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Gameloft To Create iPhone Games

iPod GamesGameloft, who already creates mobile games for the iPod, has announced that this year it will bring about 15 games to market for the iPhone. They will be using Apple’s SDK and are thrilled that they will have a new venue.

Michel Guillemot, President of Gameloft, said, “The release of the SDK is a tremendous opportunity for Gameloft to apply its creative and innovative approach to mobile gaming.”

The App Store will open in June with Gameloft’s products as well as other applications.

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Beatles music not yet on iTunes

Sgt. PeppersUpdate: Turns out, is saying this is an unsubstantiated rumor.

“This is not news nor is it a scoop,” says an Apple Inc. spokesman, declining further comment.

In a USA Today interview, Steve Jobs said that:

It will happen — I hope by the first half of next year. As soon as they’re ready, we’re ready.

The original story:

Get ready to welcome Sgt. Pepper to your iPod. Sir Paul has finally reached an agreement with Apple and the iTunes store. For $400 million, they will receive the Beatles’ back catalog. Proceeds will be divided between McCartney, Ringo Starr, the families of John Lennon and George Harrison, and no doubt will trickle down to Heather Mills. Michael Jackson, EMI, and Sony, who also own part of the Beatles music, will also receive stipends as part of the deal.


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The Beatles: Across the iUniverse

The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan ShowThe first invasion of America by the British created a nation. The second British invasion? That created four icons who will never fade from memory or music: . Though the Fab Four were Liverpool-born, their music has literally been played across the universe. One place it’s never been played is iTunes, but at last that’s all about to change.

Apple (the company behind the iMac) and Apple (the record label associated with The Beatles) have finally come to a deal. For a cool $400 million Apple (computers) purchased the rights to feature the tunes. The money will be split between the estates of the group members themselves, the Apple recording label, and (who owns the publishing rights to many Beatles tracks).

Let’s start to pull this together. recently inked a deal with iTunes to display contestant songs. The show then magically managed to get the rights to sing the Lennon-McCartney song book for the first time in seven years, and iTunes suddenly has permission to include Beatles tunes in their listings. What wonders cross-promotion can create.

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iPhone SDK released, available for download

iPhone SDK released

has officially announced the , and it is amazing. In fact, the SDK gives third-party developers access to the exact same tools, APIs, and Cocoa Touch framework that Apple has been using to design their own iPhone apps. This includes features like location-aware applications, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, the 3-axis accelerometer, and complete access to the media features available on the . The SDK is built right in to Xcode, which includes an iPhone emulator, called iPhone Simulator. This let’s you test your applications without having to load them onto an actual iPhone, where you might end up with a bricked device. When you are ready to test on your actual phone, it is simple to send your app over to the iPhone for real-world testing.

Exciting, right? If you want to give it a shot, the SDK toolset is available for all to download - free of charge. You won’t be able to send your apps to your iPhone unless you are selected to participate in the iPhone 2.0 firmware update beta program, but hey, that’s what iPhone Simulator is for.

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ActiveSync licensed for iPhone by Apple

iPhone exchangeMany, many people have been waiting for official Exchange support, and Apple has finally responded. The company has licensed ActiveSync from Microsoft, which will make the iPhone fully compatible with Exchange. That means:

  • Push email
  • Push contact syncing
  • Push calendar syncing
  • Remote wipe to clear data off device if lost

All of this ActiveSync goodness will be available with the software update, which Apple says will be released in June.

Apple Time Capsule vs. Airport Extreme size comparison

Airport Extreme stacked on Time Capsule

If our Time Capsule unboxing gallery wasn’t enough for you, we’ve got a bit more for you in term of images of ‘s new NAS wireless router. We know that images can be deceiving, so we thought we’d put the current Airport Express router up against the Time Capsule and snap some photos so that you can see the size difference. The Time Capsule is definitely larger - understandable, since it has to pack in a 500 GB or 1 TB hard drive. Aside from size, the only other really obvious difference between the two is that the Airport Extreme has a white Apple logo, while Time Capsule’s is silver. Check out the rest of the shots in our Time Capsule vs. Airport Extreme size comparison gallery.

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Apple Time Capsule unboxing gallery

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Features, Galleries, Networking,

Apple Time Capsule

Over the past day, we’ve been putting ‘s through its paces, and so far, we like what we see. We will be updating you with some impressions in a future post, but for now, we figured we’d hit you with another one of our unboxing galleries. We have a good 18 shots of Apple’s backup NAS wireless router that works hand-in-hand with Time Machine in all of its glory over in our Time Capsule unboxing gallery. Check it out.

Also, if you are interested, here is a Time Capsule vs. Airport Extreme size comparison gallery.

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Time Capsule unboxing gallery


Time Capsule finally shipping

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Storage, Wireless / WiFi,

Apple Time Capsule shippingWhen announced , Steve Jobs promised that it would ship in February. Well, in similar fashion to the launch of both the and , Apple waited until just about the very last moment to get the product out the door. In any event, we ordered our Time Capsule as soon as it hit the Apple Store Online, and it just got out the door today. Looks like we can expect it to arrive around March 4th.

If you ordered yours after we ordered ours, let us know if you are also seeing that yours has shipped as well.

Apple is Second in Music Sales

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Music,

NPD Group logoApple must be positively giddy at hearing the news that the iTunes Store is now the #2 retailer of music, second only to Wally World. The company claims that it sold 20 million tunes on Christmas Day alone. Based on an NPD Group survey, the top four also included Best Buy and Target. The study also concluded that about 29 million consumers, ages 36 to 50, acquired music legally. They were those that had recently purchased (or received) MP3 players. That was an increase of 5 mill over the year before. That’s a lot of assuaged guilt.

Read More | NPD Group

FMJ Earbuds Complement iPhones

FMJ EarphonesAnother company catering to the iPhone crowd is Skullcandy with their FMJ Earphones. They feature a coiled metal cable at a length of 1.1 meters and an in-line mic. The 11mm buds have a frequency range of 16Hz to 20KHz and an impedance of 500mW. Although they are after Apple devotees, the 3.5mm gold plated plug will work with Blackberry Curves and other handhelds and phones. In a choice of black, chrome, or silver, expect availability around the first two weeks of March with a price of $79.95.

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