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Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Wearables, Features, Product Reviews,
We have generally really liked the products that SCOTTeVEST thinks up and puts out there for geek consumption. It’s great to have a simple, easy way to carry all of your gear without having to carry bags or clip-ons. Recently, they released their simplest item yet - The SCOTTeVEST TEC T-Shirt. Instead of having a multitude of hidden pockets like most of the rest of their line, the SeV T-Shirt has just one pocket. It is meant to provide a means to carry around one item while lounging around or being casual. Check out our impressions after the jump.
Click to continue reading SCOTTeVEST TEC T-Shirt Review
Gallery: SCOTTeVEST TEC T-Shirt Review
proud dog owners want to make a point that it is unfair to ban a whole breed of dog from a location, rather than doing it on a dog-by-dog basis. So because of this, I guess the way to combat is to punish the dog by dressing them up like idiots? Really, if someone wants a poodle, they will get one - not a freaking black lab. That being said, I wouldn’t mind running into a dog dressed like this at Green Lake. It would certainly make my day. If you want to dress your dog in a similar fashion, check out the link.
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Gallery: Ultra Dog Disguise Kits
The ultimate solution for anyone who needs a quick 10,000 or so T-shirts printed out at a moments notice, the Fast T-Jet allows you to print on any light cloth without much delay at all. Of course, even they have their own proprietary ink that you must buy from them, called FastINK Textile ink. Oh, and the printer costs $10,995 USD. There go my dreams of clothing everyone in Seattle in a Flash Gordon shirt.
Read More | Fast T-Jet Product Page
Gallery: Fast T-Jet T-Shirt Printer
So a few days ago we
celebrated our existence, and in doing so we stated that we were going to be giving away some cool stuff over the month. The first prize we had up for grabs was the SCOTTeVEST Tec T-Shirt. Well, frequent Gear Live tipster FalcoBoy7 walked away with this one. It’s in the mail, bro. The next giveaway should be starting later today.
Gallery: SCOTTeVEST T-Shirt Winner
PodShirts: Make Your iPod Part of Your Outfit

Posted by Kristin Wenzel Categories: Accessories, Wearables, Portable Audio / Video,
These shirts are totally off the hook. Now your iPod Shuffle can be PART of your outfit, not just a stylish accessory. The iShirt has a magnetic clasp specially made to allow you to firmly attach an iPod Shuffle to the shirt as the “i” in “iShirt,” showing everyone your MP3 player of choice. PodShirts also offers a new version with a Lego-style brick man (the star of their PodBrix accessory line featuring mini figurines to keep your iPod company) emblazoned on the shirt, upholding your iPod Shuffle for the world to see, and for your listening pleasure.
Read More | Podshirt
Gallery: PodShirts: Make Your iPod Part of Your Outfit
As you can see, this watch only has a minute hand. Upon closer glance, you will also see that the numbers aren’t in the correct place. Truth be told, I think this Gerald Charles A-Evolution watch rocks. Basically there is a windows at the top in which the number of the hour appears, while the minute hand rotates as normal. So the time on the watch at the left is about 1:46. Definitely a cool conversation piece - at least for those that like to stare at your wrist.
Read More | Gerald Charles A-Evolution
Gallery: Gerald Charles A-Evolution Watch
One of our favorite tech companies here at Gear Live is SCOTTeVEST. They make plenty of high quality, functional clothing items geared towards the gadget enthusiast. In fact, on this trip to New York that I am currently on, the SCOTTeVEST was one of the essential items that I packed. Anyways, they just made their own dancing commercial spoofing the all-so-common Apple iPod ads. I thought it was quite funny the first time around.
Read More | SCOTTeVEST iPod Commercial
Gallery: SCOTTeVEST Spoofs iPod Commercials
Tom Bihn sent us a couple of their bags to review, and also one to give away to one of our readers. While we haven’t yet completed reviewing the bags (they will be put to the test in a couple of weeks at E3), I can say that people have stopped me to ask where I got the bag on the streets. We were able to sit down with Tom to discuss a few aspects of the company and what makes their bags unique. The questions are actually from you guys, as we received a bunch of email when we were running the bag giveaway.
What are a few things about a Tom Bihn bag that sets it apart from another?
All of our bags are completely American made. We are very proud of that. They are very streamlined, with appealing aesthetics with highly functional designs. Looking at them, you will also see that we use bold colors in our materials. One of the nicer things, though, is that the bags are extremely durable. We had one customer actually complain to us that his bag, after seven years, has yet to wear itself out!
Click to continue reading Tom Bihn Interview
Gallery: Tom Bihn Interview
Interview with Lee Loree, SLEEPTRACKER Inventor

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Wearables, Features,
A few weeks ago we reviewed the SLEEPTRACKER watch which aims to change one’s life by improving the start of their day. We got a lot of questions from readers who wanted more information on the background of the product, so we decided to go straight to the source. Lee Loree is the Managing Partner of Innovative Sleep Solutions, and the mind behind the SLEEPTRACKER. We were able to chat with him about the function of the device, as well as the success it is enjoying.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself, along with what your position is at Innovative Sleep Solutions?
I came up with the idea for SLEEPTRACKER as I lay reading in bed one night. My wife had been asleep for a few hours when she rolled over. As she rolled over I said something and she responded. We spoke briefly then she went back to sleep. I waited about 10 minutes and tried to speak to her in the same tone and she did not respond. I found that exchange interesting so I started spending evenings in libraries and on line researching sleep. From there I had meetings with doctors in the sleep field to access our idea and work to build our model.
Click to continue reading Interview with Lee Loree, SLEEPTRACKER Inventor
Gallery: Interview with Lee Loree, SLEEPTRACKER Inventor
Our Tom Bihn Brain Bag Giveaway ends tomorrow, so we wanted to let anyone that may have missed it in on the contest. All you need to do is tell us what gear you have to have with you on a daily basis in the comment area of the original post. We choose the winner completely at random - US residents only.
Read More | Gear Live Tom Bihn Brain Bag Giveaway