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MySpaceTv to Air Quarterlife

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Internet, Videos,
MySpace has decided to enter the world of reality shows, at least that’s how it appears. Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick, creators of “My So-Called Life,” are putting together QuarterLife on MySpaceTV. While we are not exactly sure of the content, the preview shows it to be a group of twentysomething friends that do odd things to each other on and with the net. We visited the site itself where we discovered that it may be an interactive show, or perhaps just a tie-in to get others to the second site. The show will make its debut on November 11 on MySpace and the day after on the QuarterLife site.
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Gallery: MySpaceTv to Air Quarterlife
New PSA May Curtail Whaling

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, Misc. Tech, Science, Videos,
We admit that we dig anime. We are also partial to saving the whales, many of which are now on the endangered list. Combining the two concepts in hopes that Japan will stop the slaughter in its Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, Greenpeace released this animated short there to publicize the issue. We understand that after the postwar period that the Japanese needed the large mammals as a source of protein, but since the country is now at peace, the poor creatures should be allowed theirs as well. Created by Yamamura Koji, we wanted to share this fine piece of art that also has a message.
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Gallery: New PSA May Curtail Whaling
Unboxing Flip Video

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Cameras, Music, Portable Audio / Video, Product Reviews, Videos,
It’s no top of the line model, but we still dig our new Flipvideo. Going through video withdrawal, we purchased one on a whim and set out to test our new toy. It is so simple to operate that we are eternally grateful to puredigital. The MSRP for the cam is $149.99, but we managed to purchase one on Amazon for $130.00 with free shipping. We figure we had better invest the savings into rechargeable batteries as this puppy only comes with 2 standard AA’s. Details to follow.
Click to continue reading Unboxing Flip Video
Gallery: Unboxing Flip Video
We don’t know how we managed to overlook this cute bot until we came across him on Wired. Keepon resides in Kyoto and generally works as a child-development research tool. This past summer his owners Hideki Kozima, a roboticist and child psychologist, and programmer Marek Michalowski introduced him to the rock band Spoon. The video “Keepon Dancing to Spoon’s ‘Don’t You Evah‘” was born. Kozima is his costar and we know that you will recognize several robotic cameos in the last shot. Spoon and Keepon will be the headliners at Wired’s NextFest which begins September 10.
Read More | Wired
Gallery: Keepon Digs the Beat
The video may not be in English, but we are so impressed with this new 3-D printer that we want one. Think of the possibilities! If something breaks, you can replace it without anyone being the wiser, if you know how to paint. Create multiple cups and plates so you actually have an entire set that matches. We’re not sure if it can copy living things, but it might be kind of fun/scary to replicate the family pet to remember him/her when it finally goes to the happy hunting grounds.
Read More | Japan Probe
Gallery: Printer Duplicates in 3-D
Pop4Real Sings Praises of N-81

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Editorial, Handhelds, Movies, Music, Portable Audio / Video, Videos,
Yesterday we told you about Nokia’s four new offspring. We found a video that was done in honor of one of them, the N-81. We sure hope Nokia is paying attention. Not only can this help the career of the
band singing it, Pop4Real, we would love to see commercials like this instead of the heavy sell that we are inundated with constantly. Heck, we were about ready to preorder one of the video/game players after listening to the catchy tune without even realizing that it will set us back €430 (~$588.00.)
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Gallery: Pop4Real Sings Praises of N-81
Teen Unlocks iPhone

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Internet, Mods / Hacks, Portable Audio / Video, Videos,
George Hotz decided to spend some time this summer unlocking an iPhone, so that he use it on his own network, T-Mobile. Partially inspired because his friend had just gotten one, the change of service fee, and the $20.00 monthly fee from AT&T for using an iPhone, he soldered two wires together and replaced the SIM card, although we are sure that the project is more complicated than he makes it sound in this CNBC video. It took about 500 hours to complete with the aid of four others online.
Being the kind fellow that he is, rather than selling his idea, he has posted it for free on his website, just in case you want to give it a try. Although he planned on selling one hacked iPhone on eBay, complications arose so he traded it for a Nissan 350Z and three 8GB iPhones. George left this weekend to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology where he will major in neuroscience or what he calls “hacking the brain.”
Read More | cell phone digest
Gallery: Teen Unlocks iPhone
The iPhone Shuffle is a Must Have

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, Apple, Handhelds, Misc. Tech, Portable Audio / Video, Videos,
With so many new accessories for the iPhone we can barely keep up these days, but this one about matches Mad TV’s iRack in usefulness. The Shuffle is simply one little button. Push it and it literally rearranges all your contacts, then calls one at random. Hold it down for 3 seconds and it will automatically dial another number for a three-way teleconference. There’s more, but we don’t want to spoil the other neat tricks that the Shuffle can perform with little or no effort.
We had you going there for a minute, didn’t we?
Read More | the geniuses
Gallery: The iPhone Shuffle is a Must Have
iMac Multitouch Not Announced

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Rumors, Videos,
Nor will it be, unfortunately. We’ve been getting quite a few submissions from readers about this awesome YouTube video that someone came up with as part of his demo reel for ad agencies. We know, the iMac Multitouch featured in this video is pretty bad ass…but think about it for a moment - do you really want to be reaching out to touch your computer screen constantly? That would get fairly tiring…this isn’t Wii Fit after all. If Apple were going to go the multitouch route on their computers, we think it should be on some sort of keyboard touchpad. Hang in there folks, the Apple event gets underway in under an hour now - that’s where we expect the real iMac news to surface.
Gallery: iMac Multitouch Not Announced
Belkin USB Plus Hub Unboxing Video

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, USB, Features, PC / Laptop, Videos,
This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at
In this episode of Unboxing Live, we open up the Belkin USB Plus Hub. This one sports 7 USB ports, two of which are on top, along with a slick look.
This video is a part of the Unboxing Live series. If you would like to be automatically notified of new episodes, you can subscribe to us in iTunes, or manually using our RSS feed.
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