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LED ChessFor those of you that play chess into the wee hours of the morning, Dutch designer Daan Van Tuldur has created a set that is lit by LEDs that are located in the 4 corners of the board. Black and white are replaced by matte and transparent squares, and all the pieces basically have the same shape. Besides this prototype, Van Tuldur has worked on many designs, including HotSpots, arcade-size retro systems geared for the next generation of Atari gamers.

Read More | Judag

Gallery: Play Chess at Night


Meowlingual Cat Translation Device

As a cat owner, this writer has wished many times that her beloved cat Woody could talk, if only to explain a lot of his

nutty behavior

idiosyncracies. If you’re a cat owner, you’ve no doubt wished the same. Well, the folks at Takara Tomy are having fun with the concept by introducing the Meowlingual Cat Translation Device. Like it’s successful predecessor, the Bowlingual Dog Translator (yes, we’re serious), it’s basically a toy that, when held up to your fave feline, “interprets” whatever he/she is meow-ing to you. The “translation” (such as “I can’t stand it”), is then displayed on its screen. It’s all good, silly fun, and a great gift for cat owners. The device will be released in Japan this November, no word on a stateside release. But at 8,800 yen (approx. $74 USD), we think the faux translator’s a tad expensive, so we’ll continue to wait for someone to invent a real one.

Read More | Takara Tomy

Gallery: Meowlingual Cat Translation Device is Purr Fun

ATM BankIt’s never too early to train the kidlets to use the ATM. The Zillionz Touch Screen ATM Bank keeps track of deposits and withdrawals, and recognizes both coins and bills as well as your budding Trump’s personal access card. At a size of 8.5 x 5.5 x 13.5-inches, it requires 4 “AA” included batteries, and carries a MSRP of $69.99 at etoys. Play your cards right and your kids could be doing all your banking for you.

Read More | Red Ferret

Gallery: Teach Your Children High Finance

FP Easy LinkThe Holidays are practically upon us, at least according to the Toy Industry. The last generation began using computers in grade school, and Fisher Price would like to begin this one right after potty training. Their Easy Link allows toddlers to place smart keys into a “launch pad” to hook up to kid-friendly sites such as Sesame St., PBS Kids/Dragontales, and of course Fisher Price. The nice thing about it is that it also blocks access to your hard drive and PC (not for Macs.) The system includes a USB cable and software for easy installation. Recommended for tots 3 and up, it’s available for $30.00, with other keys sold separately. Just don’t lick the Cookie Monster.

Read More | Fisher Price

Gallery: Easy Link Teaches Internet to Tots

Potty PutterWe suppose if women are getting their Toilet Tattoos, it’s seems fair to give the male folk equal time, so for them we have found the Potty Putter. No longer will your spouse/partner not have an excuse to putter around the house, at least in the bathroom. The kit includes a putting green, 2 golf balls, a mini-putter, a hole with flag stick and a “Do Not Disturb” sign. Pre-order for an October 5 delivery from Latest Buy with a price of AU $29.95 (~$26.66.)

Read More | Latest Buy

Gallery: Tee Time in The Bathroom


Dinosaur freaks will adore this lifesize version of the Camarasaurus. At the gimongous size of 20 x 56 x 10 feet, this overgrown reptile weighs about 3,748 lbs. Imagine your neighbor’s reaction when they find this towering over your house as a giant watchdog.  Its price is the equally enormous £28,999.99 (~$58,336.00.) If that is beyond your budget, there is a Facebook application called “I Want To Buy A Ruddy Great Big Dinosaur” that you can join for a mere £ that will buy you a piece of one.


Read More | Drinkstuff

Gallery: Own Your Own Dinosaur

i-SobotTomy is finally releasing its clever iSobot in the U.S., no doubt in time for the Christmas rush. The bot features a built-in gyro sensor, 17 servo motors, 2 LEDS, voice recognition and a vocabulary of about 200 words and phrases. Although only 7-inches tall, the little guy can do push-ups and play air guitar, but we are guessing not simultaneously. Expected out next month, it will be available for ~$300.00. For more information, check out the rather lame MySpace Page devoted to the robot.

Read More | Gearlog

Gallery: I-sobot Coming to America


While we are on the subject of creepy things that go bump in the night, take a peek at Harold Ilano’s Mercury, named for the light-seeker. Made from an old Playstation, a Li-Poly 3.6 V cell phone battery, and a few analog components. The robotic bug zig-zags across your floor, seeking the light via its sensors, and pauses occasionally to regroup. Red LEDs were added to keep people from tripping over it in the dark and because it, in Ilano’s own words, “makes him look cool.” The designer was kind enough to post instructions if you want to make your own horde of robotic insects.


Read More | Make

Gallery: Mercury, Robot Seeker of Light

The one creature we have no respect for is a cockroach, so we have no idea why Bandai Hex decided to release this Robotic Bug. It reacts to sound and avoids obstacles by altering its direction. Clap on if you really want one of these bots that come in a choice of 5 colors for $19.00. We might just consider purchasing one of the battery-operated bugs if it promises to eat the leftover Cheerios that we spilled this morning.


Read More | Audio Cubes

Gallery: Bandai Hex Lets Loose Robotic Bug

Lead Test KitOnce again, Mattel has recalled over 800,000 items made in China with lead paint. This time the targets are Barbie accessories, Geo Trax Engines, and Big Big World 6-in-1 Bongo Band toys. CEO Robert Eckert gives the usual obligatory “I’m sorry” and “You have my promise…” on the company site, but it really makes you wonder when/if the recall will be over.

While we would like to think that this will end the matter, somehow we don’t think it is a complete solution. What can we as consumers do? We can write to our legislators and contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to ask for stricter control. We also suggest you go to your nearest hardware store and pick up or order online a Lead Test Kit, which retails for only about $4.00. If you find a toy and can identify the brand, contact the company and/or send them the part. We certainly no longer agree with their old tagline “If it’s Mattel, it’s Swell.”

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Gallery: Mattel Continues Recalls with Barbie Accessories
