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Imeem is a free online community where fans and artists can come to share music, videos, photos and chat about them. Imeem cut deals with Warner and several indy labels to provide over 3 million legal full-length tracks. With a customizable profile, you can create a playlist with fast-forward capability. Not only can you stream content with protection, you can get paid when others play your tunes or videos with their share revenue system.
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Gallery: Imeem Pays for Tunes
iYule TV, a Fireplace in Your Pocket

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Handhelds, Internet, Misc. Tech, Portable Audio / Video, Video Games,
‘Tis the season for a holiday Yule Log and this year you can download 30 minutes worth of a crackling fire with accompanying music for handhelds, PMPs, and MP3 players. Created by GeekBrief TV during a nostalgic moment, a portion of the proceeds from the originators and score composer of the iYule TV go to charitable orginizations. Prices are $5.00 for iPods and $7.00 for Macs, PCs, Apple TVs, or Xbox 360s. Order all three for $7.00 without the music if you are into the natural sounds of fire.
Read More | iYule TV Product Page
Gallery: iYule TV, a Fireplace in Your Pocket
MySpace to Have News Feed

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Editorial, Internet,

MySpace plans to adopt Facebook’s news feed. Fox Interactive Media President Peter Levinsohn said that it will come in different versions, one for work, family, and Internet
friends. Although his words were, “The concept of a news feed is something we are very focused on,” we see it as an attempt to keep up with the other guys, who steadily gain new applications and users. Either way, look for it to become a reality in the next 30 to 45 days.
Read More | Reuters
Gallery: MySpace to Have News Feed
The Lazy Way to Score a Wii

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Apple, Internet, Portable Audio / Video, Toys, Video Games,
Want a Wii but don’t want the early morning wait outside Toys ‘R Us or Target? Two websites will help you to obtain the elusive game system. Wii Chat will tell you places to pre-order plus links to eBay sellers, if cost isn’t as important as availability. Wii Tracker goes one better. It lists particular stores’ availability on not only Wiis, but other hot items such as TMX Elmo, Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo DS, iPhones, and RAZRs. Sure, you could look for these yourself, but why bother when these kind folk have done it for you?
Read More | WXYZ News
Gallery: The Lazy Way to Score a Wii
Transform Your Cell Phone Into a Web Cam

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Cameras, Smartphones, Internet, Misc. Tech, Wireless / WiFi, USB,
You can now have the capability of turning your cell phone into a Bluetooth or USB webcam for plugging into your laptop. Warelex’s Mobiola can screen capture you on Skype, Yahoo, YouTube, ICQ, AOL, and other IMs. The cam is compatible with Windows Mobile 5 and 6 devices including Smartphones, several Nokia phones, and some by Sony-Ericsson.The Mobiola is available for a free trial session for a week for up to 5 minutes at a time and is priced between $4.95 and $19.95, depending on your mobile phone.
Read More | Warelex
Gallery: Transform Your Cell Phone Into a Web Cam
Target Quietly Enters the Refurbished Business

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Hot Deals, Internet,
Psssst! Looking for electronics at a nice discount? Click on over to’s Electronics section and scroll down to the link called “Pre-owned Electronics.” There you’ll find an assortment of items that have been returned to the store in the past month…at reduced prices. For instance, they currently have a 52” HD rear-projection TV for $1000 USD, much less than its original price of over $1700. What else can you find? More Hi-def TVs, video cameras, iPods, and video game consoles. Target claims each item has been refurbished and inspected—and backs it up with the same 90-day return policy new items get. Can’t beat that, because Holiday season is here, people…
Read More | CNet
Gallery: Target Quietly Enters the Refurbished Business
While perusing bookmarks over the holiday, I came across technology and productivity blog Codswallop’s fantastic Freelancer’s Toolset. Yoav Ezer posted this list of 100 tools for freelancers back in May, and barring a few recent developments in the web app universe, it’s exhaustive and incredibly helpful. With apps covering organization, calendaring and to-do’s, money, storage, project management and productivity, writing and design, security and privacy, mobility and contact, marketing and networking, business and legal, contact and feedback, website tools, printing and packaging, revenue building and giving, and more - just about anything that a freelancer can use on the web to further their business can be found on this list.
Read More | Codswallop
Gallery: The Freelancer’s Toolset

Are you one of those “I-love-my-pet-as-much-as-I-love-my-kids” type? Join the club (that’s my cat Woody up above), which is why we may meet someday at, a “web portal” created by NBC and Proctor & Gamble. Think of it as AOL meets MySpace meets Petco and you get the idea. There’s tons of useful info including articles, links, message boards, videos and vet advice about dogs and cats (owners of hamsters, birds, rabbits, etc. will have to wait till the site expands), and of course lots of pet and non-pet advertising. But the site’s would-be piece de resistance is the “My Petside” section, still in Beta, where visitors are encouraged to create social networking profiles about themselves and their four-legged friend…and connect with other animal owners. A great idea bound to succeed, given our devotion to our pets—and heavy promotion on NBC’s “Today Show.”
Read More | PetSide
Gallery: is like MySpace for Pet Owners
Retrovo Amasses Others’ Black Friday Deals

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Hot Deals, Internet,

Retrovo is another site that makes your Black Friday shopping easier. The newly revamped site now features a search bar, a picture wheel of categories, a value map by ranges of price and features, and ratings by other consumers. With thousands of comparisons, you can read reviews, and browse manuals. They are offering some Black Friday TV deals such as Target’s 37-inch LCD for $549.00, a 42-inch 720p at Circuit City for $799.00, formerly $1,400.00, and Best Buy’s 42-inch HP-LC4276N that runs 1080p for $999.00, also regularly $1,400.00.
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Gallery: Retrovo Amasses Others’ Black Friday Deals

Obviously, we can never get enough of DIY photo applications and this seasonal one is no exception. ElfYourself was available last year from OfficeMax and now ScroogeYourself has been added. Do yourself, your family, your friends, your co-workers, or anyone else you think needs memorializing. It’s fairly simple. You just use a head shot, make a couple of adjustments, and the site will do the work and save it for you. What do you think about the pair of these guys? We call it some serious attitude!
Read More | OfficeMax