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Philips To Offer External BD-ROM

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, Home Entertainment, Movies, PC / Laptop,

If you are leery of the still high priced Blu-ray disc players and recorders, Philips and Lite-On Digital Solutions (PLDS) will be soon be releasing an external BD-ROM.
Jelmer Veldman of PLDS, says “The market adoption of Blu-ray as the optical disc standard for High Definition content results in a growing demand for Blu-ray playback solutions.”
The DX-4O1S allows for playback via USB 2.0. It can read Blu-ray, single-layer DVD, dual-layer DVD, and CD media. PLDS also has an internal drive available for ~$150.00. Due out in Q2, we figure that the DVD war’s outcome somehow was no surprise to the company.
Read More | Daily Tech
Gallery: Philips To Offer External BD-ROM
Next Sony Blu-ray players: BDP-S350, BDP-S550

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies,

Now that Sony has felt the smell of victory, this summer they will be releasing Blu-ray disc players with new features. The BDP-S350 features an ethernet connection for broadband which will be accessible with the software upgrade BD-Live. That will allow download bonuses such as trailers and games The player should carry a MSRP of ~$400.00. The BDP-S550 will already be BD-Live capable for about $100.00 more. Both will feature PIP Bonus View for cast and crew commentary. Note how it is encased in a “we won” color.
Read More | ABC News
Gallery: Next Sony Blu-ray players: BDP-S350, BDP-S550

With iTunes 7.6, we got movie rentals, among other things. We also got nice, tight integration between iTunes and Apple TV Take 2. Today, Apple released a small point upgrade in iTunes 7.6.1, which focuses on “several” bug fixes as well as an improving compatibility between iTunes and Apple TV 2.0 software. Here is the full scoop from Apple themselves:
Rent and download your favorite movies with iTunes on your computer or directly to your living room on Apple TV. Enjoy rented movies in sizes up to 720p HD with surround sound on your Apple TV and sizes up to DVD-quality on your computer. Transfer your rented movies from iTunes to your iPod or iPhone and enjoy them on the go.
Also, purchase and download your favorite TV shows, music, and more directly on your Apple TV. Effortlessly transfer purchases made on Apple TV back to your computer with iTunes.
iTunes 7.6.1 includes several bug fixes and improves compatibility with Apple TV software version 2.0.
Anything that eliminates bugs sounds good to us. Fire up Software Update to pull in the new version.
Gallery: iTunes 7.6.1 released
Hyundai to Feature Dual In-Dash Monitor

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, GPS, Movies, Music, Transportation,

It isn’t enough that you are fighting with traffic, your cell phone, and GPS while driving, not to mention the dreaded back seat driver hammering in your ear. Hyundai will soon be releasing an in-dash dual monitor into the company’s Grandeur. So while you watch the road, the map, and listen to your missed messages, you can also be distracted by your passenger watching a DVD. We think we would rather sit that one out, thank you very much.
Read More | Aving
Gallery: Hyundai to Feature Dual In-Dash Monitor
Buh Bye HD DVD

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies,

It’s official. Toshiba announced today that the end is here. In a public statement, Atsutoshi Nishida, President and CEO said, “While we are disappointed for the company and more importantly, for the consumer, the real mass market opportunity for high definition content remains untapped and Toshiba is both able and determined to use our talent, technology and intellectual property to make digital convergence a reality.”
The company will cease selling their products to retail dealers by the end of March, but promises to continue its product support to those who have already purchased HD products. They will continue to market standard DVD players and DVRs. Toshiba will now concentrate on other tech that supports hi-def, including NAND processing, next gen CPUs, small form factor hard disk drives, and those that utilize wireless and incryption technology.
Read More | Toshiba Press Release
Gallery: Buh Bye HD DVD
Crank Up the Eco Media Player

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Movies, Music, Portable Audio / Video, USB,
Trevor Baylis has long been into environmental products having created the first wind-up radio. He is now featuring the Eco Media Player for music, movies, and FM Radio. With a 1.8-inch display, it also stores data, allows you to view images, and charges your cell phone. Wind it up for 40 minutes of play or recording or use it for reading e-books. The Player comes with a USB cable for attaching to your PC for download (or recharging if your arm gets tired) and carries an online MSRP of £149.95 (~$290.00.)
Read More | Trevor Baylis
Gallery: Crank Up the Eco Media Player
TiVo Conducts Lovelife Survey

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Home Entertainment, Hot Deals, Misc. Tech, Movies,
It seems that the good folks at TiVo do more than poll Superbowl commercials. They took a heartfelt survey that shows that 86% would rather stay home for dinner and a movie than go out for Valentines Day. Even more interesting are the results when participants were asked which TV show their love lives most represented.
- Paradise Hotel 2 - Stunning and Serene 36%
- The Biggest Loser - Difficult and Defeated 21%
- Supernanny - Crazed with Kids 15%
- When Women Rule the World - A One-sided Wonder 15%
- Rock of Love 2 with Bret Michaels - Loud and Wild 8%
- The Real Housewives of New York City - Rich and Spoiled 5%
Who are these people and where can we get our own Paradise Hotel? For those who aspire to that status, TiVo and Amazon Unbox are offering some discounted titles to watch tomorrow including “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” and a free download of BBC’s “Romeo and Juliet” for the weekend February of 15 through 17.
(Thanks, Mel)
Read More | TiVo
Gallery: TiVo Conducts Lovelife Survey
What better way to show the love than by sharing one of your fave Superhero’s gadgets, none other than AbleComm’s Batphone, complete with flashing red light (glass cover and Alfred not included.) While the phones were created for answering, they can be connected to a memory dialing phone system or ring-down circuit. Also available in wall style, each one comes with a two year warranty, has been pre-tested, and carries a price of $112.00.
Read More | Red Hot Phones
Gallery: Holy Valentines Day, Batman!
Best Buy To Emphasize Blu-ray

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies,
Round two. In a “no surprise” move (since Netflix is doing the same), Best Buy said that it will recommend that its customers choose Blu-ray when purchasing a DVD Player/Recorder.
“Because we believe that Blu-ray is fast emerging as that single format, we have decided to focus on Blu-ray products,” said President and CEO Brian Dunn.
You will notice the hardware and software change by March, although they will also carry HD products. We suspect you will find them in the mark down aisle and, while you are there, check out the bargain DVDs.
Read More | Reuters
Gallery: Best Buy To Emphasize Blu-ray
Apple TV Take 2 finally released!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Broadband, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies, Software,

If you are like me, you’ve been waiting for Apple TV Take 2 to hit for just about a month now. When it was delayed two weeks ago, I stared at my Apple TV in disgust. In it’s current form, it was nothing more than a YouTube viewer, and sometimes, a nice picture screensaver. However, the wait is no more. As part of today’s Tuesday updates, Apple has finally released the Apple TV Take 2 software, and it is available now for download. Aside from a freatly enhanced UI, here are some of the features:
- Movie rentals in both high definition and standard definition
- Flickr photo browsing and slideshows
- .Mac photo gallery browsing and slideshows
- Purchasing of items from iTunes Store from Apple TV
- Browse and view podcasts in iTunes Podcast directory on Apple TV
If you have an Apple TV, fire up Software Update on the device to get the new hotness, and let us know what you think.
Read More | Apple TV Take 2 Guided Tour