On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

Over on Unboxing Live, we just published a video looking at the unboxing of the aXbo SLEEPPHASE Alarm Clock. Much like the SLEEPTRACKER watch reviewed by Gear Live previously, the SLEEPPHASE Alarm Clock specializes in waking you up when you are in your lightest phase of sleep. When that happens, you feel more rejuvinated than tired. The alarm clock monitors up to two wireless bracelets (meaning it works for two people), and tracks your movement near your programmed wake-up time. Check the video for all the details.

This video is a part of the Unboxing Live series. If you would like to be automatically notified of new episodes, you can subscribe to us in iTunes, or manually using our RSS feed.


Gallery: Video: Unboxing the aXbo SLEEPPHASE Alarm Clock

The Chiba Institute of Technology has released a working prototype of Halluc II, which has eight legs and wheels designed to drive over the lumps and bumps of the great out or indoors. In one of three modes (Vehicle, Insect, or Animal,) the bot can move sideways, turn around, and deal with even the most unstable terrains with wireless LAN capability and a system of motor-control with cams and sensors. Set to become available to the public within the next five years, its team hopes it will serve the mobility-impaired. We figure it will pay for itself, since it costs a lot less to feed when compared to a seeing eye dog.


Read More | Pink Tentacle

Gallery: Halluc II Can Take On Any Terrain

This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

In this episode of Unboxing Live, we give you a first-hand look at the Wicked Lasers Spyder II Series blue laser. This is one powerful beast, so it should only be in the hands of those on the side of good. No evil-doers allowed. That said, this laser is one of the most magnificent we’ve ever seen. Pricey too. Check out all the details in the video.

This video is a part of the Unboxing Live series. If you would like to be automatically notified of new episodes, you can subscribe to us in iTunes, or manually using our RSS feed.

Read More | Unboxing

Gallery: Video: Unboxing a Blue Wicked Lasers Spyder II Series

Look! It’s a coke machine! No, it’s a robot! It’s both! This giant vending machine is part of a Coca-Cola promotion taking place in Tokyo, done in the style of their 60’s action serials. We love the Vending Machine Red as a hero and would love to see him take on Godzilla, a Power Machine Blue from Pepsi, or maybe the Dualis Power Suit. This make us wonder why advertising always seems more adventurous in Japan than in other parts of the globe.


Read More | neatorama

Gallery: Vending Machine Red Conquers Tokyo

Perhaps because of all the recent terrorist-type activities going on in the UK lately, Merseyside County police were treated to a demonstration of the German built MD4-200 chopper. Three feet wide, the drone has four almost silent rotors and can fly up to 15 mph via GPS way points. It sends images to the pilot and/or a control room from nearly 550 yards away, but can only work for 20 minutes at a time. The choppers will be utilized, starting in September, for such minor duties as traffic jams and recording evidence, but we are pulling for the little drones to do their part to seek out the baddies, too.


Read More | Popular Mechanics

Gallery: German Chopper To Aid UK

Our iPhone unboxing video is finally here. We dive right in and show you all the ins and outs of the 8GB , showing off the phone itself, along with all the included accessories that come with the device.

This video is a part of the Unboxing Live series. If you would like to be automatically notified of new episodes, you can subscribe to us in iTunes, or manually using our RSS feed.

Read More | Unboxing

Gallery: Apple iPhone Unboxing Video

Alright kids, we know it hurts, but Walt Mossberg, David Pogue, Steven Levy, and Edward Baig have all had their units for a couple of weeks now, and the embargoes were lifted earlier today. So what does all that mean? We have the first four iPhone reviews available for public consumption, and they all pretty much leave us with the same feeling - the iPhone is definitely a game changer, and is an amazing experience. However, the fact that it is on EDGE instead of 3G HSDPA sucks, and the software keyboard takes a few days to get used to. Of course, that is a very, very short summary. All in all though, Apple looks to have another winner on it’s hands. You can check out the reviews at the following links:

Gallery: Early iPhone Review Roundup
