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WWDC keynote video

We know that all this talk of the has you chomping at the bit to see it in action yourself. I mean, we live blogged the keynote, and we threw up our iPhone 3G gallery, but sometimes images don’t do products justice, right? Well, you are in luck. Apple has just posted the video of the WWDC 2008 Keynote Address. Hit the link below to watch the entire thing, highlighting the iPhone 3G, App Store, MobileMe, and more.

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Gallery: WWDC Keynote video 2008 now online


If you are more of the Guitar Hero type than a Virtual Village fanatic then make plans Saturday, June 14 to cram into your nearest Toys R Us with about a gazillion other Nintendo DS owners to witness the preview of the new version of the game, “On Tour.” Between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m., the sneak preview is supposed to include hands on testing before its release June 22. Pre-order and get a “Limited Edition” pick/stylus throne in.  We figure, unless you are a really big guy, you have better settle for the sticker, dog tag, and temp tattoo to prove you got in the door.


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Gallery: Toys R Us To Preview Guitar Hero: On Tour

LDW (Last Day of Work) has finally released the latest in their Virtual Villagers series. This time around, VV3: The Secret City goes back to the island of Isola, or rather another side of it with a combination of simulation, adventure, and virtual inhabitants . While this game plays pretty much like its predecessors, such as being able to adjust level of difficulty and speed, there are plenty of new features. Our highlights of VV3 and additional screenshots after the jump.

Click to continue reading Review: Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City

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Gallery: Review: Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City

What do you get when you cross a Roomba with Pac-man? In Ron Tajima’s case, you get a Pacmba (don’t ask us how to pronounce it.) He took his droid vacuum, tacked on a board with 448 LEDs, and added a Bluetooth remote with circuit driver. Of course, he had to have something for the little guy to chomp on. This is Ron’s second foray into hacking his Roomba. We cannot wait to see what he will come up with next.


Read More | BotJunkie

Gallery: Pacmba Chomps Down

Next time someone cuts you off on the highway, show them how you really feel with Drivemocion. The LED sign uses emoticons and animated messages to let others know what you are thinking. Stick it on your rear window with a suction cup and control it by remote up front. Powered by 4 AA batteries, the company claims they will last up to 4 months, unless you have a lot of road rage. There are 6 different types available for £24.99 to 29.99 (~$60.00, ) including one that uses words and another that uses a certain digit as the ultimate display of anger.


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Gallery: Drivemocion Rear Window LED Sign

You’ve got your elite with their fancy Swedish Automowers that they adore so much they give them names, and then there are others who take a more ordinary approach by having a robot slave do the work for them, despite the rudeness of the family dog. The video of the Tynamizer is fairly amusing to watch but we were wondering a couple of things. Doesn’t the grass already look fairly short? And what happens when the extension cord runs out?


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Gallery: Robotic Tynamizer Mows Lawn

What better way to spend an evening than to see Honda’s ASIMO live and in person, conducting the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The bot lead the musicians for the tune “The Impossible Dream,” then met Yo-Yo Ma who played with the DSO and received an award as part of the Power of Dreams Music Education Fund that supports music for kids. We wanted to share ASIMO’s performance with you, and yes, we know its time to get a tripod. Our favorite part had to be when he greeted the audience and they answered back. We were hoping to meet him afterwards, but this is one busy bot.

(Thanks, Honda and Alicia)


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Gallery: ASIMO Leads the DSO

Bots recently competed in Germany as part of the RoboCup to be held in July in China. A sub-competition, RoboCup Rescue, allows robots to practice on dolls in such critical situations as chemical spills and other disasters. Robotic teams must go through a maze and scores are based on how well they can navigate and generate a 3D map of the course. A Manipulation Challenge gives extra points for delivery of radios or water bottles to victims. Currently, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to scan the area and the same amount of time to create the image, but that should decrease as the bots become more advanced.


Read More | New Scientist Tech

Gallery: RoboCup Rescuers Work through Mazes

We have seen soccer-playing robots, but did you know there is also an annual Robot American Football game? Produced by the same group that organized Robot Sumo in Japan, the mini-bots do the playing, thereby depriving its viewers of outright violence and blood-letting that you get most Monday nights. We only have one question after viewing the video. What do you suppose the robotic players do when one of the human refs blows his/her whistle?

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Gallery: Robot American Football

If you are tired of Googling and coming up with stuff that is meta word infested or meant only to make a buck, consider Mahalo beta. Originally launched last year, it’s creator, Jason Calacanis, believes that the “curated web” is the answer. The human-powered search engine claims that it creates organized, spam free searches. Sign up with them, enter your searches and get paid for your efforts (according to relevance and difficulty.) And if you are really into the Mahalo phenomenon, check out their new VlogIdol search for Mahalo Daily which began yesterday or join their Mahalo Social Network.

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Gallery: Mahalo Offers Human-Powered Search
