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Google MarsOn March 14th, Google boldly went where no search engine has gone before: to Mars.  With the launch of Google Mars, they extend their Google Maps service to interplanetary lengths, allowing you to search and discover Mars all on your own.  Want to play astronaut?  You can zoom, pan, and switch between elevation, infrared and photographic views of the Martian landscape.  Cool!

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Gallery: Google Mars: Google Goes Galactic


Google Calendar

The image above is a shot from Google CL2 Calender web application.

About CL2

CL2 makes it easy — even effortless — to keep track of all the events in your life and compare them to what your friends and family have going on in theirs. We’ve designed a calendar that works for you — helping you add events from email, friends, and other public calendars — so you don’t have to spend all your time maintaining your schedule. CL2 even helps you discover new events you might be interested in. We think it’s a great tool for managing your daily schedule, keeping track of what everyone in your family is doing, organizing events for a club or team, or creating public events that you can promote to the world.

Of course, this one is going to be tightly integrated with Gmail and Google Talk. The screenshots look smooth and familiar to anyone who has used any of Google applications. Do note that these shots were leaked, and may not necessarily reflect the final product, which he hear is nowhere near launch. Check the link below for more.

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Gallery: Google Calendar Screenshots

Windows LiveMicrosoft, in their continuing quest to dominate Google, has made available the beta of their new search engine dubbed Windows Live.  With functionality similar to that of its arch nemesis, Windows Live is able to search for images, news, RSS feeds, e-mail (Windows Live Mail and Hotmail) and more.  For better or worse, some things have been spiced up a bit such as the Image search feature.  When you hover your mouse pointer over a search result it increases in magnification and provides detailed information about the image.  On the flip side for you minimalists, a nice feature is the ability to disable or hide just about everything on the page short of the search box. 

What good would a search engine be anymore without a corresponding toolbar?  Microsoft delivers on that angle as well with the Windows Live Toolbar.  In addition to the standard search capabilities, it offers protection from phishing and pop-ups. 

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Gallery: Microsoft Launches Windows Live Search Engine

Google Payments

So, we have told you previously that Google Base just may be the eBay/Craigslist killer. All they needed was a good, homegrown payment system. Now it appears that the puzzle is coming together, with the appearance of Google Payments. Our friends over at TechCrunch have posted an in-depth look at Google Payments, and how it integrates seamlessly with Google Base. Very nifty, indeed. Our only hope is that Google comes up with a rock-solid method of rating your buying experience. eBay’s reputation model has a few flaws, and this is Google’s chance to capitalize on it.

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Gallery: An Early Look At Google Payments
