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BabyglowAny first time parent knows the panic when their newborn appears to have a fever and drives their physician crazy with constant calling, only to be told a simple solution or to calm down. Chris Eberjer came up with Babyglow, clothing that changes color when the baby’s temperature is rising. Available in blue, pink and pastel green, the garment turns white when the temp is over 98.6º. They will become available in October for £20 (~$35.00) per pack. Until then, if your baby’s face looks redder than normal, that might be an indication that something is wrong.

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Gallery: Babyglow Color Changing Clothing


RCBCollege of William and Mary researchers are working on RCB (real-time collaborative browsing) to make things easier for those who want to surf together, such as businesses with customer support or distance online education. The first person installs a Firefox browser extension that can generate a session URL to send to others. When up to 10 others click on it, they are sent to a page that connects to the first browser. Not yet available for the masses, the team is hoping that browser companies will adopt the technology.

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Gallery: Real time Collaborative Browsing

MoonThank goodness all is well with NASA’s LRO and LCROSS. The LCROSS is already streaming video back to earth and will crash land on the moon Oct. 9 to look for water on the South Pole. The LRO just completed the last of its four engine burns and has settled into a comfortable orbit. It will be compiling 3D maps of the surface for about a year. All told, it will provide more data than any other mission.

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Gallery: NASA Probes Successful

Iqbal M. Shaikh ImageSujoy K. Guha from the India Institute of Technology in Kharagpur has created a biventricular pump (artificial heart) with two ventricular pumps of interconnected diaphragm chambers. Run by a battery driven motor, his inspiration was a cockroach heart which has up to 13 chambers, while the human only has four. When one fails in a human it creates a heart attack but when one goes bad on a cockroach, it just keeps going. So far it has been successfully tested on a frog and Guha plans to try it out on a goat.

Read More | Telegraph India

Gallery: New Aritificial Heart Design from Cockroach

Atlas Liftoff

Although a space shuttle mission was canceled because of a hydrogen gas leak, NASA successfully launched its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter on an Atlas V rocket along with a Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite yesterday. Sent off at 5:32 p.m. ET, the LRO, scheduled to reach its destination June 23, has a mission is to look for potential landing sites for astronauts while the LCROSS will be looking for evidence of water on the moon’s poles.


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Gallery: NASA Launches Moon Probes

Internet HealthIn a recent study from Pew and American Life Project, it was found that those who use the Internet for health information almost doubled in the last couple of years. Frequenters increased from 31% to 60%. The survey group contacted 2,253 people by landline and 502 by cellphone and found that 86% consult a health care professional while 68% ask friends or family. We expect that part of the reason is the high cost of health care these days. What the survey doesn’t say is how many of those are hypochondriacs who tend to jump to WebMD at the first sign of a rash.

Read More | ABC News

Gallery: More Now Use Internet for Health Information

Zeo Clock

If Jaime Sommers is wrong when she says that the cause of insomnia is because we don’t have a Sleep Number bed, at least we can now find out more scientifically. The Zeo Personal Sleep Coach alarm clock includes a wireless headband that reads your brainwaves and transmits the data to the clock’s SD card. When you get up, transfer the info to your PC, upload results to Zeo online and they will suggest what you can do to get a decent night’s sleep. At a cost of $400.00, they had better not tell you to drink a glass of warm milk or take a hot bath.


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Gallery: Zeo Personal Sleep Coach Alarm Clock

Vine ScreenshotMicrosoft Vine was conceived during Hurricane Katrina as a means of helping people cope both before and after the disaster. Now the beta software can be used as a social tool. Enter your address on the Dashboard and you get the location on a map as well as news and safety information. Invite others to join you and arrange them in groups. Receive any alerts from email, SMS or the Vine client. Ask for an invitation to help test drive the beta version with the promo code 09AAA to speed up the process.

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Gallery: Microsoft Vine beta Social Software

Veho MicrosoftRemember back in school when microscopes were huge? Not anymore, as evidenced by these two from Veho. The VMS-001 has a magnification of 20 to 200x (plus digital zoom in 640x480 view) with 1.3 megapixel for GBP 49.95 (~$81.00.) The deluxe VMS-004 has a 20 to 400x magnification with 2 megapixels and a price of GBP 79.95 (~$130.00.) Each of them attaches by USB, has a CMOS lens and removable cradle arm, and can be used to examine that weird stuff between the keys of your keyboard or as a freaky webcam.

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Gallery: Veho USB Microscopes


Help the World Wildlife Fund by purchasing a 2.2-inch Penguin 16GB USB drive. Designed to look like the real Emperor Penguin, it is made of non-toxic silicone rubber and comes with key chain. Compatible with USB 2.0 and 1.1 and both Mac and PC, 5% of the $42.95 price goes to the WWF. And if bears are more your style, select the 2.5-inch 16GB Panda USB Flash Drive for the same price.


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Gallery: WWF Penguin and Panda Flash Drives
