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GamerAndy Live!Hey guys, we are starting our first live video broadcast for your viewing pleasure. GamerAndy, GamerEdie, and Andru Edwards are all currently sitting in the same room for the first time, ready to hit you with the latest news and opinions from the video game world. Join us now, live, on Ustream.

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Gallery: Live Video Broadcast of GamerAndy Live! Episode 80 Starting Now


For the first time, all 1.8 million earthly species, including those recently discovered, will become available for scientists, students, and the rest of us common folk. Conceptualized by 2007 TED Winner E. O. Wilson, a consortium of educational and scientific institutions, including NASA, is creating an evolving Encyclopedia of Life (EOL,) an online database to help find out about and protect our planet.

Included in the online tome will be images, sound, video, location maps, and a multitude of information. Although individual pages were created in the ‘90s, in January the project received enough funding to research and categorize more scientific data. The EOL should be completed within the next ten years, unless another million species are discovered first.


Read More | EOL

Gallery: Encyclopedia of Life Collects All Living Creatures on One Site

Don’t ask us to explain it, but apparently people love watching cheese mature. Cheddarvision made its debut in December, and has had more than 1.2 million hits. What is the big deal? A 23-kilogram (~50 lbs.) slab of the dairy product is sitting in a dark storage barn in Westcombe, London, aging as a webcam keeps track of the event. It gets adjusted once a week to keep it’s shape. It also has its own MySpace with almost 860 “friends” and a time lapse of its first 3 months on YouTube.

“People from all over the world are e-mailing us about the cheese. Somebody has written lots of songs about it. It has been invited to a wedding. We’ve had post cards sent to it,” said its owner Tom Calvar.

Mr. Calvar, how about you get in touch and we can discuss the future of your cheese with some of those rabid eBay fans?


Read More | CNN

Gallery: Cheeseheads Reach Across the Pond

Here is a bit more useless technology that looks cool, but does almost nothing, although it may freak out some of your friends if you don’t turn it on until the party has gone until the wee hours of the morning. Using the same technology as those billboards that almost force you off the highway, the Changing Cupboard changes its pixelated images every few seconds. Available from Milan’s Front, choose among three different designs. We are still looking for the handle.


Read More | Front Design

Gallery: Front Design’s Eerily Changing Cupboard

Not merely content to sit by while the highly awaited “Spiderman 3” movie is released May 4, Activision is also planning to release its video game at the same time. The plot is basically the same, as our web-fingered hero has to deal with the Sandman as well as his own dark side. Sales of the first two Spidey games pulled in about $300 million for the company, according to game research company NCD. This one is available for almost every game system out there, so contact Activision if you want to stay in the loop.


Read More | Reuters

Gallery: Spidey Movie and Game Release To Be Simultaneous

Dave Spencer is such a good dad that he decided to create a super volcano cake for his son’s fifth birtday. Spencer said that he wanted the cake to produce smoke, erupt with “lava,” vibrate, and make volcanic noises. Four months later, having combined items such as a chocolate fountain, an iPod nano, and some speakers, with about $200 worth of supplies that included 7 cake mixes, 11 cans of frosting, cocoa powder, and frozen strawberries, this is the finished product. We’re sure that Dave would be glad to share his design with you and might even be convinced to rent you his contraption, as long as you don’t offer him dessert with the deal.


Read More | Instructables

Gallery: How to Be a Success at Your Kid’s Next Birthday Party

We know how you feel, Peter. There are few of us that cannot sympathize with the CEO of the company VocaLabs when it comes to getting rotten customer service over the phone. He became so frustrated during one recent attempt that he recorded it and decided to create a video out of the experience. We are talking about over 4 actual minutes of angst.

Interestingly enough, VocaLabs is in the business of creating better customer service. Let’s hope that HP, and other large corporations like it, hangs around YouTube long enough to learn their lesson and make our futile attempts in the future a bit more positive.


Read More | You Tube

Gallery: Bad Customer Service Becomes CEO’s Muse

Hiroshi Ishiguro has a twin, in an odd kind of way. Meet Geminoid, the scientist’s own Frankenstein’s monster created in his own image. In his research at the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University, Hiroshi replicated his own posture and lip movements in the clever bot, then covered him with silicone skin. He even has the capability to add little twitches to make him seem a little more lifelike. We are trying to consider the possibilities of what this application could mean if used in public office to protect some of our higher ups, but then we think that probably just one of those is sufficient.


Read More | Intelligent Robotics Laboratory

Gallery: Scientist Creates Clone Bot
