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  Introducing the coolest way to count down to the US PSP launch: a desktop timer coupled with a sweet PSP background.  Here’s how to set it up.  First you’ll need to grab the PSP desktop background image here.  Then, you’ll need to snag a copy of the Phantim3 countdown program.  After installing the program you’ll need to replace its default background image with this one, by copying it over to its skins/default directory.  Finally, in the same directory, replace the text in the Custom.txt file with the following:

8 84 66 62
111 52
150 52
186 52
222 52

Gallery: PSP Wallpaper With CountDown Timer


DescriptionWhile our article on why Apple makes a one buttoned mouse continues to stir controversy, we figured we would fill you in on a site that compares the two operating systems that are most prominent. X vs. XP puts Mac OS X and Windows XP Pro/Home side by side in a huge multitude of categories ranging from usability to appearance to video playback. As you read the comparisons,  you get a nice understanding for what goes into operating system design. In the end, Mac OS X comes out on top - but Windows XP certainly beats its Mac counterpart in quite a few categories.

Read More | X vs. XP

Gallery: X vs. XP Compares OS X and Windows XP

DescriptionYou know we gotta keep you in the loop as it pertains to the Apple rumor mill. While it isn’t yet official, it appears that the ship date for Apple OS X 10.4 (a.k.a. Tiger) will be June 30th 2005. Now, that works…except for the fact that ThinkSecret reported that Apple is “working hard on Final Cut Pro 5 and will use the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) conference in mid-April to debut the software.” The report also states that “Final Cut Pro 5 will require Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and will take advantage of the new Core Video technology, which functions as a bridge between QuickTime and a supported video card to deliver hardware-accelerated video processing.” This seems to imply that if Final Cut Pro 5 is going to debut in April, and will require OS X Tiger to run, that Tiger should also be available in mid-April. It’s tough being a super sleuth.

Oh, and the image to the right is what is believed to be the final packaging box.

Read More | MacRumors
Read More | ThinkSecret

Gallery: Apple OS X Tiger Shipping in April? June?

GBA Tuner  Finally someone has invented a way for us to continue using our GBA, in light of the DS and the upcoming PSP. It’s called the DTEC, by TurboXS. The DTEC plugs into your handheld and comes preloaded with software that lets you use your Gameboy to gauge exhaust gas temperature, air temperature, and vehicle boost, among other things. You can also purchase additional sensors and hardware to monitor other systems, like knock indication and vehicle acceleration (ie. G-Force). But check out the DTEC hardware that actually needs to plug into your GBA. Talk about unwieldly. Coming in October to an obsolete GBA near you.

Read More | TurboXS.com

Gallery: Tune Your Car with a Gameboy Advance

Internet ExplorerMicrosoft plans to release a new version of Internet Explorer this summer as a beta edition. Bill Gates claims that this new version will have stronger built-in security features, but how many times have we heard that?  This announcement came after rumor on the web was that Microsoft would not upgrade IE before the release of . Sticking with the whole security thing, it looks like this beta will require XP SP2 in order to be installed. Can the software giant succeed in convincing ex-IE users to switch back? If Microsoft continues to shun tabbed browsing, I don’t care how far along they come in the security department. It’s a no.

Read More | IEBlog

Gallery: Internet Explorer 7 Beta

Napster To GoIt has not been two weeks since the launch of Napster’s To Go service, and already there is a crack that allows you to circumvent the subscription’s copy protection. Armed with a subscription, , and Winamp Plug-in, burning audio CDs from Napster To Go library turns into a feasible task. All you would have to do is download the track from Napster, load it into Winamp, convert to WAV, and burn them using your favorite CD burning software.  We are not advising you do this, just pointing out an incentive to choose Napster instead of iTunes.

Read More | Kordix

Gallery: Napster To Go Loophole

Thinking Machine 4

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Software,

Thinking Machine 4Ever wonder what a computer thinks as you play chess against it? Now you can see exactly what computations the program checks through the use of Thinking Machine 4. This program allows you to play chess against a computer and see the machine’s thought process visually on your screen. Watch thousands or possibilities shown on your screen as the program chooses the best move.

“The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer’s thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. A map is created from the traces of literally thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move. Those traces become a key to the invisible lines of force in the game as well as a window into the spirit of a thinking machine.”

Check it out here.

Read More | Turbulence.org

Gallery: Thinking Machine 4

eXeemLast month we told you about the release of eXeem. Many people did not want to download release 0.20 public beta because it included Cydoor. Good news - 0.21 public beta is now available for download, this time it is Cydoor free.

” eXeem Public Beta version 0.21 has been released. Most of the bug fixes were done to the network system (nodes). We have also fixed the search crash bug. We added a stop function to New files and we are testing out html type of ads in the program. In this release you will not get any mandatory third party software installed with eXeem.”

Download it here.

Read More | eXeem

Gallery: eXeem 0.21 Public Released

DescriptionAs if we did not have enough browsers to choose from, AOL has launched itself into the mix with its new web browser. Based off of Internet Explorer, the browser includes many features such as tabbed browsing, AOL Channels, and AOL Desktop Search. I for one plan on sticking with Firefox, but those looking for tabbed browsing in an IE environment may find this useful. Our initial tests show that the browser is ridiculously slow.

Read More | AOL

Gallery: AOL Web Browser Beta

Windows LonghornMicrosoft plans to release its next operating system, codenamed Longhorn, sometime within the next year or two. This operating system’s beta version will be released in June and includes many improvements since the last time Microsoft showed off their newest addition to the Windows family. Microsoft claims Longhorn will be more stable the the current Windows operating system. New additions include a presentation engine called Avalon,  a Web services architecture called Indigo, and a reworking of the Windows files system known as WinFS (but who knows when this feature will be finished?). Microsoft has not released much information about all the features the beta version will offer, but it is nice to see Longhorn move closer to going gold. Can Microsoft really develop a stable operating system with less security flaws?

Read More | CNet.com

Gallery: Windows Longhown: Beta In June
