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Drobo Apps has been out for quite some time and serves the purpose of a “set-it-and-forget-it” backup solution.  Drobo has added a few apps that bring a nice “value-add” to their storage capability.  Data Robotics has released 19 applications for Drobo, and they seem to be highlighting three of those specifically due to their value to the average consumer. First, there’s the DroboApps Admin Utility, which allows you to manage your DroboApps via a web interface.  The second is Yoics, which gives you remote access to your Drobo and DroboShare from a web browser or mobile device like the .  Lastly, they are highlighting the Firefly iTunes Media Server that allows you to store all of your music, TV, and video content on the Drobo, and then serve that content to iTunes devices or computers around your home.

If you don’t yet have a storage solution and need a very reliable backup which also serves your media, then you should check out Drobo.  They range in price from $349 to $1049 and offer USB 2.0 and Firewire depending on the model you choose. In order to take advantage of the apps, you’ll also need the DroboShare NAS module, which will run you $199, on top of the cost of the Drobo itself.

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Gallery: Drobo Gets Apps To Serve You


Game maker Taito has teamed with NTT DoCoMo and come up a clever app that lets users play in an orchestra with their fingers. The Chokkan Classic software is part of their i-mode Internet service. Participants move a finger in front of their cell phone’s sensor. Once they remove their finger, the music stops. The application allows the ability to sync with others to create a concert. This demonstration certainly makes it appear simple but then again the participants look a little silly.


Read More | MSNBC

Gallery: Taito Chokkan Classic Music Application

Michael Moore joins with Leo DiCaprio by using the Internet to get his political ideas across. The filmmaker is offering his latest movie, Slacker Uprising, as a free download. Not only that, he is giving everyone full rein to email, burn, air, or otherwise share it with anyone in the U.S. or Canada.

“This is being done entirely as a gift to my fans. The only return any of us are hoping for is the largest turnout of young voters ever at the polls in November,“says Moore. Sign up with your email addy on the Slacker Uprising site and feel free to donate the $9.95 price. And if you are looking for more fun concerning the election, check out the new YouTube videos by P Diddy and Justin Timberlake.

Read More | Slacker

Gallery: Michael Moore’s “Slacker Uprising” Free Download

Score one for the little guy. Hottrix has filed a $12.5 million lawsuit against Coors. The indie company says that the brewery copied its iPhone application iBeer. Both apps display a glass of beer that empties when the user tilts the handset about 90º. While iBeer cost $3.00 at launch, Coors’ iPint was free. Hottrix argues that it had a video on YouTube in July 2007, before the App Store was launched. In an act of kindness, Apple removed the freebie in the U.S., however it is still available in other countries.


Read More | Wired

Gallery: Hottrix Sues Coors Over iBeer Application


Yesterday, our pals over at Sling Media announced that their long-awaited was finally shipping and hitting store shelves. The unit, which “catches” what’s being “pitched” by a SlingBox, the Internet, or an attached USB storage device, has been available for pre-order for the past month. Our only real problem with the device at this time is that some of the main functionality is only available to those running Windows XP SP2 or Vista, OS X users are out of luck for now on the really cool feature that lets you highlight a portion of your screen for the SlingCatcher to capture and display on a television.

The SlingCatcher can be had for $299.99. If you wanna see it in action, check out our video after the jump.

Click to continue reading SlingCatcher now available for purchase

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Gallery: SlingCatcher now available for purchase


InstantAction has announced the debut of their open beta for Mac OS X users. Gamers can register on the site and play Rokkitball, Marble Blast Online, Think Tanks and the FPS, Fallen Empire: Legions. Mac owners can also play PC users with cross platform compatibility. System requirements are Mac OS X 10.4.11 (or later) with Intel chipsets for some of the games, while others need Mac OS X v10.5.4. Safari 3 and Firefox 2 are supported. Check with the site for more specifics.


Read More | InstantAction

Gallery: InstantAction Offers Mac Games Online

We admit that some of us were not big Leo DiCaprio fans, but now that he has created this Voting PSA for declareyourself.com, we have to give him points. Featuring such celebs as Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Tobey Maguire,  Dustin Hoffman and Ashton Kuchter, the online video is aimed at younger voters in an effort to get them to register, with the deadline being this week in some states. Supposedly shot in his backyard in one day, it has already had over 40,000 views. Our kudos to the politically correct actor.


Read More | Declare Yourself via Filibuster Soup

Gallery: Leonardo Encourages Voting Online

We admit that we have been watching CBS news to catch the latest on Sarah Palin, and found that we were really impressed by some of the technology used in their Eye to Eye series. Jeff Greenfield was using this incredible touchscreen that could instantly change a red state to blue (or vice versa) while altering the count at the same time. Here’s hoping that the upcoming Presidential election will have lots of bells and whistles (without so many promos attached.)


Read More | CBS News

Gallery: CBS Employs Touchscreen for Electoral States

Take music to a whole different level with this electronic t-shirt that you can actually play. There are 7 different sounds and when you, or someone you trust, taps with fingers, sound comes out the built-in speakers. Available in black cotton in 5 sizes, it needs 4AAA batteries (not included.) The battery pack and speaker are removable for washing the tee. The Electronic Drum Kit Shirt has a MSRP of $29.99.


Read More | ThinkGeek

Gallery: Electronic Drum Kit Shirt

A few buds who like the color purple got together to launch a combination adventure/documentation project. The Purple Pedals Project equipped 20 yBikes with GPS and a camera that automatically snaps a shot once a minute. They then send them from all around the planet and are now attempting to document and share what they are doing via Yahoo mapping. Some of the bikes will be passed around between bloggers, Yahoo users and others, so if you would like to be one of them, or just want to see what they are up to, check out the PPP website.


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Gallery: The Purple Pedals Project
