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TalismanThe Talisman M unmanned mini-submarine, which detects and destroys unexploded mines, has just been revealed above water in Hampshire, Great Britain. Designed in cooperation with a race car company, it is about the size of a small sedan. Built by BAE Systems, the sub can operate at depths of 490 feet and explode what it seeks via remote control robots.

Project manager Andy Tonge, said, “Talisman M can perform the type of dangerous roles currently performed by service men and women throughout the world - locate, identify and neutralize mines in one single mission without the need for human intervention.”

We were thinking it would be put to better use as a search and rescue vessel for lobster.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: Talisman Detects and Detonates Mines


MetroNapIf the RelaxOne makes you claustrophobic, perhaps the MetroNap will be more to your liking. The company claims that “cognitive performance disintegrates” without a 30-minute midday snooze. Designed for easy entry, it opens up for you to climb on board, then reclines so that you can start your powernap. When it is time to awaken, the pod’s programmable logic controller gets you up with a combination of lights and vibration. Lease one for you and your buds or contact MetroNap for a $14.00 one day pass at one of their locations.

Read More | MetroNap

Gallery: Power Up in the MetroNap

Solar Powered Car Yes, it looks huge, klunky, difficult to navigate and impossible to park. But hey, when’s the last time you built your own solar-powered car? Which is why we give inventor Saqr Bin Saif serious props for building his own environmentally-friendly vehicle. The DIY car utilizes four 170 watt solar panels, two batteries, and was built in only three months. Bin Saif’s baby can only reach a speed of up to 50 mph, but hey, it’s a start, and we look forward to his next car, which he promises will be more compact and faster.

Read More | Gulfnews

Gallery: Inventor Builds His Own Solar-Powered Vehicle


The Swiss company Medirelax has created a chair that is based on “the recognition and the respect of human physiological proportions.” They feel that the design will help you achieve holistic relaxation by taking a break from the world for 10 to 20 minutes, cocooning yourself inside, and playing the RelaxOne’s specially composed music. It’s designed to soothe your entire body by Psychoacoustic Stimulation, which creates sound frequencies that are similar to those sent out by your brain.

We think that’s a trifle spooky, and are wondering what would happen if we assumed the required position and let the RelaxOne work on the rest of our bodies while we kept our ears still connected to our iPods. Contact medirelax for a price which just may cost you a very stiff arm and a leg.


Read More | medirelax

Gallery: RelaxOne Psychoacoustically Stimulates

While we are not sure if the Cheddar Pegasus can change the world, we admire the ingenuity on behalf of its creator, I-Wei Huang, aka Crabfu. The animator/character designer for steam-powered video game characters decided it was time to bring his ideas to fruition. His latest creation, the Steam Beetle, is run by wireless remote as it puffs around your yard, and whistles while it


plays. I-Wei’s creations, which include the Steam Crab, the LocoCentipede, and the Trilobite Tank, are not for sale, but he freely shares his concepts so that you can build your own.

Read More | Crabfu

Gallery: Cheddar Pegasus Runs on its Own Steam

Rotten TomatoA University of South Carolina research team is currently developing a disposable dipstick to detect spoiled food. Taking less than 5 minutes, the stick changes from dark purple to red to indicate food that is in the process of spoiling, while yellow means that the food is completely decayed. The team exhibited their test findings at the recent 233rd National American Chemical Society meeting. We can’t wait until we get one of our own so that we can test that weird brown stuff that has been lurking at the back of our fridge since New Year’s.

Read More | EurekAlert

Gallery: Dipstick Gauges Food Spoilage

UFOFrance’s National Space Agency CNES has made its UFO files public by creating a website. Covering sightings over the last five decades, the Office for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena has gathered about 10,000 documents, which include images, police reports, and videos. They then offer explanations for some of them which so far amounts to about 9%. They plan to update their findings when new cases are reported. France is the first country to uncover its documentation and say that site has become so popular that access has almost become unattainable.  E.T., if you are hanging around Paris and can speak French, you can finally phone home.

Read More | CNES (French) via BBC

Gallery: France Makes UFO Info Public

3D ScannerYou won’t be able to claim that your extra pounds are really muscle any longer. Scientists at Select Research have developed a 3D Scanner that can accurately calculate BMI (body mass index.) So far the level of obesity has been determined by height and weight measurements, but the scan takes into account body shape and fat. The researchers plan on testing approximately 20,000 individuals over the next 2 years as a part of their study, then release the scanners to medical facilities at what they call an “affordable” cost. No matter what the price, we will still avoid them because we know that our excessive weight can be blamed on Pringles and Twinkies.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: Scientists develop Scanner to measure BMI


The day of the flying car is almost upon us. The Pal-V is actually a hybrid tricycle that tilts at high speed just like an ordinary motorcycle. Get it on a long stretch of highway, pop the tail out and unfold its rotors, and it can climb up to 4,000 feet at a speed of up to 125 mph. Vertically land or set it down without an engine with its auto-gyro.

The Pal-V runs on regular, biodiesel, or bioethanol fuel and is pushing for launch in the next couple of years. Although we realize that the ceiling is below that of commercial airspace and we probably won’t have to worry about hitting a small plane, we are still not convinced that some rampant goose heading south for the winter won’t collide with us.


Read More | Pal-V Europe BV

Gallery: Pal-V Takes to The Friendly Skies

Last month, we told you about Elekit’s robotic arm, and now we have discovered an electromechanical prosthetic hand created at the University of Tokyo which is strong enough to crush a can. With that grip strength of 33 lbs., it is also dexterous enough to pick up small objects. The bionic device weighs only 300 grams and is half the size of an adult’s hand. It operates with a series of pulley cables that runs through its fingers. We’re thinking of staging an arm wrestling tournament between the two just as soon as UT designs an elbow to go with the hand.


Read More | YouTube

Gallery: Bionic Hand is Mega-Strong
