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Brixwear 1000Podbrix brings you a new type of t-shirt that may be used as a holder for your iPod shuffle. By using a magnetic clasp, the lego-styled figure printed on the shirt will hold the shuffle in place, even under vigorous activity. The website marks the t-shirt as being sold out and the description says only 300 units will be made - however, we can expect other manufactures to follow suit. Now if only the figure actually clasped its “hands” around the iPod Shuffle – now that would be sweet!

Read More | Podbrix Product Page

Gallery: Brixwear 1000 iPod shuffle Shirt



Update: If you think the SLEEPTRACKER watch is cool, check out our video of the SLEEPPHASE Alarm Clock!

A few weeks ago we told you about a product called SLEEPTRACKER. The SLEEPTRACKER watch is unique in that while it tells you the time and has a built-in alarm like every other digital watch, this one actually monitors your sleep and wakes you at the moment that your body would best adjust from moving from a sleeping state to being awake. Does it live up to the hype? Find out after the jump.


Click to continue reading SLEEPTRACKER Watch Review

Gallery: SLEEPTRACKER Watch Review

SpamshirtPeople have always said “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” (at least they say it on TV a lot). Spam has certainly been a thorn in the side of just about every Internet user in this modern age. Instead of getting upset, how about stealing those catchy spam email subjects and making shirts out of them? That is exactly what SPAMSHIRT allows you to do. You can now sport all your favorite spam subjects, like “Fr-e.e Ci@l1s 4 U!”, right on your chest.

(Thanks illwon!)


Gallery: SPAMSHIRT: Spam Your Body

LED UnderwearCould lighted underwear be the next big thing? Back in November we told you about GloThong, a glow in the dark thong. Now we bring you LED underwear by Puff-Buff. Much like the GloThong, expect to see these designs on the night club scene in the not so distant future. If clubbin just ain’t yo thang, perhaps using the garment as a night light for some late night reading would be a more viable alternative.

Read More | Puff-Buff Designs

Gallery: Lighted Underwear: A New Trend?

Pilot Watch  My geek meter went right past the 11 mark when I saw the Pilot Watch, which has a built in slide rule. If you didn’t know, a slide rule is a device made obsolete by the invention of the electronic calculator.  For those of us who want to get nostalgic or flaunt their supergenius, the slider helps you solve time, distance and speed equations, provide currency conversions, multiply, divide, and perform any conversion of a linear nature such as ounces to grams, kilograms to pounds, miles to kilometers, etc.  Impress your date and calculate tips at the same time!  It retails for $250.

Read More | Think Geek

Gallery: Pilot Watch With Slide Rule

Adidas 1 Sneaker

Posted by Hector Martinez Categories: Wearables,

Adidas 1 ShoeAdidas is gearing up for the launch of its new sneaker, which features a microchip that helps to adjust the fit as you engage in various walking/running activities.  Small cables inside the shoe adjust the heel cushion as the microchip senses the pressure on the sneaker.  At $250, I was expecting it have a wireless MP3 player built in too. The worlds first “smart shoe” will hit stores on March 18.

Read More | USA Today

Gallery: Adidas 1 Sneaker


Behold, the Anti-Panti. Those polka dot looking things up there are actually 4” discs of cloth which are sticky on the underside. The point here is that the ladies will be able to stop wearing panties altogether, and instead stick these things in the crotch of their pants. No more panty lines, because you are no longer wearing panties! It’s like wearing a pad all the time, but with designs like Tiger, Camoflauge, and even Jesus. Wow.

Read More | Anti-Panti

Gallery: Anti-Panti: Make Your Thong Be Gone

Text Want to keep creeps away from from you, but don’t have a pair of nunchucks with you at all times?  Wearable Warnings, a project by Philip Worthington at the RCA in London, is a prototype coat that helps you do just that.  From their website:

The prototype design is a coat with warning strips of fur that become electro-statically charged in situations where the wearer feels threatened. When charged the fur begins to stand on end; a visual indication that the wearer is uncomfortable. If someone invades the wearer’s personal space they will begin to feel a second warning; as they enter the coat’s electrostatic field they will feel tingling skin sensations and their hair will stand on end. The fur will begin to twitch toward them and emit crackling sounds. If the ‘threat’ proceeds to touch the fur then 100,000 volts of electro-static charge discharges from the fur, into the offender’s body (non-lethal but definitely a bite).

They forgot to mention that it makes you look like a B-movie monster.

Read More | WorthersOriginal.com

Gallery: Wearable Warnings Electroshock Clothing

SCOTTeVEST Classic VestIt’s always good to see folks improve on an established formula.  Without progress, all of our wonderful gear wouldn’t be as sleek, powerful, and as tiny as they currently are.  In today’s case, took their original product, the Classic Vest—Version 1.0—and added in features seen in their more recent offerings, such as a softer exterior, more pockets, and increased breathability.  Today Gear Live delves into this great piece of attire that’ll keep all of your gear organized and accessible without breaking the bank in the process.  Click below for the full review.

Click to continue reading SCOTTeVEST Classic Vest Review

Gallery: SCOTTeVEST Classic Vest Review

Gameskinz Video Game GlovesIf you have a trouble keeping a nice grip on your controllers, develop insightly blisters after hours of gaming, or just want to look like an all around dork while getting down with your Gamecube, these gloves just might be in order. What are they? Nylon gloves with textured pads on the palms and fingers (two of which are missing). Yay.

Read More | GameSkinz

Gallery: Gameskinz Gaming Gloves
