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JVC Introduces the Everio GZ-HM400 camcorder: 1080p, 600fps slow motion

Posted by Mark Rollins Categories: Cameras, Videos,

JVC has recently introduced the GZ-HM400, an HD camcorder only available in Japan. The price is about $1,157, and it has 10.3 megapixel CMOS sensor, 32GB of built-in storage, a SD/SDHC expansion slot, HDMI output, and a 10x optical zoom. It is also capable of taking 9 megapixel stills, hold three hours of full HD content, and has a 2.8 inch flip-out LCD. For those of you in the US that was to get a piece of this action, the JVC Everio X GZ-X900 is what you’ll want.
Read More | JVC Press Release
Gallery: JVC Introduces the Everio GZ-HM400 camcorder: 1080p, 600fps slow motion
Video: Xbox 360 August 2009 Dashboard Update Hands-on

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Microsoft, Software, Video Games, Videos,
We know a lot of you have been excited about the August 11th Xbox 360 Dashboard Update, so we figured that while we were waiting for the transcodes to finish for Bleeding Edge TV, we’d also throw our walkthrough of the update onto our YouTube account as well. Go ahead and give it a look, as we bring you 35 minutes of Dashboard goodness. The “real” episode should be out later this evening, if not by the end of the weekend.
Let us know if we missed anything that you’d like us to cover in the comments.
Gallery: Video: Xbox 360 August 2009 Dashboard Update Hands-on
iPhone runs Windows 95, we’re scared

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Microsoft, Mods / Hacks, Software, Videos,
Oh yes, my friends, the iPhone can run Windows 95. Sure, it’s not as easy as downloading it from the App Store or anything, but still, you’ve gotta give mad props to a dev who can work this kind of magic on a jailbroken iPhone. Check out the video above for a glimpse of both the past and the future. Hold us.
[via Gizmodo]
Gallery: iPhone runs Windows 95, we’re scared
Data Robotics answers common iSCSI questions

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Broadband, PC / Laptop, Storage, Videos,
Data Robotics, the peeps behind the Drobo and DroboPro, have put up a video answering some common questions about the DroboPro’s iSCSI interface. If you’ve been considering a DroboPro, and were wondering about this spec (which, by all accounts, is fantastic,) check out the video above.
Gallery: Data Robotics answers common iSCSI questions
Microsoft Office 2010 Video Tour

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Internet, Microsoft, Software, Videos,
So Microsoft Office 2010 has officially been unveiled, and there’s a lot of excitement surrounding the announcement, mostly due to the fact that a large portion of Office 2010 will be available as a free web application online. Microsoft has put together a bunch of videos showing off the new features found in the Office web applications, as well as Word 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Outlook 2010, and all the rest. We’ve put the video that focuses on the web apps up top, and you can watch the rest after the break as well.
Click to continue reading Microsoft Office 2010 Video Tour
Gallery: Microsoft Office 2010 Video Tour
Try Out iPhone 3.0 HTTP Live Streaming Now

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Internet, Videos,

One of the new iPhone 3.0 features that Apple happily touted when they introduced the new OS is HTTP Streaming Media. Now, the common man may not exactly know much about HTTP Streaming, so let’s break it down for a moment. HTTP Live Streaming allows a server to server multiple versions of the same media file, and serve the one that will perform best for you depending on the amount of bandwidth you have available. If you move to an area with a higher or lower amount of bandwidth while you are viewing a piece of content, the video will be dynamically improved or degraded so that you get the best experience. Very cool, right?
If you want to give it a try, you can do that right now at the iPhone 3.0 Video Showcase, which is hosted by Akamai. Visit the site on your iPhone for the full effect, of course.
Gallery: Try Out iPhone 3.0 HTTP Live Streaming Now
Video: Mr. Kennedy Show How Not To Act on Twitter

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Videos,
Former WWE
Superstar Ken “Kennedy” Anderson just put the video above on YouTube, which we had to share. Look, we know a lot of you hang out on places like Facebook and Twitter, and that’s cool with us. Just don’t be the guy or girl that Mr. Kennedy is mocking in the video above, mkay?
Gallery: Video: Mr. Kennedy Show How Not To Act on Twitter
Video: Dev Team shows off iPhone 3GS unlock demonstration

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Mods / Hacks, Videos,
We’ve already told you about the iPhone 3GS unlock that is currently available, but the iPhone Dev Team also has their “official” iPhone 3GS jailbreak and unlock ready, but they aren’t releasing it until Apple releases iPhone OS 3.1. However, they did put out a video showing how it works, which you can watch above. Looks painless.
How many of you are waiting for the Dev Team to release their unlock mechanism before unlocking your iPhone 3GS?
Gallery: Video: Dev Team shows off iPhone 3GS unlock demonstration
Video: USB Cigar Flash Memory Drive

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, USB, Storage, Videos,
There is a never ending run of USB drives, many of them made out of everyday objects that have been gutted. This one, made by “laxap,” is composed of a real cigar, a small flash drive, some wire, 2 red LEDs, a resistor, and extension cable, paper and tape. When in use the end turns a bright red. You can get step-by-step instructions as well as a sample of his other USB creations that include the use of a highlighter, Slim Jim can and light bulb.
Read More | Instructables
Gallery: Video: USB Cigar Flash Memory Drive
iPhone 3GS Compass Interference?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Portable Audio / Video, Videos, Wireless / WiFi,
Anyone with an iPhone 3GS experiencing compass interference errors? It seems that the issue has only come up for me once or twice, but we are hearing reports from others that the compass interference messages seems to be pretty much all they see when they launch the compass app. What say you?