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No More Sticky Situations with Clean Gum

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Misc. Tech, Science,
Scientists have finally created a water-soluble gum that won’t stick to the inside of your stomach or the bottom of your shoe. Revolymer’s Terence Cosgrove claims that Clean Gum tastes great, won’t adhere to hair or clothing, and is biodegradable. The gum is created with the addition of a polymer making it less gooey. It will become available commercially in 2008. We wonder if we will still be able to blow bubbles that won’t stick to our faces when they pop. Check Revolymer’s site to watch the gum in action.
Read More | Live Science
Gallery: No More Sticky Situations with Clean Gum
Exoskeleton Aids the Burden for Soldiers

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Misc. Tech, Science, Transportation,
MIT has found a way to lighten the burden for those in the military, at least physically. The Exoskeleton Leg Rack can take 80% of an 80 lb. load off its wearer although it will affect his/her normal walking pattern. Hugh Herr, principal investigator of the Biomechatronics Group, hopes that the device will allow soldiers to hustle without running out of breath and to carry heavier packs. He believes that about 20 years from now people will be buying leg racks instead of bike racks. We love when scientists do research for the military, knowing that eventually it will trickle down to those of us in the civilian sector, even if it takes another 20 years.
Read More | MIT
Gallery: Exoskeleton Aids the Burden for Soldiers
Biometric Watch Tracks Your Health

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Misc. Tech, Science, Wireless / WiFi,
Hitachi has developed a Biometric Wristwatch. While working 24 hours a day for 10 consecutive days, it will analyze your pulse, your sleeping habits, and your exercise routine. Based on a prototype they developed two years ago, the watch now has a lighter weight of 40 grams and is half the size at 43 x 35 x 15 mm. You only need to connect to your PC (wirelessly) to read the data. We think that we are already nervous about a device that tells us that we eat too much and exercise too little. Expect it to hit the market in 2008.
Read More | Industry Watch
Gallery: Biometric Watch Tracks Your Health
Doctors Use PMPs for Stethoscopes

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Misc. Tech, Portable Audio / Video, Science,
Next time you see your doctor sporting an iPod at work, do not think that she/he is slacking off. Neil Skjodt, of the University of Alberta, claims that even the most modern of stethoscopes do not have the purity or clarity of sound of MP3 players. He also mentioned that they have the added feature of being able to store recordings for future reference. While PMPs will surely not replace stethoscopes, we suspect that the technology will contribute to the future of medical care in finding such complications as heart murmurs.
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Gallery: Doctors Use PMPs for Stethoscopes
Steve Fosset Search Continues on Google Earth

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Google, Internet, Misc. Tech, Science,
Adventurer Steve Fosset and his plane still have not been recovered after about 2 weeks. A few organizations teamed up to find him with the use of a GeoEye satellite that is tracking the Nevada territory where he was last thought to be. Using Google Earth, you can get in on the search. You will have to download a KML file and cut and paste the coordinates in the “Fly To” box. Think of the ramifications for finding others missing that using this technology will be able to accomplish in the not so very distant future.
Read More | Live Science
Gallery: Steve Fosset Search Continues on Google Earth
Speecys Breaks Up Your Day

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Misc. Tech, Science, Videos,
They say laughter is the best medicine. That must have been the thinking behind the creators of Speecys SPC-101C. At a height of 33 cm and a weight of 1.5 kg, the guffawing bot features a 22+LED display, 2 stereo speakers, a 270,000-pixel CMOS Color Video cam, and wireless capability. We think that perhaps he is laughing and dancing because someone was dense enough to shell out the $3,000. And yes, for the record, we realize the Speecys is a cleverly disguised homophone.
Read More | Speecys
Gallery: Speecys Breaks Up Your Day
Google Offers $30 Million Bounty for Private Moon Landing

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Google, Misc. Tech, Science,
We suppose that Google is not satisfied with its new Sky, but then again maybe they have just gone a tad space loony. The company has offered a $30 million reward to the first private company that sends a robotic rover to the moon and sends back a gigabyte of images.
Partnered with the X Prize Foundation, who hosted the contest that sent non-astronauts into space, Google says that the rules involve the device traveling at least 1,312 feet across the surface and having high-def video and still cameras to send self-portraits, panoramic views, and near-real time videos. More details will become available during the WIRED Nextfest in LA this week.
Read More | ABC
Gallery: Google Offers $30 Million Bounty for Private Moon Landing
New PSA May Curtail Whaling

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Editorial, Misc. Tech, Science, Videos,
We admit that we dig anime. We are also partial to saving the whales, many of which are now on the endangered list. Combining the two concepts in hopes that Japan will stop the slaughter in its Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, Greenpeace released this animated short there to publicize the issue. We understand that after the postwar period that the Japanese needed the large mammals as a source of protein, but since the country is now at peace, the poor creatures should be allowed theirs as well. Created by Yamamura Koji, we wanted to share this fine piece of art that also has a message.
Read More | Japan Probe
Gallery: New PSA May Curtail Whaling
Microsoft and Tmsuk To Unite in Robotics Bliss

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Design, Microsoft, Science,
Microsoft has teamed up with former factory automation and now robotics company Tmsuk to develop what they feel will be cutting edge technology. As of now, there are many different systems being used and the company would like it if they were more standardized and used one, preferably their Robotics Studio.
Professor Atsuo Takanishi at Waseda University mentioned that it remained to be seen if Microsoft can make their dream a reality. “But I don’t think it is very difficult to modify the existing technologies developed with other operating system—such as Linux—into a Microsoft version.”
We like the idea that companies are getting together and don’t really care who is in charge as long as they just keep those bots coming, hopefully at a price everyone can handle.
Read More | Space Daily
Gallery: Microsoft and Tmsuk To Unite in Robotics Bliss
Rugs Vividly Portray Earth and Moon

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Smart Home, Science,

Instead of projecting our planet and moon on your ceiling, why not walk all over it? These rugs are created out of virgin wool in six colors. The Earth Rug has a diameter of 98.5-inches with a huge price of $2752.80 while the Moon is 47.25-inches and can be yours for $824.60. At prices like that, perhaps it would be best to offer the rugs to traveling aliens who are looking for souvenirs to take back to their planets instead of the usual t-shirts.
Read More | The Magazine.Info