Jesse Eisenberg, who will play the site’s founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Andrew Garfield, who will portray co-founder Eduardo Saverin (he later had a fallout with Zuckerberg over money).

Kevin Spacey has signed on as executive producer while Scott Rudin, Michael De Luca, Dana Brunetti and Cean Chaffin will produce. Filming is set to start next month in Boston and later move to Los Angeles.

Read More | Coming Soon

Amy Winehouse Sneaks Ex-Husband Through Window

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Music, Dating, Divorce, Hook-ups, Rumors,

Amy Winehouse and ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil

Looks like Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil are taking some cues from Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee.

The “Love Is A Losing Game” singer saw her ex-husband, whom she was officially divorced from last week, for the first time in 14 months for a secret date last Friday.

“Amy had been secretly planning this meeting, but told everyone she didn’t want to see Blake. The date went well. They had dinner and drinks and then—without anyone else knowing—she invited him back to her place early Saturday morning,” said a source.

In order for Amy, 25, to sneak Blake—banned by her family from seeing her—into her home, she had to send him through a window, so security wouldn’t raise the alarm (high school love story, anyone?).

Click to continue reading Amy Winehouse Sneaks Ex-Husband Through Window

VIDEO: TV Envy Interviews Hannah Montana’s Billy Ray Cyrus

Thanks to a recent chat with singer/actor , we were lucky to get the inside scoop on several upcoming projects. Is Hannah Montana really coming to an end next year? Find out what he had to tell TV Envy about Season 4 here. What does he have going on with Jackie Chan and George Lopez? Billy Ray talks about their upcoming movie, The Spy Next Door, and tells us what he brings into a fight.

Check out the scoop above and get details on Sandwich Swap ‘n’ Share, a program he is jointly involved in with both Hellmann’s and Best Foods. For every free virtual sandwich created on Facebook, 7 lunches will be donated to Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief charity. Those who visit the site can also find information on how to bid on a private picnic with Billy Ray. (The prize will include attendance at one of his shows in Florida.)
