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My Struggle With Facebook Addiction

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Productivity, Social Media,

To the artist, distractions are all too familiar. Often times rearing their ugly head under clever guises to fool you. The Victorian poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Lady of Shallot, symbolized the quandary that writers and others of a creative nature face - to watch the world or to live within it. It used to be that the most prevalent form of distraction to the creator came in the form of booze, drugs, and other destructive vices. However, in the digital age distractions invade our personal space with the dexterity of pop up ads. Charming and inviting as they may be, submitting to these distractions sends productivity packing back to the assembly lines.
As I sit here writing this in between drags of a cigarette, I can’t help but think about all the distractions that come to light when working day in and day out on a computer. The main culprit (besides philosophy and smoking) is none other than Facebook (dun dun dunnn!). I’m sure there are more than a few of you out there that have fell prey to the time consuming nature of the social networking phenomena. To remedy my ailment I even went so far as to deactivate my Facebook. But it was short lived.
Click to continue reading My Struggle With Facebook Addiction
Emma Watson: Cutting My Hair was the Right Thing

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Hair Styles,

Emma Watson officially said goodbye to her years as Hermione Granger when she decided to make a bold and “liberating” move: she cut her hair.
The 20-year-old, who kept her shearing plans to herself, revealed the new look to fans through Facebook and Twitter.
“Yes, I cut my hair off a few days ago! I love it- feels incredible. Hope you like it!,” the Harry Potter star tweeted about her Mia Farrow-esque style. “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever,” she added on her wall.
Click to continue reading Emma Watson: Cutting My Hair was the Right Thing
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VIDEO: The Social Network Reimagined as YouTube Movie

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Videos,
We already know that 500 million people are now members of Facebook, but what about that other site? You know the one that is based on dancing kids, idiots falling down and lonely people talking to themselves? Where is the big screen film about YouTube?
Well, here it is.
Want to know more about the guys responsible for “wasting everyone’s time with pointless videos”? Then check out this trailer for The Video Website, an hilarious parody of The Social Network.
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100 Million Facebook Profiles Captured In Single Torrent

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: News, Social Media,
It seems that the social networking site Facebook is a lot more social than previously thought. That is, thanks to Ron Bowes of Skull Security, who created a 2.8GB torrent file containing the personal information of about 1/5th the total number of users on Facebook (500 million for those who haven’t heard.)
Ron accomplished this by crawling Facebook’s open access directory with a program that stored and filed each users data. The victims come in the form of FB users who have not changed their privacy settings to avoid search engine detection. The torrent contains the profile information of each stalked users most intimate details, such as addresses, phone numbers, and the URL to each of their profiles. Also, searching a logged user’s Facebook profile will allow you to search their friends list and find people despite their unique privacy settings.
Ron is under legal authority in how he obtained the information, so nothing illegal has been committed. But you may want to think twice about what you are sharing with others in your social network, before your entire life becomes public domain for some creep browsing torrents.
Read More | Thinq
Facebook begins testing permanent account delete option

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: News, Social Media,
The grips of social networking can prove dominating over every waking moment. Especially if you happen to make a living from behind the lucid glow of a computer monitor. Each moment of “let me check Facebook to see what’s new” can cost valuable minutes of time that add up to decreased productivity. Up until now Facebook has only given its users looking for a way out the option to deactivate their account, leaving each and every digital footprint left intact if they ever choose to sign in again. The temptation to “check Facebook really quick” still lingers.
However, the social networking giant has now implemented a new delete account option that allows users to completely free themselves of the addicting clutches of Facebooking at last! The thing is, it’s only available to a few select users as a test group. No word on whether or not this ‘nuclear option’ will become available to all users at some point. Our guess - not a chance.
Meantime, you can add a dash of Gear Live to your Facebook.
Read More | The Next Web via Engadget
Facebook Reaches 500 Million Users

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: News, Social Media,
Mark Zuckerberg announced on the official Facebook blog that the social network has reached 500 million users world wide. An incredible feat indeed, but If you think that 500 million is a lot now, then imagine just how many more will sign up after The Social Network hits theaters. Also announced was the new application “Facebook Stories”. This app allows the 500 million Facebook users to share stories of how Facebook has helped them to do something significant. “Stories” is meant to tell of the miraculous feats that can be accomplished through the open, ever changing social network that is Facebook. For instance “Ben, the 17 year old high school student”, used Facebook to get his network involved in a movement to save an old town theater in Kentucky. Now if only we can get the other 499,999,999 to stop posting meaningless drivel, and start taking advantage of using it as a source of grassroots empowerment. Perhaps Facebook Stories will spark this, but methinks it will become overrun with stories such as “Jake the 22 year old college student used Facebook to organize a fart.”
You can follow us on Facebook.
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No Facebook Marketing for Facebook Movie

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Columbia Pictures, Sony, Biopics, Drama, Trailers, Upcoming Releases, Videos,
If you’ve seen of the ads for the upcoming Facebook movie, it probably wasn’t while you were commenting on your friend’s status update.
That’s because Sony has decided not to promote The Social Network - an unflattering tale about the creation of Facebook - on the popular site at all.
Click to continue reading No Facebook Marketing for Facebook Movie
Read More | All Things Digital via MTV
VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Commercials, Video,
He’s made diamonds fall out of oysters, climbed seamlessly onto a horse and swan dived into a hot tub. Now, Isaiah Mustafa is mastering social media.
Over the past two days, the Old Spice personality has been cranking out a series of YouTube videos addressing comments/questions posted on such sites as Twitter and Facebook. Although he’s given hilarious shout-outs to actors (e.g. Ashton Kutcher, Alyssa Milano), companies (e.g. Starbucks, VH1) and sports figures (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks, Apolo Ohno), I personally have enjoyed the clips he’s created for the non-personalities the best.
In addition to fighting, romance and bathing advice, Mustafa has even helped deliver a marriage proposal. (She said yes!) Although there are way too many videos to highlight, you can view some of my favorites after the jump. (You can also find other clips on Old Spice’s YouTube channel.)
Click to continue reading VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips
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Fortune names their 50 smartest people in tech

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Internet, Microsoft, Misc. Tech,
Fortune has gone all tech on us this week, compiling a list of who they think are the fifty smartest people in tech. We found it interesting because most lists focus on the richest CEOs, or straight up performance on the job rather than things like intelligence, and the vision and impact they have on the tech world. The way they did it was to break the list down into ten categories (smartest CEO, smartest founder, etc.) and then list five names in each, listing a top choice for each category in the process. Here’s a peek at what they came up with:
- Smartest CEO: Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple
- Smartest Founder: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook
- Smartest Designer: Jonathan Ive, Senior VP of Industrial Design, Apple
- Smartest Academic: Danah Boyd, Social Media Researcher, Microsoft Research
Hi the read link below to head to Fortune for the full list.
Read More | Fortune
Listen to The Social Network’s First Teaser Trailer

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Columbia Pictures, Biopics, Drama, Trailers, Upcoming Releases, Videos,
Last week, Columbia Pictures offered up a portrait of a serial killer as a teaser for its upcoming movie about Facebook. Now, we at least have some voices - and only voices - to go with the film.
In this new trailer for The Social Network, we get a better feel for where director David Fincher and writer Aaron Sorkin are going with the poster’s tagline: “You Don’t Get to 500 Million Friends Without Making a Few Enemies.” (Give the ominous tone of the music, I think I’m going to be perfectly happy with the 300+ friends I have right now.)
Want to know more about the guys responsible for creating the timesuck we’re addicted to today? Then schedule your next Facebook event for October 1.
Read More | Mashable