On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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DescriptionSuTree is a new community based education site aimed at bringing together e-learning content creators and their community. Much like a video oriented Instructables, SuTree allows users to create and share videos helping users learn anything from how to make cheesecake, to how to speak a foreign language. The recent boom of online knowledge silos is a fantastic boon for the entire world - sites like SuTree, Wikipedia, MAKE, and Etsy are helping everyone learn new things and share their knowledge using the power of the internet with the power of user-created content.

Go internet!

Gallery: SuTree: Online community learning


We like the retro look of this PC built into an old Nintendo and apparently so do a lot of others. Its creator spent about 50 hours and €800 (~$1,180.00) to make it and it is now being auctioned off on eBay France. The event will run through December 9, and the bid last time we checked was about €625,00 (~$917.00.) Check out its innards, outers, and ports on the video. Not a bad deal considering he is also tossing in some NES and NES 64 gear to go with it.


Read More | eBay France (translated)

Gallery: Nintendo/PC Up for Auction

It looks like the Writers Strike will keep going for a while, but we have found that you just can’t keep a good writer down. Those from “The Office” produce “The Office is Closed,” and fans, like those for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert, offer pleas to settle. There are even viral spoofs, such as this one by National Lampoon. Our favorite has to be by the writers of The Simpsons, who come out of their animated closet. How ironic that the very medium they are fighting over has in fact become the battlefield.


Gallery: YouTube Haven for Striking Writers

We cringe when thinking about dentists, but now they will get their just desserts with Simroid, a 5 foot, 3-inch bot developed at Nippon Medical School which will teach them how to better communicate with their patients. If the dentist hits a nerve with his/her drill, she will say “ouch” and will react to pain by moving her eyes and hands. If she is touched in an inappropriate place on her chest, she will record that to later incriminate the offender. Simroid was unveiled at this week’s 2007 International Robot Exhibition. Don’t push play if you are as squeamish as we are. (Just kidding.)


Read More | Pink Tentacle

Gallery: Simroid Feels Dental Pain

If you think Björk was cool with her reacTable, take a look at Ben Lewry’s innovative LCDetar. He simply used an old laptop, stuffed it into his electric guitar, hooked up a few connections and there you have it. Displayed with constantly changing colors depending on what he plays, it worth taking a look at the results. We figure that even if his musical ability isn’t all that outstanding, most of his audience will still enjoy the performance.


Read More | TecheBlog

Gallery: LCDetar Flashes Kaleidoscope of Colors

XShotWe just received an XShot, the cool little extension device that you attach to your still or video cam that allows you long and/or panoramic shots without the aid of an extra person. Its stainless steel shaft is indeed lightweight and extends 37-inches. The screw is a standard one used on tripods and it has the tilt capability of 180º. The company claims that it will fit in your pocket when closed (9-inches,) but those would have to be some pretty big jeans to accommodate it. It does, however, have a nice lanyard for carrying and a very comfortable rubber grip. Full review and demo after the jump.

Click to continue reading Unboxing The XShot

Read More | XShot LLC

Gallery: Unboxing The XShot

With all the problems going on with the writer’s strike, we are grateful that Madtv has just debuted its 13th season. We have always appreciated their humor when dealing with Apple and this parody about the iPod is no exception. Based on the new nano commercial with Feist’s “One, Two, Three, Four” as a soundtrack, our kudos to the comedy troupe that keeps getting funnier every year. Check out their video, “They Keep Changing the iPod.”

Read More | MADtv

Gallery: MADtv Spoofs New iPod Ad

OprahIf it says Oprah, it’s got to be good, right? La Winfrey began her own YouTube page this week and debuted it on her show yesterday. Her guests included its creators Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, as well as some top “stars” from the site itself. She even went as far as capturing her own show on her Flipvideo, but we will spare you the results. While she may be excited about her new pet project, we just want to say, “What took you so long?”

Read More | Oprah on YouTube

Gallery: Oprah Joins YouTube

Leopard Guided Tour

Following on the heels of their highly successful Guided Tour videos, has just posted a new Leopard Guided Tour. This one has a nice white background, a welcome change from the black background/black iPhone/guy in black shirt videos we’ve been seeing recently. The Guided Tour goes through and demos all the major features that we will all be able to enjoy in just one week when Leopard launches on October 26. The video is about 28 minutes long, and is available in small, medium, and large streaming formats as well as download format for both iPod and Apple TV.

Read More | Mac OS X Leopard Guided Tour

Gallery: Apple posts new Leopard Guided Tour video

Meet one of the first interactive mixed reality humanoid robots. Put on a special HMD (head-mounted display) and U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi appears as an animated character that you can literally touch. The 3D avatar is made with skin that acts as a green screen and as users adjust their head angle and position, so does the robot. Created by Michihiko Shoji, the plans are for U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi to enhance existing virtual reality and its first application will probably be in arcades, with household usage to come later. This brings on a whole new meaning of self-communication, doesn’t it?


Read More | Pink Tentacle

Gallery: Reach Out and Touch Yourself
