On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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We hit you with our Escort Passport 8500 X50 review earlier today, and it's a great investment for any driver looking to avoid speeding tickets, but it’s not enough. What more can you do to keep the cops off your back? Having your vehicle also equipped with a laser jammer will cover the flaws of most detectors. Laser jammers emit a light brighter than the laser an officer would shoot at a vehicle, but they're illegal in some states, so you may want to check into that first before pulling the trigger. Don’t believe that works? Check out the video above and see for yourself.

Gallery: How Radar and Laser Technology Works: Avoiding Speeding Tickets


Where else but on YouTube will you see a high-speed case that’s not VGA dash-cam quality, featuring shots taken using a Traxxas Slash VXL Ultimate R/C car-mounted GoPro Hero, a Canon 5D MKII, strapped to a helicopter, a Panasonic AF100, and a hacked Panasonic GH1? This video features something for all likes, but will definitely be appreciated by those who like a little speed, creative shots, and a little humor. Take a look at what the folks from Icon Motosports have been up to on their spare time.

Gallery: Video: Motorcycle vs. Car drift battle shot with RC car-mounted cameras

The WVIL (which stands for Wireless Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) camera is one of our favorite gadgets from CES 2012, it's just too bad that it's just a concept and not actually real. Still, the concept alone is genius! If you're crazy about photography--or just cool gadgetry in general--this will statisfy your thirst. What you see is a camera with a removeable lens and viewfinder, which allows you to place the lens anyway, while controlling the viewfinder like you would any other mobile phone or tablet device. Meanwhile, we'll try to get ahold of Artefact, the company behind the concept, as they happen to be stationed here in Seattle. We've got one more video after the jump that shows what the camera would look like in a real-world scenario, but don't let it fool you! This is a meticulously planned out demo that isn't actually real. Still, cool concept.

Click to continue reading WVIL: The amazing future camera concept

Gallery: WVIL: The amazing future camera concept

2011 will come to an end in just a few short hours, and we are just in time with our annual top 10 list of the most-watched Gear Live video episodes. Over the past year, as expected, there was a bunch of gear that made the list, but the HTC Thunderbolt gets two of the top spots, as does the Motorola Xoom.

Oh, and if you wanna be sure to get our new video episodes as they come out in 2010, be sure to subscribe to us in iTunes, on YouTube, or in your RSS reader!

Also, you can check out the top ten videos from 20102009, 2008, and 2007 - and when you're done, be sure to check out the top 10 most popular Gear Live stories of 2011 as well!

Click to continue reading Top 10 Gear Live Videos of 2011

Gallery: Top 10 Gear Live Videos of 2011

iPad 2 giveaway

We've come to the end of another year, and as we wave goodbye to 2011, we figured it was only fitting that we share the most popular stories published on Gear Live this year, as determined by our readers (we've also got the top ten most read stories regardless of publish date, as well as the ten most popular Gear Live videos of 2011!) These are the ten stories that were read the most, and when you consider that fact, it's pretty surprising to see what made the list. Let's kick it off with our most read story of the year:

Giveaway: Apple iPad 2 32 GB!:
The iPad 2 certainly got a lot of attention this year, and our iPad 2 giveaway served as our most popular post out of them all for 2011.

Click to continue reading Top 10 Gear Live stories of 2011

Gallery: Top 10 Gear Live stories of 2011

We've seen plenty of videos that feature babies, cats, and dogs playing with iOS devices, and they're all pretty cute. Know what else they all are? Mammals. In the video above, though, we get to see a fricken bulllfrog play Ant Crusher on the iPhone. Enjoy.

Gallery: Video: Watch a bullfrog play an iPhone game

You know how you have all those pennies stored away somewhere in a jar, or some sort of awkward spot in your car? Of course you do, because no one wastes their time using pennies to make purchases, unless they're clueless or trying to pull some sort of sick joke. Check out the video above, which explains why the penny needs to be abolished from the United States currency, as it's a burden on the economy.

Gallery: Video: Why the penny needs to die

A fan of aluminum and glass in life, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs is scheduled to be memorialized with bronze, in death. Hungarian software company Graphisoft is planning to unveil a bronze statue of Jobs on Dec. 21 as both a tribute to Jobs's life at Apple and for his support of Graphisoft itself during the 1980s.

"Apple gave us cash and computers at a time when Graphisoft was a young company with very limited resources; the technology represented by those computers was not even available in our part of the world," reads a statement on Graphisoft Park's Web site. "Even more valuable, Apple introduced us to its worldwide distribution network, which we rely upon to this day."

While Jobs, the innovator, constantly pushed Apple engineers to design smaller and smarter, Hungarian sculptor Erno Toth has built the bronze tribute statue at a slightly larger-than-life height of around six fee, five inches. Steve Jobs, the statue, will weigh approximately 485 pounds once complete.

Click to continue reading Bronze Steve Jobs statue coming to Graphisoft Park

Gallery: Bronze Steve Jobs statue coming to Graphisoft Park

A new ad for the Samsung Galaxy S II pokes fun at Apple fans who wait in lines for days to get their hands on a "magical" iPhone, which Samsung criticized for its lack of 4G, as well as its battery issues.

The commercial shows a line of hipster types waiting at New York and San Francisco Apple stores nine hours before the launch of the latest iPhone.

"I am so amped, I could stand here for three weeks," says one fanboy.

"Only seven people stand between us and meaning," says another.

Soon, however, one line waiter sees blog posts that describe the battery situation as "sketchy," a dig at the iOS 5 glitch that drains the battery life from some iPhones at a speedy clip.

Another questions the design choices. "If it looks the same, how will people know I upgraded?" he asks, while others discuss the lack of 4G.

Click to continue reading Samsung Galaxy S II ad makes fun of Apple fans

Gallery: Samsung Galaxy S II ad makes fun of Apple fans

Here's a video showing a five-day time lapse of the destruction of the south mile of the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle, an undertaking being done by Rhine Demolition. A photo was taken every 2 to 3 minutes from the 13th floor of the nearby Norton Building. The time lapse video was shot and edited by Marcus Donner of the Puget Sound Business Journal.

Gallery: Time-lapse video: Watch the destruction of Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct
