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If you’ve always wanted to game while in the shower, this one is an interesting compromise. Digitalsoaps on Etsy has put together a ridonkulous Xbox 360 controller soap bar. The best part? It looks awesome. The bar of soap looks just like your typicaly chill-colored Xbox 360 controller, with rised buttons, analog sticks, and control pad. The bar of soap weighs in at seven ounces, and is scented with Mountain Dew fragrance oil - gotta keep it real. You can grab your own Xbox 360 controller soap bar for $12 on Etsy.
Read More | Xbox 360 Replica Soap Bar
Gallery: Xbox 360 controller soap replica
Guitar Hero player enters Guinness World Records, Rush still shunned from Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Activision, Culture, Music,
From the Department of Plastic Instruments, we present you this little nugget of wondrousness: While you were struggling with a bag of cheese doodles, 14-year-old Danny Johnson entered the Guinness Book of World Records by scoring an astounding 973,954 points on “Through The Fire and the Flames”, the Guitar Hero III song infamous as a destroyer of worlds and eater of babies. It’s a 99% attempt, which is less than previous title holder Chris Chike’s astounding 100% run-through (see above video), but it IS possible to get a higher score with careful Star Power placement. Hit the jump for the full press release.
Gallery: Guitar Hero player enters Guinness World Records, Rush still shunned from Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame
Five Awesome Games You Can Play on the Cheap

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Culture, Editorial, Hot Deals, PC, Xbox 360,

Now that we’re over the holiday hump (i.e. every game imaginable being released at the same time, oh god, why do you do this to me), a lot of sites and publications have been putting together lists of games to look forward to in the new year. Me? Nuh-uh. I don’t have the cash for that. Fallout and Dead Space alone have depleted my gaming funds for a while (not to mention a certain 360 dying enough times for me to wish ill on its relatives), and if you’re like me, you want a cheap alternative until your funds recover. Hell, even if you don’t need it, you can’t pass up a quality gaming experience on the cheap, but being a penny-pinching bastard like myself tends to help heal those imaginary wounds. So, I’ve decided to put together a list of a few old-but-still-awesome games that you can get for slightly less than the cost of a night with your mom, though they’ll probably last far longer.
You may want to note that some of these games are older and may stutter and wobble and spurt blood if you’re running more than Windows XP, so you may want to check your compatibility before you plunk down the green to have them downloaded to your inferior operating system, muahaha. Hit the jump for the rundown.
Click to continue reading Five Awesome Games You Can Play on the Cheap
Gallery: Five Awesome Games You Can Play on the Cheap

For those of you who may not know, the Global Game Jam is a worldwide game-off where hundreds of indie game developers will try to rapidly create games based on set criteria in just about 48 hours. This, if you couldn’t tell, is difficult as hell to pull off, but usually leads to a bunch of interesting games. It’s set to go from Jan. 30th to Feb. 1st, in which time the Game Jam will roll over time zones and get the developers cracking. If you’ve played a number of indie games released this year (such as Braid), you know what kinds of minds are going to be fueling this. On the same note, a worldwide keynote will be broadcast for the Game Jam by none other than Kyle Gabler, developer of indie game World of Goo (which, if you haven’t heard, is very very good). The description per the site:
In a Game Jam, participants come together to make video games. Each participant works in a small team on a complete game project over the course of a limited time period, usually over a weekend. With such a small time frame, the games tend to be innovative and experimental. The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the first of its kind: a game Jam that takes place in the same 48 hours all over the world! The global Game Jam will start at 5:00PM Friday, January 30, 2009 through 5:00PM Sunday, February 1, 2009, (all times local). All participants in the Global Game Jam will be constrained by the same rules and limitations, with each time zone having one distinct constraint.
Look forward to more coverage and information about the Game Jam as we learn it, or head over to the site to get it all straight from the horse’s mouth.
Read More | Global Game Jam
Gallery: Global Game Jam to Commence on Jan. 30th
Forbes Magazine calls Rock Band “Shameless Knockoff” of Guitar Hero, Alex Rigopulos’ Head Asplodes

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Activision, Corporate News, Culture, Electronic Arts, Music,

Hay fanboys, listen up! And before you read anything, the following was from FORBES, not Bobby Kotick, for the sake of Rock Band/Guitar Hero wars everywhere.
In a recent profile of Activision CEO and industry provocateur Bobby Kotick, Forbes decided to talk about a number of Activision bread and butter franchises, such as Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater (whose empty, frail husk now litters that halls of Activision, milked clean of its sweet, sweet nectar). Somewhere around the end, though, is an interesting little snippet of text:
“EA also teamed with MTV to sell Rock Band, a shameless knockoff of Guitar Hero that added drums, bass and a microphone to the world of make-believe rock stars. EA says it is returning to an “auteur model” of designing games, taking bigger chances on fewer ideas.”
Look, we should all see this kind of writing for what it really is: Unresearched and inflammatory. Even if you didn’t know that the Rock Band guys are the guys who made Guitar Hero in the first place, it’s a wee bit unprofessional to take sides. I’ve worked for Activision, and they’ve said some crazy things regarding the music game timeline, but don’t confuse the quote as coming from Kotick.
Funny how they don’t mention Guitar Hero: World Tour anywhere.
Read More | Forbes
Gallery: Forbes Magazine calls Rock Band “Shameless Knockoff” of Guitar Hero, Alex Rigopulos’ Head Asplodes
Son Shoots Parents When They Deny Him Halo

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Culture, First Person Shooters, Microsoft,
To teen Daniel Petric, Halo 3 is more than just a game. He became so angry at not being able to play it that he shot his father and killed his mother with his dad’s gun. Apparently, his parents didn’t want him to buy the game and caught him with it when he tried to sneak it into the house. Father Mark then put it in a lockbox in his closet that housed a 9mm handgun until his son retrieved both. Daniel’s lawyers claim their client has been under stress because after an accident and staph infection, he had been homebound for a year with nothing to do but watch TV and play video games. Daniel and Mark, can you say books?
Read More | The Plain Dealer
Gallery: Son Shoots Parents When They Deny Him Halo
eBay 2008 Top 10 Desired Items

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Culture, PlayStation 3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360,

If you are thinking of trying your hand on eBay to make some extra cash or looking for that elusive hot gift, you might as well know what other folks are mostly seeking. Here is a list of the top 10 most desired items in 2008 and how many were actually sold. Not surprising, most buyers were seeking game systems.
1. Nintendo Wii: 2,056,866 related items sold
2. Microsoft Xbox360: 1,297,903 related items sold
3. Sony PSP: 350,591 related items sold
4. iPod Touch: 281,361 related items sold
5. Nintendo Wii Fit: 266,584 related items sold
6. Apple iPhone 3G: 212,837 related items sold
7. BlackBerry Pearl: 207,688 related items sold
8. BlackBerry Curve: 193,788 related items sold
9. Sony Playstation 3: 103,333 related items sold
10. Guitar Hero III: 98,159 related items sold
Check out the entire list on the link.
Read More | CrunchGear
Gallery: eBay 2008 Top 10 Desired Items
Fallout 3 Life-Sized Statue Up For Auction

Posted by Aaron Zollo Categories: Accessories, Action, Culture, PC, PlayStation 3, Role Playing Games, THQ, Xbox 360,
We know a few of you out there are enjoying Fallout 3 so much, that you are looking for more ways to fully envelope yourself in the games post-nuclear world. If that’s you, keep reading. Up for auction at the Sam’s Club website is a 121 pound, 7-foot, 10-inch tall, Brotherhood of Steel statue. The current bid is $150 and ends on November 11th. If you are an avid collector of all things video game related, then don’t miss out on this statue—assuming you have room to store the massive piece of art.
Read More | Sam's Club
Gallery: Fallout 3 Life-Sized Statue Up For Auction
Nintendo DSi: What does it mean for you?

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Culture, Editorial, Hardware, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Portable/Mobile,

So, as we’ve already reported, Nintendo has announced the DSi, a spiffy new iteration of the DS franchise. There’s the larger screens, smaller profile, music playback, SD card slot…But what’s got everybody in a kerfuffle about it is the 3MP camera embedded in the system, both on the top and between the screens. The burning question now is what exactly Nintendo plans to do with the system, and how they’re going to integrate the features. So, if you want some uninformed opinion about the possibilities and future of the DSi, kindly hit the jump.
Click to continue reading Nintendo DSi: What does it mean for you?
Gallery: Nintendo DSi: What does it mean for you?
Watch Mario marathon for Child’s Play charity live

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Nintendo, Nintendo Gamecube, Wii,
You’ve gotta love the ideas that spawn from the gaming community. Piggybacking off the wonderful Child’s Play charity which was started by Penny Arcade, a trio of gamers have decided to band together and play through all Super Mario games over the course of the weekend to raise money for the worthy cause. Not only that, but they are doing it live. You can just hit the play button above to check out their live Super Mario Marathon stream. You get to see John, Dan, and Brian sitting around and chatting, and the game video and audio are even present as well. They started with Super Mario Bros., and will be playing right through to Super Mario Galaxy. That’s seven games in fifty-five hours. Epic.
We’ve already donated, and we think you should too. It’s a fun and creative way to bring attention to Child’s Play.
Good job, guys.
Super Mario Marathon