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Van Helsing DVD ReleaseThis week is a little light on the cool movies with good special effects meter. I mean, you have Van Helsing which utilized some nice effects, but the movie was horrible (wasn't it?). Then you have others like Xena, which just sucked altogether. Oh hell, go pick up Arrested Development. It might not be a movie, but you can at least let out a few laughs.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 10/19/04

Gallery: DVD Release List: 10/19/04


The Day After Tomorrow DVDToday's DVD Release List might seem a bit skimpy at first, until you take a closer look. Then you realize that all these releases are ho-hum, with the exception of the fourth season of CSI. That is unless you like overdone comedies (like The Nutty Professor), or overdramatic dramas (like The Day After Tomorrow). Enjoy!

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 10/12/04

Gallery: DVD Release List: 10/12/04


Seems like a match made in heaven, right? According to USA Today, the two companies are joining forces to deliver movies on demand to TiVo's set-top boxes via the interent. Netflix is really playing its cards right though, by stating that the deal will not be exclusive to just TiVo. They would be free to deliver movies to other boxes, including those offered by cable and satellite companies. While this will certainly help cut down on all the DVD skipping we get from the scratches on shipped discs, we're also wary of the waiting time it would take for movies to be downloaded to the box, which might be as long as the movie itself.

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Read More | USA Today

Gallery: Netflix and TiVo Joining Forces

Archos AV400 Video Recorder Review

There's something to be said for the promise of convergence. Having one single device that handles multiple tasks will save you carrying space at the very least. At its best, you can save serious dough when a unit is more than the some of its parts. Today, Gear Live takes a look at Archos' latest offering, the AV400, a DVR-like recorder that also allows you to view photos and play music. Click below to see how this $550 device stacks up in terms of functionality and usability.

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Gallery: Archos AV400 Video Recorder Review

coverObviously, the big release today stars Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls. Oh, what? The Star Wars Trilogy came out today also? Crap. Always the last to know. Either way, whether you are hopelessly in love or getting ready to head to your next fan club convention, this week the movie industry has got you covered. Click the link for more of this weeks DVD releases.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 9/21/2004

Gallery: DVD Release List: 9/21/2004

Save Betamax Call In DayThe folks at Downhill Battle have launched the Save Betamax campaign, which included a National Call In Day on September 14. While the official Call In Day is over, we can still make a difference with phone calls, letters, and emails to our local state representatives. What is the deal with Betamax? It's like this:

Many years ago, the entertainment industry tried to do away with VCR's citing that it was illegal to make unauthorized copies of their material. Courts decided that there were many legal advantages to the technology, despite the fact that few might abuse it. They let it stick. Betamax gaded away because the VHS standard beat it out, however, the court decision stands to this day. The Betamax ruling is the only thing that protects your right to own a VCR, tape recorder, CD-burner, DVD-burner, iPod, or TiVo.

With the recent Induce Act, lobbyists are trying to get the Betamax decision overturned, which would create a huge liability for any business that makes products which can copy sound or video. It would give the entertainment industry the power to essentially veto new technology. Want to help keep our precious tech moving forward? Check out savebetamax.org.

Gallery: Help Save Betamax To Keep Technology Moving Forward

Clerks 10th Anniversary DVDToday's DVD releases are definately heavy on the comedy, with Saturday Night Live "Best Of" sets, Eddie Murphy: Raw, Clerks X, Will and Grace and more. Of course, there is more for those who enjoy the more serious flicks. If you like a combination of both, pick up Soul Plan, which was seriously unfunny.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 9/7/2004

Gallery: DVD Release List: 9/7/2004

DVD Releases 8/31/04 August 31 The Passion of the Christ JewThis week's upcoming DVD Releases feature quite a few that people have been waiting for. Depending on who you are, either The Passion of the Christ or South Park: The Passion of the Jew will make your want list. If not, there is always that zany Captain Kirk along with his sidekick Spock to keep you entertained.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 8/31/04

Gallery: DVD Release List: 8/31/04

Fahrenheit 9/11 P2PIt seems that Michael Moore is either a really brash SOB, or really has it out for Bush to the point where he doesn't even care about profit:

"I don't agree with copyright laws, and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it ... as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labor," Moore said in a recent interview. "I make these movies and books and TV shows because I want things to change, and so the more people who get to see them, the better."

Okay Michael, if you say so.

Gallery: Michael Moore Wants You To Download Fahrenheit 9/11 Via P2P

Spider-Man 2 MovieOkay, we know. Spider-Man 2 is set to hit theaters nationwide tomorrow. Based on the popularity of the orignal, industry experts are expecting this to be one of the biggest opening weekends for a movie, ever. Many who were able to catch a sneak peek at the premier and in private screening have had nothing but good things to say. Check out the link below for early reviews, and then use the site to get your tickets early!

Spider-Man 2 Reviews and Tickets | Rotten Tomatoes

Gallery: Spider Man 2 Garners Rave Reviews
