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Yahoo Japan has teamed with eBay to create a joint auction. The service allows the two countries to bid on both sites. Designed for simplified transactions between the two countries, this means that not only will the Japanese be able to bid on the Terminator Endoskeleton, but Americans will also be able to get a hold of some of those items that are only available in that country. The service should be up and running by the end of March 2008 and, depending on its outcome, may be offered in other countries.
Read More | <3 Yen
Gallery: Yahoo Japan Melds With eBay
Flickr devotees, you can now use Picnik editing to correct your images. It has become a simple matter of a click on the new “edit photo” icon above your picture. You can reduce red eye, crop and rotate, and alter exposure. Essentially, you are giving permission to edit and save your photos, and don’t be surprised if it takes a while to load Picnik’s interface. We admit we are partial to our Photoshop because when we screw up, we always have the chance to undo it. However, if you create something with Picnik you cannot undo it unless you have a Flickr pro account. For more Q&A, check out Flickr.
Read More | Flickr Blog
Gallery: Have a Picnik at Flickr
SuTree: Online community learning

Posted by Sparky Categories: Internet, Misc. Tech, Mods / Hacks, Science, Videos,
SuTree is a new community based education site aimed at bringing together e-learning content creators and their community. Much like a video oriented Instructables, SuTree allows users to create and share videos helping users learn anything from how to make cheesecake, to how to speak a foreign language. The recent boom of online knowledge silos is a fantastic boon for the entire world - sites like SuTree, Wikipedia, MAKE, and Etsy are helping everyone learn new things and share their knowledge using the power of the internet with the power of user-created content.
Go internet!
Gallery: SuTree: Online community learning
Designers Create Lamps for Geeks

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Internet, Misc. Tech,

We have discovered a new home for creative types called GNR8 Pipeline. Still in beta, it features such prototypes as these lamps. This Mosaic Pixellated piece, designed by &Design, says “the play of light through the myriad cubes has to be seen to be truly appreciated.” We also found this DNA Lamp built by Büro Für Form, perfect for any geek’s lab. Check GNR8 out for other cool ideas and artistic developments or feel free to submit your own.
Read More | GNR8 Pipeline
Gallery: Designers Create Lamps for Geeks

Keeping track of multiple projects? Gmail has now made it even easier to keep your inbox straight. The newly introduced colored labels make it easy to see at a glance what’s on your plate. Easy to create and edit, and even easier to add to existing filters, consider it another way to manage your email without actually having to look at it.
Gallery: In Brief: Gmail Introduces Colored Labels
Profiles In History Auctions Movie Memorabilia

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet, Misc. Tech, Movies,

Suppose you had an endless budget for the holidays. You could select the ultimate in gift giving at this upcoming auction from Profiles in History. Choose between the T-800 Endoskeleton from “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” ($80,000 opening bid,) Jean Luc Picard’s “Enterprise E” command chair from the Star Trek film ($45,000 open,), or a screen-used, full-scale T-Rex head from “Jurassic Park” ($60,000 opening bid.) For a few less bucks, you may be able to score Geordi’s Visor from “Star Trek: Generations” ($2,000 minimum.) Taking place December 13 and 14, if you win the lotto by then, show up yourself in Calabasas Hills, CA., or mail, phone, or fax a bid via eBay.
(Thanks, Marc)
Read More | Profiles in History
Gallery: Profiles In History Auctions Movie Memorabilia
Publish Your Great American Novel on Blurb

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Internet, Software,

What Cafe Press does for t-shirts and gift items, Blurb can do for aspiring writers. Download the Booksmart software for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista or Mac OS X 10.4.5 or later. Create your own cookbook, business project, wedding album, travelogue, or other idea with images, words, or a combination of the two. There are hundreds of templates to choose from, different book styles, and multiple fonts and colors. Softcover prices start at $12.95 and hardcover at $19.95 for up to 40 pages and $64.95 for 440 pages or more. You can give it as a gift or leave it on their site, and you will not be charged until it sells.
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Gallery: Publish Your Great American Novel on Blurb
AT&T says: 3G iPhone in 2008

Posted by Sparky Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Internet, Rumors, Wireless / WiFi,
AT&T‘s CEO Randall Stephenso let slip that a 3G iPhone is indeed on it’s way sometime in early 2008. This is an obvious evolution for the platform and is no surprise, but hearing it ‘right from the horses mouth’ certainly is a nice reassurance. While the exact timing of the release is unknown, he did indicate it would likely be prior to May. Based on AT&T’s HSDPA technology the 3G iPhone would feature the same blazing download and upload speeds as other 3G devices currently on the market. Apple has yet to comment on Stephenso’s early-announcement.
Gear Live’s prediction: the announcement of the 3G iPhone will come hand in hand with a more proper unveiling of the SDK at Macworld, likely with a bump to 16GB of storage to match the current generation iPod Touch. Gear Live’s predicament: we can’t wait.
Read More | AT&T via iPhone Atlas
Gallery: AT&T says: 3G iPhone in 2008
Own A Piece of Ozzy

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Wearables, Internet, Music, Transportation,
We suppose that things are moving slowly for the Osbourne family as they are holding an auction at Julien’s in Beverly Hills as well as online this week. You can participate real time on the Auction Network if you can’t be there yourself. Bid on Ozzy’s Yamaha motor bike, a pair of his wire rim glasses, his Yellow Submarine Jukebox, or his Bentley Flying Spur. Also up on the block is the dress Sharon wore to meet the Queen and Zakk Wylde’s Signature Les Paul Custom Guitar. A portion of the proceeds are expected to go to Sharon’s Colon Cancer Foundation.
Read More | Julien's Auctions
Gallery: Own A Piece of Ozzy
Simulscribe Changes Voicemail to Text

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Internet, Misc. Tech,
Simulscribe is a way to get your voicemail sent to your cell phone or e-mail addy by text. We are certain that it would be more convenient to do so if you are in a theatre or a business meeting and awaiting either good or bad news. There is now a 30-day free trial available and if you decide to subscribe, it is for 40 per month for $9.95, with $.25 for each additional or unlimited messages for $29.95 per month for a limited time. A good deal if you are constantly missing messages, not so good if you use it when you are driving.
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