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Bleeding Edge TV 195: iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware Feature Walkthrough

UPDATE: In case you thought this was fake, Steve Jobs just confirmed that our 1.1.3 coverage is real in his MacWorld 2008 keynote.

Our iPhone 1.1.3 news has been blowing up the Internet. Quite a few people think the images in our iPhone 1.1.3 image gallery were fake, so we figured, why not put up a video? Here is our video proof that 1.1.3 firmware is, in fact, real. Any questions you want answered about it? Let us know in our iPhone 1.1.3 thread. By the way, if you are looking for an excellent program to create custom ringtones for your iPhone, check out iPhone RingToneMaker.

Meantime, the video shows you all the features that we have found (so far) in the 1.1.3 update. That includes the home screen shuffling and reorganizing of the icons, the multi-person SMS sending, the new “Locate Me” feature in the Google Maps application, Hybrid mode in Google Maps, and creating web bookmarks and putting them on your home screen.

At the end of the video, we show you the Gear Live custom painted iPhone that we will be giving away to one of you viewers, courtesy of Monster Cable.

By the way - if you liked this episode, please check out our Top 10 Most Watched Bleeding Edge TV for 2007 - we think you’ll get a kick out of it!

EDIT: We are answering your questions! Check out our first batch of iPhone 1.1.3 answers here.


iPhone 1.1.3 firmware feature gallery

iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware: New Google Maps Options

UPDATE: In case you thought this was fake, Steve Jobs just confirmed that our 1.1.3 coverage is real in his MacWorld 2008 keynote.

Looks like the soon-to-be-released firmware 1.1.3 has quite a few surprises. We were able to get a look at it, and here is what we found:

  • The ability to send an SMS message to multiple people is now there
  • Google Maps application can now pinpoint your location using cell tower triangulation
  • Google Maps can now display the Hybrid map view
  • You can now drag and drop application icons on your home screen
  • The home screen supports pagination
  • You can now add web bookmarks to your home screen

That is all we have found for now. We also know that is you used AnySIM to unlock your phone, you can expect the 1.1.3 update to brick it. Good times. Take a look at our iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 Gallery for a photo tour of the new stuff. By the way, if you are looking for an excellent program to create custom ringtones for your iPhone, check out iPhone RingToneMaker.

EDIT: We are answering your questions! Check out our first batch of iPhone 1.1.3 answers here.

Read More | iPhone 1.1.3 Feature Gallery


Movie Rentals Coming to iTunes

20th Century FoxIndustry insiders are reporting that a deal has been struck between and .  This agreement would allow iTunes users to now rent movies from the online service.  The films from the Fox catalogue would only be available for only a limited time.

Although no price has yet been set, the rentals should come cheaper than the movies for purchase.  More details on this service are expected to be announced at the January Macworld conference.

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Bleeding Edge TV 193: A Look at 2007 Holiday iPod Lineup

The holidays are right around the corner, and while we’ve been sharing our picks for what you should buy in our 2007 Holiday Gift Guide, we also feel we should drop some knowledge in video form as well. I mean, it’s what we do, right? Anyhow, in this one, we give you a look at the complete lineup that is available this holiday season. If you wanted a refresher on exactly what each iPod model has to offer feature-wise, this is the video to check out. We are talking about everything from the iPod shuffle, all the way up to the itself. Strap yourself in and check out the video, and if you plan on buying an iPod for someone special this year (or yourself), let us know which you choose.

Unboxing the iPhone Loaner Kit

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Cell Phones, Handhelds,

iPhone Loaner Unboxing

If you ever find yourself unlucky enough to have your go crazy and you to the point where it needs to be sent in to AppleCare, do know that there is at least a faint glimmer of hope. When you send your phone in, will send you an iPhone loaner kit in return. This means that you aren’t left without a phone while your iPhone is resuscitated back to life by the Geniuses at Apple. Check out the full gallery at Geekmatica.

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Bleeding Edge TV 190: How to Replace Your iPhone Battery

has locked down the battery, which means that once it can’t hold a charge, you need to send it in. If you’d rather just buy your own battery and replace it yourself, we’ve got your hookup. Nate and I got together to film this this tutorial, which shows how to replace your iPhone battery. Heck, even if you have decided that you will never open up your iPhone on your own, we think it’s still pretty cool to see the process - so just hit play, okay?

Oh, and just to be sure we’re all clear, we take absolutely no responsibility if you try and replicate what you see in our video and end up bricking or damaging your phone. Okay, happy viewing!

Gallery: Unboxing the Apple iPhone Bluetooth Headset

Holding iPhone Bluetooth Headset

We know the Bluetooth Headset has been around for a few months now, but we figured, better late than never, right? In the iPhone Bluetooth Headset Unboxing gallery, we show off the headset itself, the dual dock, the iPhone’s dual charge status screen, and we even do a size comparison between the Apple Bluetooth Headset and the Aliph Jawbone. We’ve got 20 pictures in all, so head on over to the gallery to check them out.

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iPhone Bluetooth Headset Unboxing Gallery


Sugar Free Crockpot Applesauce Recipe

Crockpot Applesauce

I love this time of the year, when the weather starts to turn a little colder, and forces us indoors. I love the changing of seasons - it makes me feel creative, as there are so many different fresh food options with each season. In Washington, August through October is the season of bountiful , pears, plums, peaches, nectarines, and many other tree ripening fruits. I think that many people buy applesauce because, it’s less expensive at the stores, but even more than that, they don’t realize how easy it can be to make yourself. If you have apple farmers in your area, take a family trip and buy a box or two of apples, I think you will be surprised how much you will spend. The farmers in this area charge around $.40 a pound for seconds (perfectly edible apples that don’t look perfect so they can’t sell them in the stores, which are perfect for saucing). I love making because it makes the house smell delicious all day long. When I first started making applesauce a few years ago I had tried different recipes that all called for sugar. Every time I made the sauce I added less sugar until I realized, it doesn’t need any! This is such a simple recipe and such great apple flavor. I try to make it a fun event for the kids as well, they get to help me the cooked apples and of course they get to taste the of our labor!



  • As many apples as you can fit in your Crockpot, quartered (the best sauce is made of 2-3 different kinds of apples, varying in sweetness)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Dash of cinnamon to taste


  1. Wash and quarter apples, place in Crockpot.
  2. Add water and cinnamon. Cover and let cook on low for 8-10 hours or high for 5-6 hours.
  3. Towards the end I lift the lid and mash up a bit with a potato masher, that way I can see if it’s ready or not. It’s ready when the apples are very soft and mash easily with the masher, if there are still big chunks you need to cook the apples longer.
  4. When the apples are ready, ladle the cooked apples into a food mill and sauce the apples, leaving behind the apple peels and seeds. If you don’t have a food mill you can peel and core the apples and mash with a potato masher for a little chunkier sauce, but very pretty. Be creative with this, if you like more seasoning you can add some allspice or nutmeg, some people like to add sugar and lemon juice, I prefer less sugar.
  5. I always freeze my applesauce, it’s so easy. I just ladle the applesauce into quart freezer Ziplock bags and label, that’s it! You can thaw in the refrigerator or in warm water if you need it to thaw more quickly, then place the sauce in a jar (or freeze it right in the jar, leaving a 1/2 inch of room at the top for expansion.


(PRODUCT) RED iPod nano 3rd Gen. Unboxing Gallery

VellVett performing at the 2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash

A couple of weeks ago, Apple announced the newly redesigned iPod nano. More stout, but with a larger screen, this was the update to the most popular portable audio player of all time. We got our hands on one of the (PRODUCT) RED versions of the new iPod nano. We chose that color because a portion (10%) of the purchase price - $20 - goes to the Global Fund to fight disease in Africa. In this unboxing gallery, we give you a great look at the new nano, as well as the (PRODUCT) RED information that it comes with.

Read More | iPod nano 3rd Gen. Unboxing Gallery

Apple May Lower Price for TV Show Downloads

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: NBC, Internet,

AppleDespite a severed relationship with NBC Universal, Apple is supposedly considering lowered prices for iTunes users.  (Lack of pricing flexibility had been a point of contention in the failed negotiations).  Currently, downloads of television shows cost $1.99/each.  If changes are made, consumers may soon pay only $0.99 for song and episode purchases.

It’s expected that many entertainment companies will balk at the proposal fearing slashed prices would hurt their bottom line.  Why would fans still purchase boxed-set DVDs if packaging a season online proves more cost-effective?  But Apple conversely believes that reducing prices would actually boost revenue for all parties involved. 

There’s no indication at this time when or if this strategy may ever take effect.

Read More | Variety
