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RIM to Open BlackBerry Application Centers

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Handhelds, Software,
Not to be outdone by Apple and Google, RIM will be opening their BlackBerry Application Center. The online store will come out with their BlackBerry Storm software 4.7. The data will be stored on carriers’ locales and they are free to pick and choose their own applications. The main screen provides browsing while the application screen will provide a list. We expect this to be quite popular with owners of the smartphone, who can now save face when iPhone and Android owners brag about their new, cool apps.
Read More | CrackBerry
T-Mobile G1 gets unboxed

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Cell Phones, Handhelds,

The T-Mobile G1 arrives later this month (October 22, to be exact), and the peeps over at TMo News have already got their hands on one, all boxed up. The next logical step was to snap images of the unboxing process, which they’ve done swimmingly. If you want to see what all is included in the package, now’s your chance. Hey, it comes with a carrying pouch, isn’t that enough of a reason to click over?
TMo News
Gameloft to Develop Android Games

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Handhelds, Portable Audio / Video, Video Games,
Gameloft has announced that they plan on developing 10+ games for Android. The first to be developed will be Bubble Bash and will launch in Q1 2009. They are planning on the rest for later on that year. Michel Guillemot, Gameloft’s pres and CEO said,
“The momentum and excitement for the Android has been building for some time,” said Michel Guillemot, president and CEO of Gameloft. “We plan to fully support this platform since it provides another great outlet for an enhanced gaming experience for consumers.”
We will get excited when they come up with a mobile game that has a little more momentum.
Read More | Aving
A look at Google Mobile on T-Mobile G1

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Design, Google, Handhelds, Videos,
If you are curious about how Google services will work on the Android platform, Eric from Google is here to give us a look. Google products like search, maps, YouTube, Gmail, contacts, calendar, and Google Talk are all included in the Android operating system used by the T-Mobile G1. Basically, you sign in to your Google account once, and all your information syncs to the web. Any changes made on the web sync back to your phone. It’s like a free version of MobileMe - yeah, I said it. Check out the video above for a walkthrough of Google features on the G1.
T-Mobile G1 details

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Google, Handhelds,

This morning, T-Mobile and Google held the press conference to announce the first phone to officially launch with the Android OS, the T-Mobile G1. You are going to hear a lot of people comparing this one to the iPhone, so let’s jump in to the feature set. The G1 sports 3G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, a 3-megapixel camera, is based on a fully open-source OS. The Android OS gives you access to the Android Market (think of that as being similar to the App Store), as well as built-in support for Amazon’s MP3 store, for downloading music on the go. Even cooler, in our opinion, are the things that are real firsts in the mobile phone space - Push Gmail, and Google Maps with Street View.
You can pick up the T-Mobile G1 on October 22, at a nice price of $179.99 with a 2-year agreement. If you can’t wait to spend the cash, you can even pre-order one now at the G1 website. If you are over in the UK, it’s yours in November, while the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic will have to wait until sometime in the first quarter of 2009.
Read More | T-Mobile G1 product page
Google Shows Off Android Run Prototype

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Design, Google, Software,
This week during the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Google showed off its software platform Android for cell phones in solid form. Acquired in 2005 and launched last year, the company rounded up a team to show how it may look. They also announced the formation of the Open Handset Alliance, 34 handset manufacturers, carriers and chipmakers that will support Android. Based on open-source coding, Google is counting on the prototype to give the competition, including Microsoft, Nokia, and RIM a run for their money. Hooray for free enterprise.
Read More | c/net news