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FP Easy LinkThe Holidays are practically upon us, at least according to the Toy Industry. The last generation began using computers in grade school, and Fisher Price would like to begin this one right after potty training. Their Easy Link allows toddlers to place smart keys into a “launch pad” to hook up to kid-friendly sites such as Sesame St., PBS Kids/Dragontales, and of course Fisher Price. The nice thing about it is that it also blocks access to your hard drive and PC (not for Macs.) The system includes a USB cable and software for easy installation. Recommended for tots 3 and up, it’s available for $30.00, with other keys sold separately. Just don’t lick the Cookie Monster.

Read More | Fisher Price

Gallery: Easy Link Teaches Internet to Tots


BlueTinum SystemDenmark’s BlueTinum has released its ultimate Internet Home Entertainment System. It features an FM tuner, DAB Radio, MP3 and DVD playability, iPod cradle, and PC streaming. It also comes with a remote, an SD/MMC cardreader, and USB connectivity. There are optional speakers available for those who want their music beyond the 2 x 15W level. The company offers differing models depending on features desired. Look for the BT-H1505 and the in the upcoming months with an MSRP starting at €69,00 (~$97.00.)

Read More | BlueTinum

Gallery: Internet Home Entertainment System Unveiled

Skitch review

The geniuses over at Plasq have created another application, and while it hasn’t won any awards yet (it’s still in beta) but it’s certain to do so shortly. allows you to show the world something on your effortlessly rather than try tell them about it in writing or sending massive and unmanageable screenshots. I’m 5 minutes into my experimentation with it and I already can tell this is one of the coolest applications I’ve played with in a while. It makes image capture and annotation a breeze, and does it all with a highly polished elegance.

Skitch allows you to capture screenshots, windows, webcam images, and all sorts of other media into its editing window. Once you have a base image it’s easy to annotate and edit the image with text, handwriting, or other shapes then one click saves it up to the Skitch site on the web for easy sharing. If you don’t want to go the upload route it’s easy to drag your creation into any other application on your Mac, or just save the finished file to disk.

Stay tuned for a much more in-depth review over the next couple of days so stay tuned and check back for more info on this delicious little software treat.

UPDATE:As amazing as the Skitch application is that’s not everything Plasq is throwing on the table with Skitch. Now that I’ve spent a few more minutes with it the service side of Skitch is starting to shine. The ability to save and upload one of your creations (skitches?) to the Skitch service with a single click is wonderfully simple and well implemented. Once the upload is complete you are taken to a webpage for that creation where you can share it with friends as simply as pasting a link into an IM, e-mail, or forum and you can instantly share what you just created. Check out the Skitch page for the photo above.

UPDATED UPDATE: Gear Live’s in-depth review of Skitch has posted - check it out!


Read More | Skitch by Plasq

Gallery: Skitch: Micro-review 5 minutes in

Amazon MP3 Download Service

The e-commerce giant Amazon.com has launched their own music service: AmazonMP3. AmazonMP3 now offers -free tracks in the MP3 format from a variety of artists on their website. Amazon has chosen the widely supported MP3 file format which ensures comparability with s, s, most modern cell phones, and virtually any computer or digital audio player users wish to use.

The MP3 files weigh in at 256kbit so they won’t sound quite as good as iTunes 256kbit AAC files, but certainly will sound good enough for anyone but the most golden-eared audiophile. The fact that the MP3 files are DRM-free ensures not only broad compatibility, but also that users won’t ever have to worry about authentication or license revocation. It is currently unknown if Amazon will be adding audio fingerprints or other watermarks to the music to tie an individual file to the downloader to help cut into piracy.

Click to continue reading Amazon launches DRM-free MP3 download service

Read More | AmazonMP3

Gallery: Amazon launches DRM-free MP3 download service

TelemarketingIf you signed up for the Do Not Call telemarketers list back when it began in June, 2003, you may not have to do it again if Rep. Mike Doyle has his way. Originally it was decided that one would have to re-register every five years, the FTC explained, to allow for changes of address and phone number. Doyle says that the list already removes those outdated numbers and feels it should be automatic. You can register your land line and cell phone numbers or file complaints at donotcall or by calling 1-888-382-1222.

It’s nice that someone up there in Washington may finally cut through some red tape to allow us something better to do with our time than having to call a number to be placed on a list which was created to keep us off another list.

Read More | ABC

Gallery: Do Not Call List May Become Automatic Renewal

John Edwards Dialogue

MySpace and MTV have teamed together to host a one-on-one Presidential Dialogue for John Edwards, which we means that various politicos and viewers get to grill him live. It will be on this Thursday, Sept. 27 at noon, like we are going to give up our all-important lunch hour. You can ask questions via both venues and a Flektor poll is supposed to track results, although we are not quite sure why that is necessary. We don’t know if all the candidates have MySpace pages and plans, but we did note while on Edwards’ page there was a clever Google ad for Mitt Romney sandwiched in there.


Read More | Mashable

Gallery: John Edwards Dialogue Set for MySpace and MTV

Global Incident Map

Can’t get enough terrorist attack information? The Global Incident Map provides worldwide locations of fires, biological and chemical warfare, bomb/explosives, and more. A scrolling list makes updates every few minutes, and you can click on “Display Events” to get more data. You can also use your mouse to move around and zoom in on specific incidents including links to videos, related sites, etc. We find it a scary thought that groups or individuals that caused the incidents may also checking the site as a sort of “Electronic Battleship” game.


Read More | Global Incident Map

Gallery: Site Locates Suspicious Activities

Now we know where the comical In people go when they feel crowded at YouTube. Harry Shearer (the voice of Mr. Burns/Rev. Lovejoy/Ned Flanders, etc. on The Simpsons,) recently posted his “Waterboarding, U.S.A” video, his comment on America with a Beach Boys twist. Check in on the 29th for his second hosting of his Silent Debate. Also on the site are bits by Janeane Garofalo and Ozzy Osbourne. Take a peek at the ones posted or try to upload one of your own. You might get to be the next guest voice on The Simpsons.


Read More | My Damn Channel

Gallery: My Damn Channel Features Funny to the Max

A-a-a-r, me mateys! Gather ye round afore the night be through as we be honorin’ a grand, beauteous day of piratin’. Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day and by the powers we be flyin’ the Jolly Roger, grabbin’ some grog ‘til we be loaded to the Gunwales, an’ tossin’ some greasy, lily-livered landlubbers an’ sprogs offen’ the plank. Join us an’ send yer wenches an’ mates greets to be carryin’ on the tradition. Sure ‘nuf ye be earnin’ yer place in Fiddlers Green, ye will!

(Thanky Malchy, me hearty!)


Read More | Yarr

Gallery: Ahoy There, Li’l Buccanneers!

Facebook LogoCreator Mike Zukerberg of Facebook is offering up to $250,000 for application developers. He is looking for individuals and/or firms to create what he refers to as “innovative and disruptive programs.” This can include music, digital projects, gifts, games, or any original ideas. The total $10 million is coming from the site’s backers Accel Capital and The Founders Fund - the new entity will be called fbFund. Facebook reportedly has about 41 million users, so if you want to compete, you had better get your game on now and remember to include a business plan with your submission.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: Facebook’s fbFund Offers Big Prize for New Applications
