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CES 2008 Video: Motorola Z10

When talking to during CES, we liked the Moto Z10 cell phone, currently only available in Europe. Made specifically for the YouTube generation, the Z10 has a video camera that allows you to crop, add transitions, add a soundtrack and even credits. When done, you can immediately upload your masterpiece to YouTube or fave social networking site from the phone itself. Unfortunately, the Z1- is currently only available overseas.


CES 2008 Video: Pat Moorhead on AMD Smart House and CPU Roadmap

We talk to ‘s Marketing VP, Pat Moorhead about the Smart House “portal” they had set up at . In contrast to our last post, they were much more open this time and let me ask just about any questions I asked, including questions about their roadmap and some very cool details about their new “Black” edition, incredibly overclocker-friendly CPU. We also learn more about their mobile device chipset and hear that we’ll be able to output HD content from cell phones and other mobile devices running on ATI chips within the next year or so, straight to an . Cool stuff.

CES 2008: golla, for Those Who Have

golla bagnike sock

We don’t often indulge in designer goods, but this is the CES and we want to be fair. The website alone was so impressive that we just had to mention it. First off, Finland’s golla bags are a “collection, ” not an assortment, that changes bi-annually. They describe themselves as a blend of “lifestyle, fashion, and technology.”  We didn’t check, but we are pretty sure Paris must have one of their mobile, musical, digi, laptop bags and sleeves, or backbags. Look at this! It’s a cotton, polyester, spandex sock! Finally, don’t even hunt around the site for a price. Once again, if you have to ask… By the way, ever since someone stole our flipVideo cover, we have been using an old Nike sock to carry it around. Price: $00.00. Usefulness: priceless.


Read More | CES Planner

CES 2008 Video: Motorola Q9h

The Q9h is a smartphone with 6 and has seven dedicated keys for your most used applications, and a sensor that allows you to view what’s on your phone regardless of lighting conditions. Coming later this year.

Windows Mobile 7 leaked: Microsoft’s mobile savior?

Windows Mobile 7

The Inside Microsoft blog has scored an exclusive first look at Windows Mobile 7, and boy is it hot. Taking some user interface cues from the as well as throwing some truely unique and possibly revolutionary ideas the whole package looks slick, usable, and very much ‘the future’. The OS features a multi-touch interface similar to the Microsoft Surface table, and additionally features gesture based actions allowing a user to shake or rotate the phone to perform on-screen operations.

7 looks to be leaps and bounds ahead of the currently released Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 OS’s. This kind of software revolution may just be the edge Microsoft needs to keep their market share in the mobile space and help give them an edge in the upcoming generation of portable internet and media centric devices.

Read More | Inside Microsoft

Bleeding Edge TV 195: iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware Feature Walkthrough

UPDATE: In case you thought this was fake, Steve Jobs just confirmed that our 1.1.3 coverage is real in his MacWorld 2008 keynote.

Our iPhone 1.1.3 news has been blowing up the Internet. Quite a few people think the images in our iPhone 1.1.3 image gallery were fake, so we figured, why not put up a video? Here is our video proof that 1.1.3 firmware is, in fact, real. Any questions you want answered about it? Let us know in our iPhone 1.1.3 thread. By the way, if you are looking for an excellent program to create custom ringtones for your iPhone, check out iPhone RingToneMaker.

Meantime, the video shows you all the features that we have found (so far) in the 1.1.3 update. That includes the home screen shuffling and reorganizing of the icons, the multi-person SMS sending, the new “Locate Me” feature in the Google Maps application, Hybrid mode in Google Maps, and creating web bookmarks and putting them on your home screen.

At the end of the video, we show you the Gear Live custom painted iPhone that we will be giving away to one of you viewers, courtesy of Monster Cable.

By the way - if you liked this episode, please check out our Top 10 Most Watched Bleeding Edge TV for 2007 - we think you’ll get a kick out of it!

EDIT: We are answering your questions! Check out our first batch of iPhone 1.1.3 answers here.

iPhone 1.1.3 firmware feature gallery

iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware: New Google Maps Options

UPDATE: In case you thought this was fake, Steve Jobs just confirmed that our 1.1.3 coverage is real in his MacWorld 2008 keynote.

Looks like the soon-to-be-released firmware 1.1.3 has quite a few surprises. We were able to get a look at it, and here is what we found:

  • The ability to send an SMS message to multiple people is now there
  • Google Maps application can now pinpoint your location using cell tower triangulation
  • Google Maps can now display the Hybrid map view
  • You can now drag and drop application icons on your home screen
  • The home screen supports pagination
  • You can now add web bookmarks to your home screen

That is all we have found for now. We also know that is you used AnySIM to unlock your phone, you can expect the 1.1.3 update to brick it. Good times. Take a look at our iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 Gallery for a photo tour of the new stuff. By the way, if you are looking for an excellent program to create custom ringtones for your iPhone, check out iPhone RingToneMaker.

EDIT: We are answering your questions! Check out our first batch of iPhone 1.1.3 answers here.

Read More | iPhone 1.1.3 Feature Gallery


Bleeding Edge TV 193: A Look at 2007 Holiday iPod Lineup

The holidays are right around the corner, and while we’ve been sharing our picks for what you should buy in our 2007 Holiday Gift Guide, we also feel we should drop some knowledge in video form as well. I mean, it’s what we do, right? Anyhow, in this one, we give you a look at the complete lineup that is available this holiday season. If you wanted a refresher on exactly what each iPod model has to offer feature-wise, this is the video to check out. We are talking about everything from the iPod shuffle, all the way up to the itself. Strap yourself in and check out the video, and if you plan on buying an iPod for someone special this year (or yourself), let us know which you choose.

Unboxing the iPhone Loaner Kit

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Cell Phones, Handhelds,

iPhone Loaner Unboxing

If you ever find yourself unlucky enough to have your go crazy and you to the point where it needs to be sent in to AppleCare, do know that there is at least a faint glimmer of hope. When you send your phone in, will send you an iPhone loaner kit in return. This means that you aren’t left without a phone while your iPhone is resuscitated back to life by the Geniuses at Apple. Check out the full gallery at Geekmatica.

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Driin’s Device Holder Keeps Gadgets Off The Floor

deviceholderHoliday traveling means (at least) two things - packing up handheld electronics to keep yourself entertained and connected, and trying to find places to stow those gadgets while they’re charging.  In hotel rooms and guestrooms across the country outlets may abound, but there isn’t always a place close to the outlets to safely sit your stuff while it recharges.

Enter Kikkerland’s Portable Device Holder by Driin.  The L-shaped accessory has a large hole in the top through which you plug the charger into the wall.  Sit your gadget of choice on the little shelf and voila - no need to rest your precious metals (or plastics, silicones, or combinations thereof) on the floor.

Read More | wejetset
