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Speaking of marketing, watch every Apple commercial from 1977 to present day. There's about 485 commercials, which includes the famous Mac vs PC, the technicolored hipster iPod dance ads and, of course, the iconic 1984 Macintosh SuperBowl spot directed by Sir Ridley Scott. One of my favorites, the first iPhone ad 'Surprised' from 2007.

Click to continue reading Watch every Apple commercial from 1977-2012


There's a high cost for making Samsung Galaxy devices. Horace Dediu, from Asymco, breaks down the math and visualizes them into nifty graphs. There's no question that the mobile Galaxy line embedded with Android has been a success for the South Korean conglomerate but, apparently, it comes at a cost of marketing the products. Sales, general and administrative (SG&A), is part of the equation being extrapolated for the results for past trends from 2009 to 2012. In other words, Samsung basically spends roughly four times more on marketing than its most rival mobile competitor. A good marketing example is seeing a payed advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy S III at the top of the Twitter Trend. Or those now infamous "Next Big Thing is Here" commercials basically trolling Apple customers at a line for a faux launch.

Click to continue reading Marketing Samsung Galaxy Devices visualized

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RIP Jeff Millar

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

Tank McNamaraThe well-known comic strip writer (Tank McNamara) and movie reviewer Jeff Millar has passed away.

Millar, and artist Bill Hinds, created Tank back in 1974 and quickly carved out a nice niche for itself as one of the few successful sports-based cartoons at a time when sports was fast becoming a national obsession.

Tank was always a top-notch strip. Millar had a playful and punny sense of humor and Hinds was a great draftsman.

That they managed to keep the strip going for 38 years is quite an accomplishment.

Here's the obituary from the Houston Chronicle, where Millar used to work. It details a lot of his non-comics accomplishments, many of which I was previously unaware.

[Artwork: Tank McNamara]

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Museums must have something against Roger Ebert. First, the Smithsonian American Art Museum holds an exclusive video game event earlier this year, and now the New York City Museum of Modern Art is following suit.

MoMA is officially bringing in 14 videogame classics to begin an ongoing gaming collection that will go on display in March 2013 in the Philip Johnson Architecture and Design Galleries. Currently, the included games feature obvious choices such as Pac-Man, modern games like Portal, and obscure games like vib-ribbon. The collection MoMA is aiming for consists of about 40 titles, which will fall in as part of a "new category of artworks."

Click to continue reading Museum of Modern Art begins collecting video games for new exhibit

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Google Drive site publishing

Google Drive users are now able to publish web content via their Drive storage using a public folder available from any browser. Web content published through Drive will also be able to host JavaScript, so you'll be able to run web apps on your page. Google, being the stickler for simplicity, demands published content remain static, and any outbound links must be addressed in a way that shows up in layman terms.

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NextIssueNext Issue, the digital magazine services that's often described as "the Netflix of digital magazines," announced it will add eight new titles to it's tablet app. This brings the total library to 80 magazines, with impressive big hitters like New York Magazine, Food & Wine, and Men's Fitness.

Despite the additional magazine titles, pricing remains at $10 a month for 73 monthly and bi-weekly magazines, and $15 a month for access to the entire library, which adds in the weekly publications. If you use an Android tablet, the new titles aren't yet available on your platform, but should be the near future.

It's been a long time coming for patiently waiting Marvel fans, but the 10-disc Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled Blu-ray collection set is finally slated for release on April 2nd. The collection had previously been delayed by lawsuit, leaving Amazon to pacify pre-orderers with free copies of The Avengers.

Originally, the collection was to come with a S.H.I.E.L.D. briefcase, but that has since been scrapped due to the aforementioned licensing issue. It will, however, come with a suitcase featuring a glowing Tesseract on the inside. Also, thanks to the delay, the collection will have a few new extras, such as an early Iron Man 3 preview and the second phase of films. But with extra content comes extra financial responsibility, as the price is now $219 at retail--but you can preorder it for $197.10 on Amazon, saving yourself 10%.

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iPhone 5 unlocked

Apple has begun selling unlocked iPhone 5 smartphones in the U.S., starting at $649. The unlocked and off-contract iPhone 5 works on GSM, HSPA+, and LTE networks in certain countries.

The subtle move popped up in a low-key option on Apple's iPhone page, and doesn't offer any extra perks for the hefty price tag. Besides that, you can expect the same colors and features you're used to in the standard carrier models.

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt

It's beginning to look a lot like the holiday season is fast approaching, yet every day is a holiday on the internets.

If you were going to cast the Doctor Strange movie, and want to argue about it, you could do that at Longbox Graveyard where Paul O’Connor, Chris Ulm and I layout a scenario.

JT Lindroos at Bookgasm looks at a chunk of UK graphic novels to add to your holiday shopping list: Tank Girl, Rogue Trooper, and Torpedo.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Doctor Strange, Alan Moore and Ward Kimball

Disguised As Clark KentThis is kind of last minute, but it sounds like it would be fun.

If you're going to be near, on or around Staten Island on Sunday morning, December 2 and 10 o'clock, Writer/Storyteller/Comics Historian Danny Fingeroth will be speaking on "Jews and the Comic Books" and the creation of the comic book super-hero based on the Jewish immigrant experience. Plus, the talk comes with a lox and bagels breakfast.

Admission is just $7, and Fingeroth will be speaking at Temple Emanu-El at 984 Post Ave. For information, call 718-442-5966.

Fingeroth is a great speaker, a knowledgeable historian and a good guy. If you can make it, you'll have a good time.

[Artwork: Disguised As Clark Kent: Jews, Comics And The Creation Of The Superhero by Danny Fingeroth]

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