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Wow - we know that Adobe’s efforts to lock down the Photoshop CS3 Beta would be cracked very soon, but we certainly didn’t expect to see it happen in less than a day! As mentioned previously, Adobe wanted to give beta testers just two days to use the Photoshop CS3 software, unless they had an authentic Photoshop CS2 serial key. That just couldn’t stand in our highly social Internet community of today, and now there is both an OS X Photoshop CS3 crack, as well as a Photoshop CS3 beta Windows crack, already in the wild! Our guess? Adobe will put a bit more thought into the protection of the full Creative Suite 3 line - and it will take a little more than a day to get that cracked.

Gallery: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta Cracked On OS X and Windows

Gear Live reader Davis Freeburg writes in:

As early adopters who’ve downloaded a DivX movie file know, their video file is second to none.  There is no unreasonable wait, the quality is fantastic and it’s highly portable throughout the home.  Born in the wild wild west of the P2P revolution, DivX has recently tried to shake their bad boy image for a more corporate look with a recent IPO.  In an interview with Jordan Greenhall, DivX’s CEO, he discusses the impact that piracy has played on their negotations with the studios, the future of DivX on the Xbox 360, the PS3 and the Wii and his plans to bring media convergence into the digital home.

One of our favorite quotes from the piece is Jordan talking about what it could mean if Microsoft added DivX playback to the Xbox 360:

The pressure would certainly be on and then it’s a matter of the politics of each organization. I would argue that on a pure market competitive basis, if Microsoft stepped up and put DivX on the Xbox, they would have a significant competitive advantage and the onus would be on to reduce that advantage by licensing DivX as well, but that doesn’t imply however the Sony would have the forethought to do it.

Read More | Jordan Greenhall Interview

Gallery: DivX And The Future Of The Digital Home

Alright kids, we know a lot of you have been waiting for this day - especially those of you running those nifty Intel-based Macs like I do. Adobe has made the Photoshop CS3 beta available for download on their website, so run over and pick it up. There is a catch, though. You can run the beta perfectly fine for two days, but after that, it expects a fully operational and legitimate Photoshop CS2 serial number from you, otherwise it will stop working.

Okay Adobe, so now only people who have purchased your old software are allowed to use your beta for more than 48 hours? Right. Let’s see how long this lasts…

Read More | Photoshop CS3 Download

Gallery: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta Now Available For Download

Windows Vista BugsI’ve had the RTM version of Windows Vista on my Toshiba Tecra M4 for about a week now. Strangely, I’m having issues with the machine that didn’t happen in RC2. I think it’s all traceable to the nVidia video driver, which was updated through Windows Update right after the install completed. I’m getting massive video corruption coming out of sleep mode (making the machine unusable), to the point where I now have to hibernate the machine instead of sleep.

I can’t exactly fault Microsoft for this, except that the driver came through Windows Update, so it should have been checked for issues like this before it was released. Hopefully this can be sorted out before the widespread release in January.

Gallery: Vista RTM Is Buggier Than RC2?

When Microsoft first let us know what Project Longhorn was all about, it truly did look like it would revolutionize the way we use PCs. Check out the video above which shows the evolution of Windows, and how Vista was supposed to launch in October of 2003 with an amazing new UI. Makes you realize all the things Microsoft truly had to eliminate from the Vista operating system in order to ship it - albeit over three years late.

Gallery: A Look At What Windows Vista Was Supposed To Be

ApertureFor all you photo-bugs who also have Macs, Apple is offering a 30-day free trial on their Aperture 1.5. With it, you can import, manage, catalogue, edit, organize, and adjust your JPEG, TIFF, PSD, and RAW images. Check their Aperture Tech Spec page to see if you have the necessary equipment to handle the free ride, which you can get in English, French, German, or Japanese. If you download the trial, the software can’t be updated to 1.5.1, as it will only be available to Aperture 1.5 licensed copies. Aperture is available from the Apple Store for $299.99. The rest of us will just have to be content with our Windows Image Zone and spend that coinage elsewhere.

Read More | Aperture Free Trial

Gallery: Apple Offers Free Trial on Aperture 1.5

Alright, so the second generation iPod shuffles are now shipping, and that calls for another iTunes update courtesy of Apple. The lowdown on iTunes 7.0.2 is that it “...adds support for the Second Generation iPod shuffle and addresses a variety of stability and performance issues found in iTunes 7 and 7.0.1.” Okay, we can handle that - support for the new shuffle as well as stability and performance enhancements? Sign us up.

Gallery: iTunes 7.0.2 Released
