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Evil Controllers Xbox 360

I am usually not one to go for third-party controllers. It is all about familiarity and once I am accustomed to something – I don’t want it to be changed.  Because of this, I was skeptical at first as I walked by the Evil Controllers booth at ; but Gears of War 2 was the game they were using to demo the game. How could I resist?

The controllers are a base model of the rapid fire controllers for the . The mod is operated by pressing and holding the modded button on the underside of the controller. 

The analog sticks or “Evil Sticks” feel incredibly smooth and can feel how this would improve your gameplay in First-Person Shooter game. Evil controllers also give you the option to customize the controller lights to blue or red, if you really want to fancy it up.

Although pricey, they are an upgrade to a official Xbox 360 controller.  If you are serious about your shooters, I would recommend giving these controllers a try. Evil Controllers run from $109.99-$169.99 and you can buy the “Evil Sticks” alone for $69.99.

Gallery: E3 2009: Evil Controllers hands-on impressions


blew our minds yesterday during the Xbox Media Briefing. Project Natal is a new method of playing Xbox 360, with no controller required. Instead, it “sees” your entire body, and tracks your movement in 3D, and even responds to voice commands, directions, and even your face. We’ve got a video demo for you above, which you should take a look at, as well as a bunch more info on this exciting product. Read on.


Click to continue reading Project Natal FAQ and video

Gallery: Project Natal FAQ and video


The PSP Go will be launching in North America and Europe on October 1 at a price of $249.99, as announced by Sony at their Media Briefing. Those in Japan will have to wait an extra month, as the system goes on sale there on November 1. Deemed the “worst-kept secret of E3,” the PSP Go is over 50% smaller, and 40% lighter, than the original PSP. It includes 16GB of on-board memory, built-in Wifi, integrated Bluetooth, a Memory Stick Micro slot, and most importantly, it drops the UMD drive. If $250 isn’t too rich for your blood, the PSP Go is yours in four months.

Gallery: PSP Go launches October 1, $250

Nintendo DSi

So, as we’ve already reported, Nintendo has announced the DSi, a spiffy new iteration of the DS franchise. There’s the larger screens, smaller profile, music playback, SD card slot…But what’s got everybody in a kerfuffle about it is the 3MP camera embedded in the system, both on the top and between the screens. The burning question now is what exactly Nintendo plans to do with the system, and how they’re going to integrate the features. So, if you want some uninformed opinion about the possibilities and future of the DSi, kindly hit the jump.

Click to continue reading Nintendo DSi: What does it mean for you?

Gallery: Nintendo DSi: What does it mean for you?

New DSAccording to Japanese business site Nikkei Net, Nintendo may be prepping to release a brand new (not pictured) by the end of this year. Supposedly, the new and improved DS will feature build-in music playback, better wireless performance, and, most interestingly, and onboard camera, all for less that 20,000 yen. There has not been an official press release by Nintendo, so you’ll want to wait and see how this develops, but it means that the new DS may integrate some of these features into new games, a la Final Fantasy: Before Crisis (which had you use your cell phone camera to craft materia). If past indicators hold true, it should arrive just in time for your Christmas shopping blitz, which would be fortunate, since the Wii has been perpetually sold out each holiday season - and I think that we’re all contractually obligated at this point to throw our money at Nintendo with every re-launch of a system.

UPDATE: Looks like we were right on this one, as Nintendo just announced the new Nintendo DSi!

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Gallery: Nintendo Possibly Readying New DS This Year, with New Features [UPDATED]

Xbox 360 system update

When you log in to Xbox Live today, you are gonna get a notification that a system update is available for you to download. We are here to let you down easy, and prepare you for disappointment. You see, we know that, like us, you are patiently waiting for that new Xbox experience dashboard that we saw back at . That is still scheduled for the fall. The update that you get today does nothing. Well, at least, it does nothing noticeable. According to our pal Major Nelson, today’s update “prepares for future growth of the service.” “Prepares”? What?

Nevertheless, go ahead and hit the install, just don’t expect anything fancy to come of it.

Gallery: Xbox 360 system update released, preparation for new Xbox experience

Wii Motion Plus

Right before this morning’s Xbox Media Briefing here at , Nintendo announced the new Wii Motion Plus controller add-on. Basically, Wii MotionPlus is an accessory that attaches to the end of the Wii Remote, allowing it to more accurately trace motion in 3D space by constantly monitoring and orienting the controller. Every movement you make with the WiiMote is rendered indentically onscreen, resulting in true 1:1 response. Basically, the device gives you the Wii Remote as it should have been since the start.

See the full release from themselves after the jump. We are sure we will be seeing at least one title tomorrow morning that supports the new accessory during the Nintendo Media Briefing.

Click to continue reading Nintendo announces Wii MotionPlus controller add-on

Gallery: Nintendo announces Wii MotionPlus controller add-on

PlayStation’s next PlayStation 3 software update, due out later this month, allows downloading of games, videos, and ring tones. The console is to be updated with Blu-ray Disc Profile 2.0 and BD-Live will be added to the PS3. The update includes “resume play” for both discs and DVD. You can also copy music and images on a PSP and use it as a remote for the .

We certainly are not surprised at this news as we think that Sony has been silently screaming,”Goody, goody, goody!” since the end of the disc war. While this is the first player that can access the Net, Panasonic also plans to release one with BD-Live later in the spring.

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Gallery: Sony Expands Blu-Ray Capability in PlayStation 3 with BD-Live

Mario Kart Wii

After hitting you with the Japan and European launch dates for , we are happy to bring you the news that the game launches here in North American on April 27th. That’s just a mere six weeks away before we can get our hands on all that racing wheel (Wii-l?) goodness. Just a reminder, Mario Kart Wii ships with the Wii Wheel, which is a plastic steering wheel that the Wii Remote can snap right in to, for a more intuitive driving experience.

“Mario Kart Wii transforms one of our most popular franchises into a race that every member of the family can join,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Driving with the Wii Wheel could not be more natural, and this is one place where speeding is encouraged.”

If you prefer not using the add-on, you will be pleased to know that the game works just fine with the Wii Remote all by its lonesome, as well as with the Nunchuk, Classic Controller, and even the Gamecube controller. Similar to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Nintendo went out of their way to ensure that gamers would be completely comfortable, regardless of their preferred style of play.

Just when we’ve just gotten into Brawl, we are already awaiting our next Wii game purchase. I mean, 16 new courses, 16 classic courses, 10 battle courses, and motorbikes? Who’s with us?

Gallery: Mario Kart Wii set for North American launch on April 27

Xbox 360 HD DVD player

Well, with the news that HD DVD had been killed by Toshiba, you knew that it was only a matter of time before the player was eliminated as well, right? Well, the time has come, as Microsoft sent us the following update:

As a result of recent decisions made by , Hollywood studios, and retailers, Microsoft plans to withdraw from HD DVD.  Xbox will no longer manufacture new HD DVD players for the Xbox 360, but we will continue to provide standard product and warranty support for all Xbox 360 HD DVD Players in the market.  As we stated earlier, we do not believe this decision will have any material impact on the Xbox 360 platform or our position in the marketplace.  HD DVD is one of the several ways we offer a high definition experience to consumers and we will continue to give consumers the choice to enjoy digital distribution of high definition movies and TV shows directly to their living room, along with playback of the DVD movies they already own.

Okay, well, shouldn’t that be “HD DVD was one of the several ways…”? So, now that we know that the Xbox 360 HD DVD player add-on will no longer be manufactured, if you really really want one, they can now be had for $49.99. That is 75% off of it’s original price, for those of you keeping track. So if you want a piece of recently outdated technology, now is your chance.

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Gallery: Microsoft ends 360 HD DVD production, slashes HD DVD add-on to $49
