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iPod Hi-Fi

The biggest of the “fun new” Apple products of the day turns out to be the iPod HiFi Boombox. Calling the new accessory “Home Stereo. Reinvented,” the product shares some of the features of the iPod, but with the quality of a home stereo device. The boombox is a three-driver system enclosed in one unit, featuring an iPod dock right at the top. If you have an iPod shuffle, you can use the auxiliary inputs in the back to connect the device. The nice thing about the dock is that it will fit any of the dockable iPod models using inserts. The iPod Hi-Fi has built-in handles on both sides, making it portable. The power supply is built into the unit, so no need to lug around a bulky power brick. Even better, though, is that is can run on six D batteries. Nice for when you forget to bring your electricity generator with you to the beach.

Behind the black grating lie two 80 millimeter mid-range driver with sealed acoustic suspension, along with a 130 millimeter dual-voice coil woofer. In order to enjoy the iPod Hi-Fi to the fullest, you will need to download an iPod update that will be made available shortly. This will add a new “Speaker” menu item to the iPod menu interface, giving you control over tone, backlight, and album art settings. The iPod Hi-Fi can be controlled with the Apple Remote, which comes bundled with the unit. It can also accept audio input through an auxiliary jack and SPDIF optical audio input, which means it can be used with non-iPod audio players. Our only concern is the lack of an FM tuner. I mean, would that have been so hard? You can pick up an iPod Hi-Fi starting today for $349 USD.

Read More | iPod Hi-Fi Product Page

Gallery: The iPod Hi-Fi Boombox


Intel Mac Mini

Steve Jobs has just announced that transition of the Mac mini from the G4 processor over to Intel. The base model sports an Intel Core Solo chip, while the more powerful unit boasts a Core Duo chip. The Mac mini maintains the same form factor that the previous version had. This one looks to be the machine you will want to hook up to your television, as the mini finally comes installed with Front Row. The redesigned Mac mini features DVI video out, gigabit Ethernet, a total of four USB 2.0 ports, analog and SPDIF audio outputs (Dolby Digital 5.1), and a new IR sensor for use with it’s remote control. You can now stream music, iTunes television shows, photos, and more all on the fly. A Bonjour update allows all devices on the network to find each other seamlessly. The update will be made available to all Macs that run Front Row.

With a DVI out, Apple has entered the living room. With the new Bonjour software, they have made it a simple transition. No need to transfer all of your content to the mini, it can play media from any machine you have hooked up to your network. The 1.5 GHz Core Solo version has a 60GB hard drive, and combo DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive and will retail at $599 USD. The more powerful 1.67 GHz Core Duo Mac mini has an 80GB hard drive along with a DVD-burning SuperDrive, and will sell at $799 USD. Both are available today.

Read More | Mac mini Product Page

Gallery: Steve Jobs Announces Upgraded Intel Mac mini With Front Row

Mactel FirefoxRemember that G5-optimized Firefox build we told you about a couple of months ago? We have received emails here and there since Stevie-J announced the Intel powered Macs, asking if there might be an updated version specifically optimized for the Intel Macs. We are happy to say that the wait is over. The guys over at BeatnikPad have released the Intel version of DeerPark (what they call their Firefox builds), and it is damn fast. Head on over to their site to grab the download.

Read More | MacIntel Firefox

Gallery: Optimized Version Of Firefox For Intel Macs

iPod Video Device

Not surprisingly, the widescreen iPod video device has quickly been debunked as a fake. We know the screen color and orientation look a bit off, and a video has been released showing how it was all done. Now, don’t get all glum - word is strong that Steve Jobs will be debuting a true video iPod this Tuesday - just not the one pictured above. Click on to check out the video showing how the above image was crafted.

(Thanks Yashar!)

Read More | iPod Video Image Exposed

Gallery: Video Proves Widescreen iPod Image A Fake

MacBook Pro

The guys over at MacWorld have received a few MacBook Pros (they started shipping about a week ago) and are reporting back with some of their observations. Looks like the newest Apple notebook is almost on par with the Dual Core iMac in terms of speed in some instances. They compare different processing scenarios of the MacBook Pro against the new iMac Core Duo and the older PowerBook G4.  Oh, and they like the MagSafe power connection. Head on over for more details.

Read More | MacWorld

Gallery: MacBook Pro Reviewed And Benchmarked

iPod Video

No idea where this image came from, but we thought it looked interesting enough to warrant a post. Might this be the widescreen iPod video we have all been waiting for? Quite possibly. If it is, please tell us the click wheel is on the back, rather than integrated into the screen. Then again, there is nothing else in the image that we can use to determine the size of this device. Could it be an Intel-powered Apple tablet? For all of you Photoshop masters out there, let us know - does the image on the screen appear to be a bit off center? Perhaps this is all a rouse.

(Thanks zxvipxz!)

Read More | Mac Shrine

Gallery: Is This The Real Widescreen iPod Video?

Podcowboy Video Filter

It’s always an uncomfortable feeling when we are looking at our pr0n collection while using mass transit. Cupping our hands around the screen of the iPod makes it all the more awkward. This is why are are excited about the Digital Cowboy iPod Video privacy filter. All it is, is a layer of film you apply to the screen of your fifth-generation iPod. The result is a screen that can only be seen when looked at head on. The guy next to you trying to sneak a peek at your device will see nothing but black. Even better, when you buy the filter you also get an RCA cable you can use to display your iPod content on a television. Good stuff.

Read More | Akihabara News

Gallery: Digital Cowboy iPod video Privacy Filter

osx86 forumsIn a follow-up to a story we posted last week, the folks over at OSx86 Project are back online and the forums have been restored.  It seems that Apple was primarily concerned with just a few posts that had some links pointing to some warez that the Apple Legal Department didn’t take to kindly to.  In the end it seems things were settled amicably and nobody’s feelings, animals or children were hurt in the process. 

Apple doesn’t “have it in” for our site; they were simply concerned with a few links posted by our members. Those links have been removed and we’re back.

You can read the full story as well as OSx86’s point of view on how news of this event was misreported by the media, at their site.  Welcome back OSx86!

Read More | OSx86 Project

Gallery: OSx86 Forums Back Online

Gear Live Bleeding EdgeThis week we cover Blu-Ray movie pricing, bring you an in-depth look at the Kodak EasyShare V570, preview a bunch of upcoming Xbox Live Arcade games, and more:

Blu-Ray Disc Pricing
Portal Player Upgrades Chipset
1GB iPod nano

We take a look at the HTC Wizard (Cingular 8125), HTC Apache (Verizon XV6700), and HT Faraday (Cingular 2125) smartphones.

We give you a first look at currently unavailable Xbox Live Arcade Games:

  • Astropop
  • Feeding Frenzy
  • Jewel Qwest
  • Novadrome
  • Texas Hold’em Poker

We talk with Michael McDougall of Kodak who gives us an in-depth look at the Kodak V570 - the world’s first dual-lens digital camera.

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Gallery: The Bleeding Edge 002: Xbox Live Arcade, Kodak V570, HTC Smartphones

MacBook Pro Shipping

Oh, happy day. A few members of Apple’s discussion forum are reporting that they finally received confirmation that their MacBook Pros have finally shipped. As you can see in the screenshot above, the original MacBook that was ordered was replaced with a new one with a faster processor as Apple has bumped up the processor speed across the MacBook Pro line. Oh, and the reason it says the product shipped on Feb 18 is because these are shipped from China, where it is essentially “tomorrow” already. If anyone gets one in, go ahead and send us a few images.

Read More | Apple Discussion Forum

Gallery: First Reports of MacBook Pro Shipping
