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DescriptionThis week’s DVD release list is highlighted by the absolutely brilliant Ray, which comes in the normal flavor as well as a Limited 2-Disc Special Edition. If you haven’t seen this one yet, do yourself a favor and give this one a rent at the very least. I am gonna wait for it to be available on HD PPV. Of course, if you are more in the mood for something that will make you feel like tearing your eyes out, go for The Grudge for its spookiness - or Mulan II for its, um, ungoodness. Here are the rest of the week’s releases:

~ Taylor Hackford
~ Les Sheldon
~ Katie Finneran
~ Richard Gere
Ray (Limited 2-Disc Special Edition) ~ Taylor Hackford
Mulan II ~ Lynne Southerland
Frasier - The Complete Fourth Season ~ Kelsey Grammer
I Love Lucy - The Complete Third Season ~ Lucille Ball
~ Sarah Michelle Gellar
Oz - The Complete Fourth Season ~ Lee Tergesen

Gallery: DVD Release List: 2/1/2005


Waiting for Star WarsWe know how excited a lot of you readers are about the upcoming release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. We really do. But guys, it doesn’t open until May. This means that you can continue living a full, happy, normal life until then! Now, someone go down to the Cinerama in Seattle and tell that to Jeff Twieten. You see, for some reason, Jeff has decided to wait in line for the new flick, which includes Darth Vader’s first big screen appearance in 20 years or so, starting now. He plans to wait in line for five months, and isn’t even sure if the theater he is waiting at is going to be showing the movie!

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Gallery: Camping Out for Episode III

DescriptionThis week brings a myriad of both newness and nostalgia. If you are up for something more recent, check out Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which was shot completely using green screen technology. If you want something a little older, you can pick up the second season of The Dukes of Hazzard. Want a mixture of both? Alien vs. Predator is also released today. More new releases after the jump.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 01/24/2005

Gallery: DVD Release List: 01/24/2005

Napster Movie DownloadsThe largely untapped genre of online movie distribution may soon find a home. Napster CEO Chris Gorog announced that Napster, the online music retailer, is considering adding movies to their list of available media. While downloading movies for a fee is nothing new, it is a genre that has yet to take off. The proliferation of broadband solutions, however, may make downloading movies easier than ever before. There is no word yet on whether the movies will be rentals or if you can keep them forever on your machine. Also in question is the format and quality of the movies, as well as if you will have the ability to record and burn them to a DVD. I don’t know how they plan to implement this, but I would reccomend an excellent business model to help combat the existence of online piracy. Not many people would pay too much for something they can already get for free.

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Gallery: Napster Considers Future in Downloadable Movies

Fantastic Four ThingIt seems like superhero movies are all the rage right now. Spider-Man 2 is doing great in DVD sales, Batman Beyond is getting some good press, and the new Superman movie has gotten a star named. However, did you know that the Fantastic Four movie will soon be hitting theaters, and that it looks pretty good? The X-Men movies has done tremendously well at the box office, and I expect that the Fantastic Four might do the same. If you want to check out some footage including Johnny Blaze (Human Torch), The Thing, and Dr. Doom in action, click here.

Gallery: Fantastic Four Movie Footage

Movie PreviewsHey, I personally enjoy all the movie trailers that show before the beginning of a feature film. I mean, how else am I going to know what is going to be coming out in the Summer of 2009? However, not everyone shares my sentiments. In fact, one Connecticut State Representative Andrew Fleischmann hates them so much that he is trying to get legislation passed that would force theaters to print the start time of the actual movie which patrons are there to see in addition to the start time of the trailers. This would give viewers the choice of arriving to see the previews, or for just the feature. According to the Cinema Advertising Council, an industry group, on-screen revenue for its members grew 45 percent from $190.8 million in 2002 to $315 million in 2003.

Read More | TechDirt

Gallery: Too Many Movie Trailers?

The VillageMany have been waiting to catch the latest from M. Night Shyamalan, The Village, on DVD. Not because it was a good movie or anything, but rather due to the fact that those who saw it in theaters told their friends to wait for it on DVD. You can pick up The Village starting now, along with some nice classics like Leon The Professional and Gilligan’s Island. More new releases after the jump.

Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 1/11/05

Gallery: DVD Release List: 1/11/05

DVD diskUnderGroundOnline has a new list of the Top 50 DVDs of All Time. Each DVD is accompanied by a short description and what is included on the disk or box set that makes it worthy of a spot on this list. Most DVDs on the list are special editions, as well as a few box sets of trilogies and epic films. The best DVDs on the market often include plenty of easter eggs and hidden features, and have extensive special features or bonus disks. If you are a movie buff, check out the list to see if there are any films that have missed your collection!

Read More | UGO.com

Gallery: Top 50 DVDs of All Time

MPAA Spyware for P2PFrom the "What are they thinking?" department, it appears that the MPAA is going to release a free spyware program that will allow a person to scan a computer to see if there are peer-to-peer programs installed on it. The program is aimed at parents, to aid them in finding out what is on the PC's of their children. In addition to identifying P2P programs, the software will also identify if songs or films have been downloaded. The application will also guide the user in removing material or programs. Sounds nice, until they admit that the software does not distinguish between songs and content that have been legally downloaded and those that may be illegal. So youngsters, time to back up your iTunes collections!

Gallery: MPAA to Release P2P Spyware

Where's that train headed...?

Motion capture has been explained a million times on past DVD extras. The interesting thing about about "The Polar Express" was that Tom Hanks supplied the motions for four of the characters: a hobo, a boy, the conductor and Santa himself. Plus, they used 152 miniature motion capture sensors to capture facial movements as well. They've been hyping the "breakthrough" technology to publications for weeks before the release. Sure enough, the vistas and the animation has been heralded as stunning, except for a problem with unnaturally "dead-looking" eyes of the characters. We think that the box office results have been hampered by the marketing potential of the story, plus stiff competition. Last weekend, the film brought in only about half the box office results of The Incredibles, which was then running on its 2nd week.

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Gallery: Behind the Scenes: “The Polar Express”
