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LazyLibrary Searches for Short Books

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet, Misc. Tech,

LasyLibrary logoThere is never enough time to read these days, at least not for those of us that spend most of our days writing. So we are exceptionally pleased at this new site that must have been designed with us (and partying college students) in mind. LazyLibrary searches for books that are 200 pages or less. Type in your subject and the site will show you books with total pages, the exact page number that information can be found on, and consumer ratings. You then can pick your purchase from Amazon’s selection of either new or used books by link.

Read More | LazyLibrary


NBC Leaves Apple, Turns to Amazon

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: NBC, Announcements, Internet, News,

Bionic WomanAfter severing ties with Apple, Universal has forged a relationship with Amazon.com.  So fans in need of a missed show can now turn to Amazon’s ‘Unbox’ service for their fix.  NBC claims this new partnership allows for more pricing flexibility and packaged content.

To whet your appetite, the network will be allowing fans to download for free pilots of their new fall shows (including those for , and ).  Interestingly enough, later episodes will then be available for $1.99 (the same price made familiar by iTunes). 

Be looking for those new pilots come next Monday (September 10th).

Read More | Hollywood Reporter

Audible Offers $100.00 Promotional Certificate

80GB iPodIf you still have your eye on one of the larger iPods but cannot afford the lofty price, Audible is giving a $100.00 coupon for anyone who signs up with their Listener Gold or Platinum subscription service starting at $14.95 a month. You can use it to discount any AudibleReady gadget on their sister site Amazon. Included in the deal are selected PMPs, PDAs, GPS systems, and SmartPhones. Audible offers over 23,000 audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, radio, and original programs for download. The promotion is available until September 30.

Read More | Gadget Madness

Harry Potter and the Book That Sold

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: News,

DescriptionThe seventh (and last) edition to the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, hasn’t even hit the shelves yet, and it’s already sold more than one million copies. According to Amazon.com, J.K. Rowling’s last Harry novel is the most pre-ordered product in Amazon’s history, with 1.6 million copies already on the pre-order list for shipment around the world. The book will be in bookstores worldwide on July 21, though sales are expected to rise by several hundred thousand copies by that time. Rowling has publicly stated that “at least two” characters will die in this last book, though she refuses to give any hints about who those characters might be. Rowling, with more than 325 million copies of Harry books sold, is the first author to ever make a billion dollars from her literary efforts. The Harry Potter franchise includes a highly successful string of movies, with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix scheduled for theaters July 13. The final movie won’t make it to the theatres until 2010.

Read More | Yahoo News

Assassin’s Creed Dated, Pre-Orders Available for 360, PS3

Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Rumors, Xbox 360,

Assassins Kickin' it Old Skool

Looks like Assassin’s Creed may be taking a chunk of time out of your beginnig-of-quarter studying schedule, for all you gamer-students out there. If Amazon.com‘s listing is correct, the game will be launching on September 25th this year. Currently, you can pre-order the Ubisoft game for either Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3, from Amazon’s website, for $59.99. Interestingly, there’s also an Assassin’s Creed DS listing over at Amazon, but we’re not going to give that too much credibility.

Personally, I can’t wait to see if there’s any difference between the 360 and PS3 versions of the title. Given that the game was one of the most visually impressive demonstrations of the PS3 hardware, it’ll be interesting to see how the worst-kept non-exclusivity secret in gaming plays on supposedly inferior hardware.

Read More | Amazon.com

Amazon Sells Out of Elite 360’s in Hours

Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Release Dates, Rumors, Xbox 360,

Xbox 360 Elite PackPersonally, it seemed like a strange move to me when Microsoft announced the Xbox 360 “elite” edition. For a console that had really carved out a position for itself in the current-gen competition, it seemed like the Elite was just M$ trying to make their console look more like a PS3. Well, color me wrong, because it seems like the Elite may be selling like hotcakes.

According to videogame news site Punch-Jump, the Xbox 360 Elite edition was posted on Amazon.com yesterday for pre-orders (good luck getting it on Sunday!), and sold out “within hours” of being listed. Of course, it’s not clear whether or not this actually represents M$ increasing their market share… are these truly *new* gamers, or just folks upgrading from their Platinum edition 360’s? We’ll be keeping a close eye on the NPD numbers next month… could this be the edge that Microsoft needs to beat out Sony in this round?

P.S. For those of you that weren’t madly refreshing the Amazon.com homepage on Thursday, you could always try your luck getting a Wii or Elite 360 at Target this week!

Read More | Punch-Jump.com

Amazon Opens Unbox Video Download Service

Amazon Unbox Opens

As predicted and speculated, Amazon’s Unbox Video Download Service has gone live, offering full-length movies and TV shows they day after they are premiered. Apple, however, doesnt necessarily have to be worried quite yet. Unbox’s prices are a little on the high end of the spectrum, with the lowest priced films at just under $10 whereas recent releases are nearly $20. Prices on TV shows though match that of iTunes, available for $1.99.

Unsurprisingly, the downloads have a Digital Rights Management (DRM) scheme to them, but Amazon says that the videos are PlaysForSure compatible. Unfortunately, rentals are rather restictive. Upon download, there are a 30-day time limit to begin watching the video and after the video has been opened, it will delete itself after just 24 hours. The files can also only be played using Amazon’s Unbox Video Player, which currently is only Windows-compatible.

As a starting incentive and to celebrate their store opening, Amazon is offering a free video or rental with a $1.99 instant rebate on your first purchase.

Read More | Amazon Unbox

Amazon Digital Video Service Details Surface

Posted by Nino Marchetti Categories: Broadband, Home Entertainment,

DescriptionIt looks like some sort of pages and screenshots related to the upcoming Amazon.com digital video download service has surfaced. Gizmodo has all of the goods on this, including copies of the images of the pages as well as actual working links to pages on the Amazon Web site. Check it out while it’s hot!

Read More | Gizmodo: Amazon Digital Video Info
