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JS8 Media has unveiled its QuartzCube 1.0 for Mac owners, a wide angle video cube that can be configured on your PC. Up to six videos or photos can be displayed on each face of the cube with a free download of software. Users can then adjust it to manipulate its rotation. Described as a “lava lamp for the modern day,” it supports QuickTime, MPEG4, AVI, and other video formats, and will work on Mac OS X 10.4 or later.


Read More | JS8 Media

Gallery: QuartzCube Offers Mac Users Free Software


Intelius logoIntelius, the online people search site for names, addresses, phone numbers, background checks and more is now selling cell phone numbers at $15.00 a pop. The company claims it has 90 million such listings now and will have an additional 70 million in the coming weeks. How many senators and representatives will get constant phone calls before they decide to pass a bill making this illegal? None, we think. Although cell phones are seemingly the last bastion of privacy, it seems more likely that this will go the way of landlines, where you have to pay to be unlisted.

Read More | ABC

Gallery: Cell Phone Numbers Made Public

Elvis Piano

A part of Elvis is up for bid on the block through August 18. Part of the original furnishings at Graceland between 1957 and 1969, the Knabe & Co. Baby Grand was built to personal specifications in white with gold trim and comes with a bench that includes a covered cushion. Don’t even think about making a bid unless you can come up with the $250,000 minimum. We realize that the upkeep at Graceland is probably expensive, so think of it as a large donation to helping out the King, just in case there is another sighting. Late one night you might hear some ghostly strains of “Love Me Tender.”


Read More | eBay

Gallery: Elvis Piano Auctioned on eBay

Geek Speak T-Shirt

For those of you with buds that text or code better than they speak, these are the shirts for them. Cafe Press allows you to buy others’ or design your own and sell shirts, stickers, buttons, coffee mugs, and other items on their site free of charge. They set a base price, you add on a mark-up, and they mail you the commission once a month. Although the site has been around for a while, its users are just now catching on to the fact that the Internet and text messaging sells.


Read More | Cafe Press

Gallery: T-Shirts Speak Geek

Ban Ki-MoonThree hackers broke into the United Nation’s website this past weekend, posting the message, “Hey Ysrail and Usa dont kill children and other people Peace for ever No war.”  Identifying themselves as “kerem125,”  “Gsy,” and “MOsted,” this and other messages were posted on pages that were used for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. That same group claims to have hacked into several websites. After taking down the “offensive” pages, the original words were put back. Although we are not sure we agree with the means, it seems to have been intended as a caring end.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: Hackers Protest on UN Website

Folger Commercial Entrant

While we were doing research on women who have better memory retention by drinking coffee, we noticed that Folgers is willing to help you age with more awareness with a free sample. We call that great timing. They also invite you to make your own commercial on their site, and they will donate $1.00 to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (up to $150,000) each time you create one or vote for others’. We figure that you will get such a rush from the caffeine in their gourmet coffee that your creativity will kick into maximum mode.


Read More | Folgers

Gallery: Drink Free Coffee, Make a Commercial, Aid the Homeless

Garage Sale ApplicationNo sooner have we updated you about the latest additions to Facebook than we find that Buy.com has opened up a Garage Sale on the social networking site. The application allows users to buy and sell items on their profile page. The site will process the sales and reimburse sellers via PayPal or check minus a flat 5% commission for items sold, as opposed to eBay’s listing and final transaction fee.

Chief Executive Neel Grover feels that Garage Sale encourages users to spend more time looking at and connecting to other profiles, which makes any deal between them more personal. While there is no real haggling ability as yet on the FB beta site, people can email bids to each other. Anyone want to buy some swampland in Florida?

Read More | Post-Bulletin

Gallery: Garage Sale Comes to Facebook

BookSwim Logo

is the granddaddy of the rent-by-mail craze, making it tres easy to rent DVDs and video games without stepping off your curb. Now comes BookSwim, with the same paradigm: create a queue of books to read, wait for them to be shipped to you, send them back when done so your next title can be sent out. No shipping or late fees, and keep the books as long as you want. BookSwim claims to have over 150,000 titles, and plans range from $20 USD (3 books at-a-time) to $36 USD (11 books!). We’re curious to see if BookSwim takes off, as it faces stiff competition from a little something called the Public Library, which we hear is free. But, if you live far from the library, BookSwim could be worth a shot.

Read More | BookSwim

Gallery: BookSwim is Like Netflix for Books: But Will it Succeed?

Tied the Leader Foundation

Tied the Leader is a gaming community that’s existed for nearly two years, and is founded on the premise of honorable conduct and fair play. The group also has a charity branch, known as the Tied the Leader Foundation.  Just recently, they announced their first donation to Azalea Charities, which supports wounded war veterans. The Tied the Leader Foundation raised $500 in seven months of planned events, donations, and revenue from merchandise.

“The Tied the Leader Foundation was created to give back to those from whose culture we borrow so very frequently. It’s a means of offering our humblest thanks to the people that make the safety of our couches their personal responsibility,” said Tied the Leader’s David Dague. “We seek not to make a statement about the virtue of war – or the ones currently being fought. Instead, we seek to recognize the sacrifice of the people who march when the order is given, and to help them when they fall.”

For more information on the Tied the Leader Foundation’s mission or Azalea Charities, click here or here, respectively.

Read More | Tied the Leader Blog

Gallery: Tied the Leader Charity Raises Money For War Vets

SpamHave you ever wondered how you get on spam lists? Aside from the obvious way of signing up for sites and having them spread around your name and e-addy, we received this scam

offer in our e-mail for a list of almost 800,000 licensed MDs in the U.S. from Denmark. It features over 17,000 e-mail addresses as well as primary and secondary specialties fields, first and last name, title, address (city, state, zip, and county), medical school attended, location of residency training, phone, fax, website, graduation year, and hospital or group association. The price for this supposed prize is $397.00 and comes with a bonus list of hospitals, dentists, and other health related industries tossed into the deal. How’s that for feeling a Big Brother pinch?

Gallery: Spam Lists Circulate in E-Mail
