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Capcom has some major Steam and PSN discounts for you! First, on PSN, you'll find discounts on Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Online Edition, discounted to $7.34 for PS Plus members and $10.49 for regular members, and Resident Evil 4 HD, discounted to $9.79 for PS Plus members and $13.99 for regular members.

Over at Steam, the discounts cover most of the Capcom library and go as low as 50 percent off. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, for instance, is marked down from $39.99 to $19.99.

Read More | Capcom Unity

Gallery: Capcom Games Discounted up to Fifty Percent on Steam and PSN


So you’re a college student on a budget looking to buy your next video game. But here’s the thing, you only have enough money for one. You know you want a first person shooter, but you also wouldn’t mind a vehicle-oriented game. So what are your options? It’s simple, Wheels of Destruction!

Wheels of Destruction: World Tour is a PS3 game in which the vehicle is the first person shooter. There is no person’s involved with this game, just full on metal to metal contact with a heavy dose of plasma guns and lasers as weaponry. In our books this should be a win combo.

Players face off each other in a “Death Race 2” type of scenario, fighting till the last player standing. Gameplay includes “death matches,” “free-for-alls,” and “capture-the-flag frenzies.” There are also three classes of futuristic vehicles to choose from, “Scout, Heavy, and Assassin.” We opt for the Assassin class! Check out the trailer below, along with an instructional video to see how the game play works!

Gallery: Wheels of Destruction for PS3 combines first-person shooters with arcade racing

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 review

Since the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 this past November, many were left wondering what was next in store for the Call of Duty franchise. With seemingly every American war being fought in one of their games and having made up a war in the near future, we may have seen the final Call of Duty game release last year. Is this necessarily a bad thing though? The Call of Duty franchise and especially the Modern Warfare series have been raved by gamers as the best video game series of the last several years. With thrilling and fast paced online multiplayer that Mountain Dew guzzlers love and customizability that the hardcore gamer can submerge themselves into, who can argue that it isn’t?

Click to continue reading Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 review

Gallery: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 review

PlayStation Network is down

If you're having trouble accessing the PlayStation Network this evening, you're not alone. PSN is undergoing scheduled maintenance until 10:00 PM PST:

During the maintenance, you will be unable to access the following services:

PlayStation Store on PS3 and PSP.
PlayStation Network Account Management.
PlayStation Network Account Registration.

In about five hours, everything should be back to normal!

Read More | PlayStation Blog

Gallery: PlayStation Network down for scheduled maintenance November 17

sony PSN freebies

When Sony started restoring its PlayStation network this weekend, it promised a welcome-back consolation package for users who have been patiently waiting for its return since it went dark on April 20.

This afternoon, the company provided some details on what returning users will receive, including free games, movie rentals, and virtual items.

"We developed the program as an expression of our gratitude for your patience, support and continued loyalty during the service outage. From all of us at PlayStation, thank you and welcome back!" Patrick Seybold, senior director of corporate communications and social media, wrote in a blog post. "This package will be made available to all existing registered PlayStation Network and Qriocity users in North America (US and Canada), and will be made available shortly after we have fully restored the service."

What do you get? All PlayStation Network customers can choose two of five PS3 games: Dead Nation; inFAMOUS; LittleBigPlanet; Super Stardust HD; or Wipeout HD + Fury. PSP owners can select two of four games: LittleBigPlanet; ModNation Racers; Pursuit Force; or Killzone Liberation. All games will be available for 30 days after the store is restored and can be kept forever.

Click to continue reading A look at Sony’s Playstation Network “Welcome Back” freebie package

Gallery: A look at Sony’s Playstation Network “Welcome Back” freebie package

Sony Online Entertainment brought its PlayStation Network back online (after a major security breach took PSN down) in parts of Europe and the U.S. Saturday, but some 12 hours after the announcement many PSN customers were left wondering when it would be their turn.

At about 8:30 p.m. ET Saturday, Sony announced it would begin a "phased" return of PSN services to customers following a three-week outage caused by a hack of the network that forced the company to take it down. But a map of the U.S. that Sony is updating to reflect when its network goes live in individual states was left with numerous states without service in the Midwest, South and Northeast as of about 8 a.m. ET.

Several hours after the initial announcement, readers in Texas, Illinois and other states were complaining that PSN service had not been restored to their areas. Sony had warned that it would "take several hours to restore PSN throughout the entire country."

Meanwhile, PSN customers in Australia and the Caribbean wondered when their areas would go back online. Sony's Saturday announcement only referred to Europe and North America.

The company issued a further notice to PSN customers whose service had been turned on but who still weren't able to access the network:

Click to continue reading Sony Playstation Network back online in most areas

Gallery: Sony Playstation Network back online in most areas

Playstation network down

Sony said Thursday that its PlayStation Network, the online service that connects Sony's game consoles like the PlayStation 3, may be out for a "full day or two" due to an unexpected and unexplained outage.

Sony first confirmed the outage at 5:50 PM Wednesday night, when Patrick Seybold, the senior director of corporate communications and social media, reported that "We're aware certain functions of PlayStation Network are down," Seybold said. "We will report back here as soon as we can with more information."

At 9:34 AM on Thursday, Seybold added the latest information, which will be grim news for PlayStation players.

"While we are investigating the cause of the Network outage, we wanted to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we're able to get the service completely back up and running," Seybold added. "Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we'll update you again as soon as we can."

Click to continue reading PlayStation Network down for a “day or two” after outside attack

Gallery: PlayStation Network down for a “day or two” after outside attack

Demiurge Studios released the first in-game trailer for their upcoming title, Shoot Many Robots, which is slated for a downloadble release in 2011.  This might be Demiurge Studios first original title, but they are no rookies to the business of making fun and addictive games. The company stands as one of the largest independent game developers in the Boston area, and has been lending its expertise for years to AAA franchises like Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Mass Effect and Rock Band.

“After nine years of working on truly awesome IPs with our favorite developers and publishers, we’re thrilled to be stepping out of the shadows with an original property of our own,” said Albert Reed, co-founder and studio director at Demiurge Studios. “Shoot Many Robots is the dream game we’ve always wanted to make: a 4-player co-op action-RPG with tons of loot and great innovation on beloved run-and-gun game play. Our team created a vibrant, unique style for the game that’s beautifully rendered by Demiurge’s new game engine. Building a 'Robot Murder Simulator' has been a blast for us, and we can't wait to get it into gamers' hands.”

Shoot Many Robots look like an old school gamer's or arcade junkies dream. With a side-scroller feel, item looting, co-op, and shoot 'em up mechanics, we can assume it will be a huge success on the PSN and Xbox LIVE Arcade platforms.

Gallery: First Look: Shoot Many Robots In-game Trailer

Sonic 4 Leaderboard reset

I've never seen the point in getting to number one on a leaderboard with a cheated score - especially when the score is so ridiculous it is obviously fake. Really? You beat the level in 0 seconds?

Because of these attention seeking hackers the entire Sonic 4 leaderboards will reset (and I will have to once again get my Splash Hill Act 2 score charted, argh!). Though, you might want to wait a while to get your time back up, as apparently there is no permanent fix to stop the hackers from doing it again, which they surely will. 

Read More | Sega Forums

Gallery: Sonic 4 leaderboards get a full reset due to cheaters

VUDU f2.0, playstation 3

As if having Sony's own Video Marketplace, Netflix, and Hulu to satisfy the film cravings of PS3 owners wasn't enough, Sony is now adding a fourth movie service with VUDU. 

Basically, VUDU is a video marketplace that allows rentals and purchases of movies through streaming. This is something that the other services on the system don't do, as it is the only one that allows you to purchase movies without downloading them, but it's not a big leap either. 

Rentals will cost about $2 for SD, while HD is a higher $4-6--those $6 rentals get you the HDX 1080p streaming content, which looks fantastic. Signing up with the VUDU service will earn you a $6 credit as well. 

VUDU is only available in the US.

Read More | Kotaku

Gallery: VUDU coming to Playstation 3 on November 23
