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Joost logoJoost has finally announced that they are now open for business. This means that if you are a beta tester you can now issue invitations for all your buds to join up as well. How truly clever of them to distribute it by word of “mouth.” Spokesperson Brian Baumly also told Gear Live that Turner will be distributing content such as CNN, Adult Swim, Sports Illustrated, Sony Pictures, and the NFL on their service. I would personally invite all Gear Livers to relish in the glories of this free online television, if I could just remember my password.

Read More | Joost

Gallery: Happy Birthday, Joost


ChinaChina never stays behind for long. News Corp. has just launched a test version of MySpace there. The service is to be China-owned with backing from the parent company. There is no word on who has the controlling interest, however.
“Based on the MySpace global brand and technology platform, we will develop products and features that are tailored to today’s Chinese citizens,” said Luo Chuan, a former Microsoft Corp. executive who is in charge of the venture.

MySpace is following in the footsteps of Yahoo, eBay, and other Internet companies that are partnering with the country.

Read More | CNN

Gallery: MySpace Heads for China

Sony Eye Camera

Sony has unveiled its latest Eye Camera that they are hoping you just can’t refuse. With a speed of up to 120 fps with a 320 x 240p resolution or 60 fps at a 640 x 480 VGA res, it features an adjustable zoom with a 56º field or a 75º for full body view. EyeCreate editing software is also included, so that you can save video and audio clips or images to your PS3 and apply visual effects. The mic array combines multidirectional tracking, ambience suppression, and echo-cancelling technology. Check with Sony for price and availibility.


Read More | Daily Tech

Gallery: Sony Reveals Eye Camera


NTT-Neomeitt has developed a system to remotely control home devices from cell phones. To utilize the U-Consento, users access a web page on their phone which signals a wireless router in the home or business. The signal then goes to an infrared transmitter, which acts as a universal remote. This carries out operations by an easily installable switch-on power outlets connected to home appliances, lighting, A/C, or A/V equipment not normally equipped with remote.

The U-Consento also gives the status of each device and keeps a record of operation status. Due for pilot testing from May to August, the company hopes to launch in September to NTT subscribers for a monthly fee of 500 Yen (~$4.18.) We are thinking we could hook up with someone there who could turn on our lights, turn up the heat, and make sure our crock pot is still preparing dinner as we battle our long drive home from work.

Read More | Pink Tentacle

Gallery: U-Consento Remotely Controls from Cell Phones

We know how you feel, Peter. There are few of us that cannot sympathize with the CEO of the company VocaLabs when it comes to getting rotten customer service over the phone. He became so frustrated during one recent attempt that he recorded it and decided to create a video out of the experience. We are talking about over 4 actual minutes of angst.

Interestingly enough, VocaLabs is in the business of creating better customer service. Let’s hope that HP, and other large corporations like it, hangs around YouTube long enough to learn their lesson and make our futile attempts in the future a bit more positive.


Read More | You Tube

Gallery: Bad Customer Service Becomes CEO’s Muse

Best NetGuardIf you’re a parent, chances are you’re concerned about your child’s internet activities, from who they’re chatting with to the sites their visiting to the amount of time spent online. We propose a gadget that could help: Best NetGuard. It’s a small remote control with two buttons: “ON” activates Best NetGuard, disconnecting your child from the internet. The “OFF” button re-connects them. The device works by enabling/disabling the ethernet connection on the PC. No software or tools required, and it works from a range up to 75 ft. Available for $40 USD.

Read More | Best Netguard via Coolest Gadgets

Gallery: Best NetGuard Helps Parents Control Kids’ Internet Activity

BlackberryRIM has decided to produce software for other phones so that they can do all the wonderful things that Blackberries can now do. The only catch is that your phone must already be running Windows Mobile 6.0. Once the software is installed, current Windows icons and layout are replaced by the Blackberry interface.

RIM is hoping to make the software available by September. Even though we would like the idea of owning our own “Strawberry” or “Rasberry,” we find that the cost of $30.00 to $50.00 a month and possible other added charges makes us want to keep our cell phones just the simple way they are now.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: RIM to Offer Blackberry Application

Wikipedia DVDWikipedia, the online encyclopedia that depends on volunteers to create its content, is now utilizing some of those volunteers to create a static version. Since its inception in 2001, the reference site has grown to more than 1.7 million articles just in English. The new DVD will concentrate on about 2,000 articles, with emphasis on mostly unchangeable topics such as geography and literature.

With a preliminary CD version already available for $13.99, the company is hoping that those without Internet access might be interested. We find a couple of hitches to that plan already. First of all, the CD version is so far only available through the project’s web site, and secondly, the only CD player some of us have is on our computer.

Read More | Wikipedia

Gallery: Wikipedia DVD to Become Available Soon

Gear Live T-Shirt

Have you ever had a terrific t-shirt idea but didn’t have much start up capital? Spreadshirt is the answer to your entrepreneurial dreams. They offer a free shop with a simple color print and one line of text for €3 (~$6.00.) You set your own price plus commission for each clothing article that is purchased. Set up a premium account and you can add more features, such as more intricate designs or more colors. Spreadshirt will even donate 3 Euros (~$4.00) for each shirt sold through May 16 to Earth Day International in honor of Earth Day, which is coming up April 22.


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Gallery: Spreadshirt Feeds Your Inner Entrepeneur

Sanjaya In their latest foray at becoming the preferred Internet portal, MySpace has begun to cover the news. They will cut and paste headlines from outside news sites, web journals, and category searches. The service will allow its users to determine what other members see. Viewers will be allowed to select from categories or geographical areas of interest.

The beta test utilizes Newroo technology from MySpace’s parent company News Corp., which it purchased last year. News Corp. also owns the Fox Network, so I expect that MySpace users will get their fill of the latest ousting on “American Idol.”

Read More | MySpace News via ABC

Gallery: MySpace Takes on the News
