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Acura NSX Roadster featured in ‘The Avengers’ before production

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Movies, Transportation, Videos,
If you’re planning on seeing Marvel’s next blockbuster hit, The Avengers, get ready to see some movie magic. No, we’re not talking about the fight scenes and endless CGI effects, we’re talking about the cars featured in the movie—the Acura NSX to be exact.
Like any lead-footed gear-head, we were stoked that Acura was planning on bring the car back into production. The NSX is due to arrive somewhere around 2015, but if you’ve looked at any calendar lately, it reads 2012. So how could Marvel get its hands on a car that’s not out yet, or no where near production ready? We’ll, let’s just say it took some work and creativity. Check out the video to see how it all came to be.
Click to continue reading Acura NSX Roadster featured in ‘The Avengers’ before production
Gallery: Acura NSX Roadster featured in ‘The Avengers’ before production
Netflix updates Xbox 360 app with contrast controls, better episode navigation

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Home Entertainment, Microsoft, Movies, Software,
For all those that use their Xbox 360 to stream Netflix, an update has been issued today to solve some (but definitely not all!) annoying issues and improve user experience.
You're now able to skip forward and backwards during play, allowing users to quickly change between movies and TV episodes. Users now will be able to zoom during play, turning letterboxed displays into full screen, and there are now contrast settings that allow you to tweak things to make colors more vivid, and blacks purer. For users outside the States, you’ll now have expanded and improved Facebook functionality connected via Facebook. The social functionality allows others to see what you watched and how you rated the shows.
If you’re wondering how to get the update, signing into your Xbox Live account and fire up your current Netflix app. You should get a notification that an update is available right away. If you’re not a Netflix user, when you decide the time is right to try Netflix, the most up-to-date software will be downloaded when you sign-up. Keep in mind in order to access Netflix through the Xbox 360, you need an Xbox Live Gold Account, broadband Internet, and an active Netflix membership.
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Gallery: Netflix updates Xbox 360 app with contrast controls, better episode navigation
Russian engineer builds radio-controlled hovering DeLorean car

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Mods / Hacks, Movies, Toys, Transportation, Videos,
Ever since I was a child, I always wanted a hover car. More so, I wanted a car what was iconic. Now, granted, any hover car would be iconic, but I wanted something that would be undeniably cool regardless of what era the car was seen in. Well, with a few bucks, some creativity, and a little time on your hands, the dream is now possible.
Back over in the Motherland, a Russian engineer has built a radio-controlled hover car based on the DeLorean from Back to the Future. His mantra for the project is “Where we’re going, who needs roads?” which we find appropriate for the build. Though this isn’t a full size replica, it’s still one hell of a bragging right. Check the video above!
Gallery: Russian engineer builds radio-controlled hovering DeLorean car
Google Play unites all Google services under one umbrella

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Corporate News, Google, Handhelds, Home Entertainment, Movies,
These days, many people have multiple cloud-connected devices. A smartphone, a tablet, a computer or two...the list goes on. The trouble is getting all these items to sync and communicate with each other. Apple's been trying to solve that for its own devices with iCloud, and now Google die-hards are in luck as well. Google has combined all of its various online stores and marketplaces (Google Music, Android Market, Google eBookstore, etc.) into one service called Google Play.
To kick off Google Play, Google is offering select full albums at 25 cents each, movie rentals at 99 cents, popular apps at 49 cents, and many books for $2.99 in its “7 Days to Play” sale. Apart from the sale, Google Play offers Google users to store up to 20,000 songs for free and allows them to access their music remotely from the cloud. For those that just can’t wait to get to the nearest RedBox, you’re also able to download new releases via Google Play. You also have the option to rent thousands of moives and HD titles at your leisure. And don’t forget that you can browse the largest selection of eBooks. The video above explains it all.
Read More | Google
Gallery: Google Play unites all Google services under one umbrella
iTunes 10.6 with 1080p video support now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, HDTV, Movies, Software,
During today's iPad event, Apple announced that the new iPad, new Apple TV, and iTunes would all support 1080p television and movies. The first piece of that puzzle is now available. You can now download iTunes 10.6, which includes 1080p content downloads! While you're at it, be sure to grab iOS 5.1 as well, kay?
Gallery: iTunes 10.6 with 1080p video support now available
Amazon signs Viacom for Prime instant streaming

Posted by John Ball Categories: Corporate News, Home Entertainment, Movies,
Good news for everyone owning a Kindle Fire and subscribed to Amazon Prime (as well as owners of any other media streaming device with Prime compatibility,) as Amazon has announced that it will now offer its subscribers increased instant streaming of videos to supported devices. The press release states that users will be able to stream TV shows from MTV, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, TV Land, Spike, VH1, BET, CMT and Logo.
All of this is made possible due to Amazon recently making a deal with Viacom, bringing the total number of available streaming offerings to over 15,000, all of which are supported on over 300 devices. Between Netflix, the Redbox-Verizon deal, and Amazon Prime, the streaming video subscription space is heating up!
Gallery: Amazon signs Viacom for Prime instant streaming
Redbox and Verizon partner to start video streaming service later this year

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Handhelds, Home Entertainment, Movies,
As Netflix continues to bleed customers (although that trend seems to have slowed down considerably,) Redbox has stepped in to save the day, well so we hope. The rental kiosk service will be taking a stab at video streaming options. With the success they’ve had with rentals, it was only a matter of time until the company jumped into on demand streaming. Set to be released later this year, Redbox will be available on your nearest handheld device.
Redbox will be partnering with Verizon to stream their video selection, and it appears that Verizon will be managing their service and streaming content. Though there are no set details as to how the service will work, what it will cost, or when it will launch. This is definitely an interesting one though, so we will be keeping our eye on this one.
Gallery: Redbox and Verizon partner to start video streaming service later this year
Time Warner Cable on Friday announced that it has signed a deal to provide its customers with access to HBO GO, the streaming service from the popular cable channel.
Cinemax subscribers will also be able to access content via MAX GO.
Time Warner will kick off a beta test of both services shortly, and it will launch to all Time Warner Cable customers who subscribe to HBO and/or Cinemax in the next month.
In a blog post, Time Warner spokesman Jeff Simmermon said the beta was needed to "keep things running smoothly for everyone."
"We are working with HBO and our internal tech teams right now to determine the parameters of that beta trial, and will absolutely announce more specific details as soon as we can," he wrote. "Once started, that beta trial should be overwith very quickly, and our customers will be streaming all of their favorite HBO shows shortly thereafter."
HBO GO is accessible online via and via the Roku set-top box, but subscribers can also watch on mobile devices, including the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.
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Gallery: HBO GO coming to Time Warner Cable
Fox offers Avatar extras for free to spur digital sales

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies,
The studio behind the blockbuster Avatar is offering an unprecedented look into digital filmmaking, with downloadable extras that will allow a viewer to watch the motion capture actors or CGI in real time.
Beginning on Dec. 20, customers can now download a total of six hours of extras via Apple's iTunes from Twentieth Century Fox, which include the three different views of the movie, plus a number of other extras that offer a real-time look into how the movie was made.
The Avatar iTunes Extras Special Edition will cost $19.99 for a high-definition version, and $14.99 for the standard version; both include the movie as well as the extras. Apple will begin accepting preorders at 11 AM PT, a Fox spokeswoman said.
Fox's motivation is to encourage consumers to get into "digital collecting" of digital movies, explained Aubrey Freeborn, senior vice president of marketing and product management for PPV, VOD and EST for Twentieth-Century Fox. The extras will be released to the U.S., the U.K., Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia on Dec. 20. Avatar is the top-selling Blu-ray disc of all time.
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Gallery: Fox offers Avatar extras for free to spur digital sales
2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Star Wars: The Blueprints

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Design, Features, Movies, Techies, Under $500,
We know how many of you are Star Wars geeks, so we had to get some love for you in our 2011 Holiday Gift Guide. As you know, there are enough Star Wars books out there--enough to line the walls of the Jedi Academy. But these...these are a collection by J.W. Rinzler, executive editor at LucasFilm, where he's brought together amazing content from all six films. Yes, that includes original sketches of the Death Star. This is enough to make any fan tingle with glee. The set normally sells for $500, but you can get it on Amazon for $450, a 10% discount.