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Pirates Franchise Sails On…Without Depp?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Disney, Action, Adventure, Family, Sequels, Casting, Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Corporate Shakeups, Rumors, Upcoming Releases, Videos,
Which is bigger: Depp or Disney?
Dick Cook, former chairman of the uber-company and friend to actor Johnny Depp, recently left the company and left the fate of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise up in the air. Depp stated that he may discontinue his piracy if Cook is no longer at the helm of the ship.
But here’s the really shocking part: Disney plans to forge ahead without him. Depp is signed up to do On Stranger Tides, the fourth installment in the franchise, but two more movies are planned after this.
So…is there any way the movies could possibly work without Captain Jack Sparrow? Disney’s pretty big…but it’s doubtful the company has the chops to make Pirates work without Depp in the lead.
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Johnny Depp Out of Pirates?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Disney, Action, Adventure, Family, Period, Sequels, Comedy, Casting, Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Controversy, Rumors, Upcoming Releases,
To a whole lot of women’s dismay, Johnny Depp may not appear in the next Pirates of the Caribbean film.
The veteran actor said that following the departure of Disney chief executive Dick Cook last Friday, he will have to wait to see the script for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides before he will commit to the movie.
Referring to the film he said, “There’s a fissure, a crack in my enthusiasm at the moment.”
Johnny, who has played the lead role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the previous three installments of the pirate adventure trilogy, said that he was “shocked and very sad” about the news when Dick phoned to tell him he was leaving.
“He is the utmost gentleman, so he made the call himself. He didn’t give me a reason. I didn’t see this coming. There was no reason to see this coming. He’s instantly trustworthy. And you generally don’t meet people at the studios you trust. He’s a rare beast.”
Johnny also said Dick was the person who convinced him to sign on for Pirates of the Caribbean in the first place.
Johnny Depp Surprises D23 Audience
Johnny Depp, in his Pirates of the Caribbean mien, rode a pirate ship into the Disney D23 Expo yesterday. As it turns out, Jack Sparrow wasn’t just there to delight crowds: he had an announcement to make.
It was in this fashion that Disney chose to unveil the name for the newest Pirates installment. The fourth in the franchise will be named Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and sails to theaters in the summer of 2011.
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Timothy Dalton: From 007 to Toy Story 3

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Disney, Animation, Family, Sequels, Comedy, Casting, Celeb News, Upcoming Releases,
Timothy Dalton is to star in Toy Story 3.
The 63-year-old actor - who played British spy James Bond in Licence to Kill and The Living Daylights - will voice melodramatic hedgehog Mr. Pricklepants in the Disney/Pixar sequel. If he is allowed to keep his Welsh accent, the actor will be the first Briton to feature in the popular animated franchise.
Disney president John Lasseter revealed Dalton’s casting yesterday in addition to part of film’s plot. In excerpts shown, the toys - including Tom Hanks’ Woody, Tim Allen’s Buzz and Kelsey Grammer’s Stinky Pete the Prospector - were sent to a daycare center when their owner Andy grows up and moves to college. After days of terrible abuse at the hands of toddlers, the toys stage a dramatic break-out before going on the hunt for a new home.
Cars star Michael Keaton will also voice a new character in the film - Barbie’s boyfriend Ken.
Toy Story 3 will be released on June 18, 2010.
Adam Sandler Looks Good in a Dress

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Celebrity Babies, Clothing,
Funny man Adam Sandler likes dressing up as a princess.
The Bedtime Stories star—who has two daughters with his wife Jacqueline, three-year-old Sadie Madison and 10-month-old Sunny Madeline—entertains his children by wearing different outfits when he reads them fairy tales.
The 42-year-old actor said, “I often slip into costume as the lead character in whatever bedtime story I am reading. This is a little weird because my daughters love Disney princesses, but you would be surprised at how good I look in a ball gown.”
Adam isn’t the only Hollywood star who enjoys donning women’s clothes. Liev Schreiber, 41, recently revealed he became obsessed with his body hang-ups when he wore a dress for a movie role: “It was exhilaratingly humiliating. But I completely became giddy in a strange way the moment I put on the dress. Vanity quickly set in, and I thought to myself, ‘I wish my belly was flatter. Let’s face it, I don’t look great in a dress, but it’s nice to hear I have nice legs.”
Tron Legacy vs. The Green Hornet

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Columbia Pictures, Disney, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Family, Science Fiction, Sequels, Comedy, Upcoming Releases,

We’re still weeks away from Fall 2009, but the big screen battle for Winter 2010 has already begun.
As of today, there are at least four movies scheduled to open on December 17th of next year. Competing against The Smurfs will be a live-action adaptation of Yogi Bear. Meanwhile, Michel Gondry’s The Green Hornet will now face off against a highly-anticipated sequel from Disney.
Just days after Hornet was moved to the December slot (it was previously set to premiere on July 9), the Mouse House announced that it intends to debut Tron Legacy on that same date. The movie, which would once again feature Jeff Bridges, is a follow to the 1982 sci-fi adventure. (You can view the teaser trailer here.)
Which entry will eventually bail out first? Start placing your bets now!
Read More | Variety
Disney to Pay $4 Billion for Marvel Entertainment

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Disney, Corporate Shakeups,

Disney has just added 5,000 characters to its arsenal.
In a deal announced today, The Walt Disney Company says it intends to purchase comic book giant Marvel Entertainment. The acquisition is worth a whopping $4 billion.
“This transaction combines Marvel’s strong global brand and world-renowned library of characters including Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four and Thor with Disney’s creative skills, unparalleled global portfolio of entertainment properties, and a business structure that maximizes the value of creative properties across multiple platforms and territories,” Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney Company’s President and CEO, said in a press release.
Click to continue reading Disney to Pay $4 Billion for Marvel Entertainment
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Disney Buys Marvel Comics: Top 20

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Fanboys of a certain age will always remember where they were on Monday August 31, 2009, the day the vast Disney empire, home of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Quentin Tarantino, announced it was buying Marvel Comics, the home of Iron Man, X-Men, Spider-Man and all the rest, at a price of $4 billion.
For now, both sides are saying all the correct, corporate, and SEC-friendly things designed to placate worriers and fretters from Wall Street to Melrose Avenue. If you’d like to know what the future holds, though, here are the Top 20 Signs That Your Comic Book Company Has Been Bought By Disney:
Click to continue reading Disney Buys Marvel Comics: Top 20
Disney Buys Marvel for $4 Billion

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories:

As if Disney didn’t own much of our childhood already, the media conglomerate has now spent an estimated $4 billion to acquire Marvel Entertainment, marking the deal as its largest since attaining Pixar in 2006.
Of the whopping $4 billion the company shelled out to obtain the comic book powerhouse, Chief Financial Officer Tom Staggs points out that any great venture is worth the price tag: “You can’t expect to pay a bargain price for premium assets. Marvel is worth more inside Disney than outside Disney.”
Click to continue reading Disney Buys Marvel for $4 Billion
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First Look: Kristen Bell Looks for Love When in Rome

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Disney, Touchstone, Romance, Comedy, Trailers, Upcoming Releases, Videos,
Not unlike every other romantic comedy these days, When in Rome follows a woman determined to find true love; additionally, she falls “victim” to a love spell involving a magical fountain that forces any man whose coin she pulls from said fountain to fall in love with her. Of course, she picks multiple coins, leading a myriad of men to fall madly in love with her, making her ponder whether or not the man she recently met is under the spell or honestly has eyes for her.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall cutie Kristen Bell and Transformers hunk Josh Duhamel star in the Disney comedy, set for a January release. Despite its generic, romantic comedy formula, the fact that the cast also includes Danny DeVito, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, Dax Shepard, Don Johnson, and Anjelica Huston makes me curious enough to see it…
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