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Movies Coming to a Facebook Near You

Facebook has actually found a way to keep you on the site even longer. Warner Bros. has launched a new app on the social media site that allows viewers to watch movies. The first title available? The Dark Knight, the movie that made Heath Ledger a legend.

But, don’t watch it until your friends give it at least 10 “likes.” Until Thursday, the movie is available for $3 US. The clip we provided above is completely free.

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American Idol 10 Will Introduce Facebook Voting

Facebook Like ButtonLike the idea of using Facebook while you’re watching American Idol? For the first time in 10 years, the show will allow online voting to help decide each contestant’s fate. Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that the show will allow Facebook voters to cast up to 50 ballots for their favorites. The change in voting could create a lot more upsets and surprises on a show that’s been accused of being stale, and we’re definitely going to click Like for this new twist.

Stay up to date on all the Idol spoilers, gossip and recaps -- read all our American Idol 10 posts.

Read More | Vote For the Worst

Facebook Breakup Notifier Takes the Fun Out of Friend-Stalking

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet,

Thanks to developer Dan Loewenherz, Facebook just got a little bit creepier—or more loving, depending on your point of view. That's all thanks to the new application Loewenherz recently released: Breakup Notifier.

So what, exactly, does Breakup Notifier do?

"You like someone. They're in a relationship. Be the first to know when they're out of it," reads the description posted to Breakup Notifier's main page.

As described, the exact particulars of how the service works are fairly simple. You just have to log into Breakup Notifier using your Facebook account, and then select the various people on your friends list whose relationships are of critical interest to your daily life. Should said relationships change—for better or for worse—you'll get an email referencing the friend and the specific change made.

Click to continue reading Facebook Breakup Notifier Takes the Fun Out of Friend-Stalking

Hands-on with Sprint’s dual-screen Kyocera Echo

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Features, Handhelds,


kyocera echo

The dual-screen Kyocera Echo smartphone for Sprint lets you do two things at once, or look at the world through a 4.7-inch window. But it's only the vanguard of a legion of dual-screen devices that may be coming to American shelves, Sprint and Kyocera said today.

First, the phone itself: the Echo is a crazy device, but it thinks the way a lot of us do. It multitasks. The Echo starts out as a standard touch-screen Android 2.2 phone, and it works fine like that. But then you slide the 3.5-inch, 800-by-480 LCD screen, it does a strange hingey thing, and pow: the screen almost merges with another screen hidden under it. (Look at the slideshow below to understand.)

The Echo's unique hinge is made out of "liquid metal," Sprint's vice president for device operations Fared Adib said. It felt like plastic to me, but he said it was metal - and when tested, it was stiff and strong. The phone can survive a seven-foot drop test, he said.

Click to continue reading Hands-on with Sprint’s dual-screen Kyocera Echo


Facebook to introduce revamped commenting system

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Rumors, Social Networks,

facebook comment system

Facebook has offered blog owners the ability to integrate their commenting system into their own sites for a while now. So fa, it has seen limited adoption, with most sites using their own commenting system, or something like Disqus, and integrating the 'Like' button or Facebook Sharing. Now, rumors abound that the social networking site is about to completely revamp its commenting system, and is set to offer the same functionality that'll allow this much enhanced version to replace the comment system on most blog platforms. Some of the rumored features include threading, comment voting, and the ability to login using Twitter or Google IDs.

Read More | AllFacebook

VIDEO: (Real) Mark Zuckerberg Visits Saturday Night Live

The minute we heard Oscar nominee Jesse Eisenberg was going to host Saturday Night Live, we knew a Mark Zuckerberg sketch was in his future -- but did anyone think the Social Network star would come face-to-face with Zuckerberg? Both of them?

The Oscar nominee's opening monologue included appearances from the show's resident "Zuckerberg" (Andy Samberg) and the Facebook co-founder himself. Check out the awkwardness (including painful acting) above.

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Facebook testing Buy with Friends group buying option

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Partnerships, Social Networks,

facebook group buying

Facebook revealed at the Social Apps Conference that they are currently in the testing phases of a new feature for the social networking site called "Buy With Friends" which is a kind of group buying option. When someone buys a virtual item in an app or game, and posts about it on their news feed, any of their friends will be able to buy the same item directly from that news feed, at a discount. This will allow people to save money on virtual goods, and incitate more people to purchase items. It's a small feature, but that could bring a lot of money if it takes off.

Read More | Mashable

New Facebook app for Feature Phones

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Mobile, Software,

facebook feature phones

The Facebook iPhone and Android apps have been highly developed and kept up to date with the latest features that the social networking site offers. However, most people around the world are not using smartphones. That's why Facebook launched a new app designed for feature phones, supporting more than 2,500 devices from LG, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and more. The new app provides a better experience than using the mobile site, while still being viable for a lower powered device. Facebook worked with 14 carriers to offer free data usage for this app, with more coming. There's no doubt that this will bring more people to the site, especially from developing countries.

Read More | Facebook blog

Facebook allows apps to access addresses and phone numbers [Update: Feature suspended]

Update: Due to user backlash, Facebook has suspended this feature for now. One reason is that, while it is opt-in to give this information to an app, you have to make that decision before you get to actually see what the app does, during the install process.

This weekend, Facebook updated its developer blog with some new abilities for developers of Facebook apps. The biggest change is the ability from those apps to now access user contact information like home addresses and phone numbers. This data used to be kept confidential from apps, but now they will be able to access it if a user grants that permission. There are some obvious uses for that, such as a shopping app which fetches your address for shipping purposes. Apps will have to explicitly ask for user permission, which will appear as a new entry on the Request for Permission screen, and they will be expected to follow Facebook's rules of conduct. The safest course of action, of course, is to not add your contact information to Facebook in the first place.

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Soap.com, Diapers.com and more now availble through Facebook

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Marketing, Social Networks,

With almost 600 million users on Facebook, it's no surprise that stores all over the Internet want a piece of that type of user reach. Shops went from simply having a fan page on the social networking site, to having actual products for sale, using the Facebook development platform. Services like Payvment have has been used by over 40,000 users and businesses to sell goods on Facebook. Now, Amazon is joining the crowd with some of its third party sites like soap.com, diapers.com, beautybar.com, and more. Users of Facebook will be able to buy goods using their existing accounts without ever leaving Facebook.

Read More | Techcrunch
