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Read More | The Bleeding Edge

Gallery: CES 2007 Video: Planet82 Accufat Scanner


Was there ever a time that a website wasn’t used in conjunction with a TV commercial? We can’t remember that far back, but we did notice a preponderance of spots utilizing or featuring computer technology, including GM, GoDaddy.com, Garmin CPS, Budweiser, and Pepsi. If you missed any of them (which cost companies $2.5 million+ apiece,) you can catch them on online at CBS. Our fave, hands down, has to be one of this year’s Coke commercials, coming back to the venue after an almost 10 year disappearance.


Gallery: The Internet Takes Over Superbowl XLI

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Read More | The Bleeding Edge

Gallery: CES 2007 Video: Wow Wee’s RS MEDIA Robosapien

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Read More | The Bleeding Edge

Gallery: CES 2007 Video: HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray

Here's how to get the show:
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Read More | The Bleeding Edge

Gallery: CES 2007 Video: Dolby Booth Tour

Every day the web becomes a more powerful social network. Iraqi assassinations were posted on the Internet in their entirety. Viral videos helped to cause the demise of former senator George Allen and comedian Michael Richards. It also was the source of coming out parties for both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. Just as TV was the turning point in the race for President during the debates between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960, we consider the possibilities that those of you interested in the politics of our U. of S. will be turning more to the likes of YouTube than the boob tube for next year’s big race. After viewing last night’s “The Agenda” on tvo.org with Steve Paikin, we see that we aren’t the only ones.


Read More | The Agenda

Gallery: The Internet Invades Politics

In the latest episode of The ScobleShow, we got our first look at DAVE from Seagate. DAVE stands for “digital audio-video experience” and is a tiny 10 or 20 GB hard drive. Tiny as in 3.5 x 4.7 x .47-inches. The best part, though, is that this thing gives you the ability to share content by way of the built-in Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. So you can browse the devices with a cell phone, transfer content to other Bluetooth devices or DAVEs, and it has 10 hours of battery life. Expect it to retail for about $200 USD in May or June. For the full scoop, check the video above.

Read More | The ScobleShow

Gallery: Seagate DAVE: Digital Audio-Video Experience Wireless Hard Drive
