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EyePointA Stanford researcher has found a mouse alternative while working on the Gaze-enhanced User Interface Design (GUIDe) project. With EyePoint, a user merely looks at a computer screen and touches a key on the keyboard, and she/he can highlight text, scroll, and click links without the use of a cursor. The eye-tracking hardware consists of a specialized screen with a high-def camera and infra-red lights.

“Eye-tracking technology was developed for disabled users,” Manu Kumar says, “but the work that we’re doing here is trying to get it to a point where it becomes more useful for able-bodied users.”

Great idea, but we want to know if this will work with coke-bottle glasses wearers.

Read More | GUIDe via Technology Review

Gallery: Researcher Develops Mouseless Computing



We’ve seen some amazing canines in action rescuing tots, finding their way home across the country, or aiding the sight or hearing-impaired, but one really showed some ingenuity. Endal, a ten year-old Labrador Retriever assistant dog, saw that his wheelchair-bound owner was having some problems at an ATM machine. The smart pooch then snatched the debit card, receipt, and money with his mouth. Canine Partners, a company that trains assistance dogs, became so inspired by the trick that they now include it into their doggy curriculum. High


paw, Endal.

Read More | Metro

Gallery: Assistance Dogs Conquer ATMs


Royal Philips Electronics, in cooperation with Intel, has formally announced plans to design and manufacture Mobile Clinical Assistants (MCAs,) which will allow physicians and nurses keep up to date with their charges. The wireless device will contain patient information which will be stored into electronic medical records. The MCA features a 10.4-inch XGA touch-screen, RFID and barcode scanning, a digital camera, and LAN connectivity.

The companies say that the MCA will fill out charts, capture vital signs, reduce medication errors, monitor wound healing, and write up reports. Production is expected to begin in Q4 of this year. If they can get it to clean bedpans, we would be incredibly impressed.


Read More | Philips

Gallery: MCAs Assist the Infirm

SIguard System

Dutch engineers at Sound Intelligence believe that 90% of violence is started by heated conversation, so they have developed the SIgard System. The microphones, when placed and monitored by computer, will sound an alarm if it appears that a physical outbreak is about to erupt. The SI devices have been successfully installed in Holland, and London is considering them for the 2012 Olympics. There have also been inquiries from Washington, D.C. and New York. Soon Big Brother will not just be watching, he will be listening as well.


Read More | Sound Intelligence

Gallery: Security System Detects Violence by Listening

Kitchen Robot

More than 40 Robotics and Information Technology professors at the University of Tokyo and 4 year’s worth of work have produced this kitchen bot that can pour you a cup of coffee and clean up afterwords. They say one of the positive aspects of robots is that you do not have to be concerned with politeness as you would with humans. The team is hoping that they can apply this basic technology not only to households, but hospitals as well. We don’t care what it will ultimately cost. We are just grateful that Rosie the Robot from “The Jetsons” will soon become a reality.


Read More | Daily Mail

Gallery: Rosie the Robot Becomes Reality

AromatherapySouth Korea, as we all know, are oftentimes at the forefront of new technology. Interviews with 3,500 tech experts by their government recently came up with these results:

  • By the year 2012, it is predicted that cell phone batteries will last two months between recharges.
  • Around the year 2015, soldiers will be wearing waterproof, bulletproof clothing that will camouflage to alter its appearance.
  • Also by 2018, robots will be performing surgery, and some of them will be tiny enough to swim inside your body alongside blood vessels to correct anything that is not completely Kosher.
  • By the year 2015, the Internet will be able to deliver odors to a fragrance cartridge or other such gadget sitting next to your computer.

Although we admit that it is interesting to learn what experts predict for the future, we’re not sure that we are ready for Internet aromatherapy just yet.

Read More | BBC News

Gallery: South Korean Experts Predict Future Technology


The New Horizon spacecraft is expected to reach Pluto by the year 2015. Yesterday it swung by Jupiter’s gravity field so that it could pick up enough speed to continue on its way. The closest the New Horizon has come to Jupiter has been 1.4 million miles, which is near enough to capture photos of its “ocean” and four largest moons.  In June the spacecraft will move on towards Pluto.

This is not the first time that NASA has visited Jupiter, as you can see in artist Mike Wrathell’s Photoshop color-tweaking of its moon, IO, with bands of the planet in the background. Seeing it makes us want to be “Charles in Space,” too. 

Read More | NASA

Gallery: NASA Spacecraft Visits Jupiter

Mexican spotted owlEverybody wants to get in on the ringtone bandwagon, including New Mexico’s Center for Biological Diversity. The center is hoping that having a Mexican Spotted owl let you know you have received a call will draw attention to its being an endangered species. Free to download, 24,000 activists have already done just that at CBD’s web site.

Studies have shown that by 2008, up to 30% of wireless users are likely to forgo their land lines in favor of cell phones with Internet capability. That will be one heck of a demonstration. It’s certainly enough to draw attention to a person whose current ringtones come from her cat’s whining when she wants to play.

Read More | Center for Biological Diversity

Gallery: Save the Endangered with Free Wildlife Ringtones

Traineo logoTraineo has come up with a diet plan that gives you motivation from your closest friends or family members. The free service features support with software that enables your 4 buds of choice to receive weekly e-mails that track your progress. You can also meet others, count your calorie intake, keep stats on your own page, and get a daily diet training rating. We’re thinking that had we joined the service, we could have burned an extra 24 calories just by letting you know about it.

Read More | Traineo

Gallery: Lose Weight With Traineo Support

Yesterday we introduced you to an artist who designed a machine to toss beer. Today we have found Leonardo Obonanni, researcher at MIT’s Medialab, designer, and artist, who has created the DishMaker. Beginning with an acrylic disc, his gadget can create plates and different sizes of bowls and cups out of the same material. When you finish your meal, you simply melt it back to its original shape so that it can be recycled when you need another kitchen vessel. Obonanni claims the same disc can be recycled up to 100 times. We assume that you have to actually rinse it first, but imagine the colorful designs you can create out of pizza crust and orange peel.


Read More | Leonard Obonanni

Gallery: DishMaker Means Never Having to Clean Your Plate
